Nations Quotes

Text Quotes
The theoretical postulate of all diplomatic discussion between nations is the assumed willingness of every nation to do justice (Nations Quotes)
Keeping small nations enslaved because of the deals between the great nations or because of any pragmatic considerations that might have been there are totally unacceptable (Nations Quotes)
The use and threat of force, when world peace is not in danger, are no longer valid frames of reference for achieving the ends sought today by sovereign nations (Nations Quotes)
And occasionally some of the nations that will be partners in this would probably not be, in terms of passing a pure human rights check, have everything going for them that you would like to have (Nations Quotes)
For a long time many believed that there would be an automatic adjustment and counted on a rapid increase in the wages of the emerging nations, on our advances in technology and the costs of transport preventing disruption. But this reassuring analysis is out of date (Nations Quotes)
It is because nations tend towards stupidity and baseness that mankind moves so slowly; it is because individuals have a capacity for better things that it moves at all (Nations Quotes)
Any nation that refuses to hold intercourse with other nations must expect to be excluded from this family (Nations Quotes)
The nations must be organized internationally and induced to enter into partnership, subordinating in some measure national sovereignty to worldwide institutions and obligations (Nations Quotes)
Nations without a past are contradictions in terms. What makes a nation is the past, what justifies one nation against others is the past, and historians are the people who produce it (Nations Quotes)
If we go back in the history of different nations, violence and the use of force are part of their heritage. These are the traditions of mankind (Nations Quotes)
Texas will again lift it’s head and stand among the nations. It ought to do so, for no country upon the globe can compare with it in natural advantages (Nations Quotes)
Fortunately, the war has brought with it not alone a stark realization of what another war would mean to the world, but as well the creation of an international agency through which the nations of the world can, if they so desire, make peace a living reality (Nations Quotes)
In fact, effective solidarity with the poor, both individual persons and entire nations, is indispensable for the construction of peace (Nations Quotes)
There are lots of nations in the world or national peoples who don’t yet have states. They’re inside someone else’s state and they want a state of their own (Nations Quotes)
Nations are born in the hearts of poets, they prosper and die in the hands of politicians (Nations Quotes)
America has global trade with plenty of nations that provide inexpensive labor, but it’s better for us when they’re in our own hemisphere, rather than sending that business halfway around the world (Nations Quotes)
The fight against terror is a common imperative for democracies and must become so for all nations (Nations Quotes)
Hopefully, nations will refuse to accept a situation in which nuclear accidents actually do occur, and, if at all possible, they will do something to correct a system which makes them likely (Nations Quotes)
The great men of power who seek to change the nations they belong to usually are pretty terrible people (Nations Quotes)
Henceforth the leaves of the tree of knowledge were for women, and for the healing of the nations (Nations Quotes)
If the machinery for distribution in the present economic system of the world is incapable of properly distributing the productive wealth of nations, then that system is false and must be altered (Nations Quotes)
All nations are more tolerant of their own mistakes and weaknesses than of the mistakes and weaknesses of others (Nations Quotes)
Free nations with different histories, economies and a vast amount of stubborn pride will never achieve complete agreement, even when they desire the same objectives (Nations Quotes)
The statesmen still say that we should not interfere in the internal affairs of other nations and yet it is not possible any longer not to interfere, even when we do not mean to do so (Nations Quotes)
China is one of the world’s greatest proliferators of weapons of mass destruction to these rogue nations (Nations Quotes)
I think that the best hope for peace and prosperity in the world is greater cooperation among nations, which in turn will be produced if both our governments and the people of our countries travel more and get to know each other better (Nations Quotes)
We imagined that the mildness of our government and the wishes of the people were so correspondent that we were not as other nations, requiring brutal force to support the laws (Nations Quotes)
If nations could only depend upon fair and impartial judgments in a world court of law, they would abandon the senseless, savage practice of war (Nations Quotes)
As nations can not be rewarded or punished in the next world they must be in this (Nations Quotes)
It goes without saying that when survival is threatened, struggles erupt between peoples, and unfortunate wars between nations result (Nations Quotes)