Nations Quotes

Text Quotes
The language of music is common to all generations and nations; it is understood by everybody, since it is understood with the heart (Nations Quotes)
Winning the war on terrorism will also require a level of moral clarity that can provide a vision for struggling people and nations everywhere (Nations Quotes)
Extending over more than a century and including most nations of the globe, the cause of woman suffrage has been one of the great democratic forces in human history (Nations Quotes)
The nation will continue to be a central pole of identification, even if more and more nations come to share common economic and political forms of organization (Nations Quotes)
We’re all going to have to learn to live together and develop a greater tolerance and get rid off whatever our fathers gave us in the way of hatred between nations (Nations Quotes)
Civilization and the life of nations are governed by the same laws as prevail throughout nature and organic life (Nations Quotes)
India has no dearth of brave young men and women and if they get the opportunity and help then we can compete with other nations in space exploration and one of them will fulfil her dreams (Nations Quotes)
It is my contention that an agent ideal to the use of the scientific militarist, for both the air raid and the long distance bombardment is now in the process of development; that its eventual perfection is but a matter of time; and its use in warfare is certain to occur. I refer to the rocket. The perfection of the rocket in my opinion will give to future warfare the horror unknown in previous conflicts and will make possible destruction of nations, in a cool, passionless and scientific fashion (Nations Quotes)
You can’t buy peace by just wishing it and avoiding the challenges that other nations present to you (Nations Quotes)
Life springs from death; and from the graves of patriot men and women spring living nations (Nations Quotes)
Ireland that has wronged no man, that has injured no land, that has sought no dominion over others. Ireland is treated today among other nations of the world as if she was a convicted criminal. If it be treason to fight against such an unnatural fate as this, then I am proud to be a rebel and shall cling to my rebellion with the last drop of my blood (Nations Quotes)
The division of labor among nations is that some specialize in winning and others in losing (Nations Quotes)
Heaven has appointed me to rule all the nations, for hitherto there has been no order upon the steppes (Nations Quotes)
Every virile people has established colonial power. All great nations in the fullness of their strength have desired to set their mark upon barbarian lands and those who fail to participate in this great rivalry will play a pitiable role in time to come (Nations Quotes)
We do not control the trade of our resources, which are an important factor of prosperity for the dominant nations (Nations Quotes)
Without forgiveness there can be no future for a relationship between individuals or within and between nations (Nations Quotes)
Heads of warring nations could learn a lot about how to achieve lasting peace by watching dogs and cats who live in the same house (Nations Quotes)
We all understand that the debasement of a nations coinage is very pernicious and must prove disastrous to its commerce. How much more dangerous is the debasement of the spiritual coinage! (Nations Quotes)
There is no law by which to determine the superiority of nations; hence the vanity of the claim, and the idleness of disputes about it. A people risen, run their race, and die either of themselves or in the hands of another, who, succeeding to their power, take possession of their place, and upon their monuments write new names; such is history (Nations Quotes)
Nations have the wrong granularity. They’re too small to be global and too big to be local, and all they can think about is competing (Nations Quotes)
The language itself, whether you speak it or not, whether you love it or hate it, is like some bewitchment or seduction from the past, drifting across the country down the centuries, subtly affecting the nations sensibilities even when its meaning is forgotten (Nations Quotes)
One of the great challenges you will face is that a part of the world, and some in it, do not have or do not believe in a standard of moral values. Many in the world today operate on the basis of practical expediency. You have undoubtedly observed this yourselves. It has become a philosophy of life for many. This is true among nations as well as among individuals (Nations Quotes)
Nations are not ruined by one act of violence, but gradually and in an almost imperceptible manner by the depreciation of their circulating currency, through its excessive quantity (Nations Quotes)
Mother’s milk would be banned by the food safety laws of industrialized nations if it were sold as a packaged good (Nations Quotes)
Wherever we direct our view, we discover the melancholy proofs of our depravity; whether we look to ancient or modern times, to barbarous or civilized nations, to the conduct of the world around us, or to the monitor within the breast; whether we read, or hear, or act, or think, or feel, the same humiliating lesson is forced upon us (Nations Quotes)
Not all revolutionaries set out to change the world per se; some set out to change their own worlds. And in so doing, they often change the way one person, or a few people, or whole communities, or entire nations or the world thinks and operates in some significant way (Nations Quotes)
If a worker is deprived of hope to acquire some personal property, what other natural stimulus can be offered him that will inspire him to hard work, labor, saving and sobriety today, when so many nations and men have lost everything and all they have left is their capacity for work? (Nations Quotes)
Power is not happiness. Security and peace are more to be desired than a man at which nations tremble (Nations Quotes)
The smaller nations can in fact exercise greater influence on disarmament negotiations than they have hitherto done (Nations Quotes)
... the globalization that characterizes today’s economics goes beyond or eludes the sovereignty of individual states, and thus the power of their rulers. It is not they, but rather financial groups in control of vast amounts of capital, who decide upon their vertiginous passage through nations, without taking into account the serious crises they might generate (Nations Quotes)