Natural Quotes

Text Quotes
You put on a face for the public. The face isn’t false; it’s just another side of you. If it were false, you couldn’t last. People want something real and natural, and if they catch you acting, you’re dead. It has to look real. In order to look real, it has to be real, and I’ve always thought of the characters I’ve played as real people (Natural Quotes)
Being in your element is not only about aptitude, it’s about passion: it is about loving what you do... tapping into your natural energy and your most authentic self (Natural Quotes)
You’ve already got a natural glow, kind of of, cuz you’re drunk, so just make it like way more intense, everybody loves someone who’s so red in the face. Are you embarrassed? No, I’m just excited to be here. I’m normal, I swear. Do you want my phone number? (Natural Quotes)
You grow most in your areas of greatest strength. You will improve the most, be themost creative, be the most inquisitive, and bounce back the fastest in those areaswhere you have already shown some natural advantage over everyone else your strengths. This doesn’t mean you should ignore your weaknesses. It just meansyou’ll grow most where you’re already strong (Natural Quotes)
Human behaviour reveals uniformities which constitute natural laws. If these uniformities did not exist, then there would be neither social science nor political economy, and even the study of history would largely be useless. In effect, if the future actions of men having nothing in common with their past actions, our knowledge of them, although possibly satisfying our curiosity by way of an interesting story, would be entirely useless to us as a guide in life (Natural Quotes)
Nothing drives progress like the imagination. The idea precedes the deed. The only exceptions are accidents and natural selection (Natural Quotes)
When I look at the kids training today... I can tell which ones are going to do well. It’s not necessarily the ones who have the most natural talent or who fall the least. Sometimes it’s the kids who fall the most, and keep pulling themselves up and trying again (Natural Quotes)
The sort of dependence that results from exchange, i.e., from commercial transactions, is a reciprocal dependence. We cannot be dependent upon a foreigner without his being dependent on us. Now, this is what constitutes the very essence of society. To sever natural interrelations is not to make oneself independent, but to isolate oneself completely (Natural Quotes)
The morphological characteristics of plant and animal species form the chief subject of the descriptive natural sciences and are the criteria for their classification. But not until recently has it been recognized that in living organisms, as in the realm of crystals, chemical differences parallel the variation in structure (Natural Quotes)
Geology, perhaps more than any other department of natural philosophy, is a science of contemplation. It requires no experience or complicated apparatus, no minute processes upon the unknown processes of matter. It demands only an enquiring mind and senses alive to the facts almost everywhere presented in nature. And as it may be acquired without much difficulty, so it may be improved without much painful exertion (Natural Quotes)
I have long held an opinion, almost amounting to conviction, in common I believe with many other lovers of natural knowledge, that the various forms under which the forces of matter are made manifest have one common origin; or, in other words, are so directly related and mutually dependent, that they are convertible, as it were, one into another, and possess equivalents of power in their action (Natural Quotes)
Science makes people reach selflessly for truth and objectivity; it teaches people to accept reality, with wonder and admiration, not to mention the deep awe and joy that the natural order of things brings to the true scientist (Natural Quotes)
To be worthy of the name, an experimenter must be at once theorist and practitioner. While he must completely master the art of establishing experimental facts, which are the materials of science, he must also clearly understand the scientific principles which guide his reasoning through the varied experimental study of natural phenomena. We cannot separate these two things: head and hand. An able hand, without a head to direct it, is a blind tool; the head is powerless without its executive hand (Natural Quotes)
Every chemical substance, whether natural or artificial, falls into one of two major categories, according to the spatial characteristic of its form. The distinction is between those substances that have a plane of symmetry and those that do not. The former belong to the mineral, the latter to the living world (Natural Quotes)
It can hardly be pressed forcibly enough on the attention of the student of nature, that there is scarcely any natural phenomenon which can be fully and completely explained, in all its circumstances, without a union of several, perhaps of all, the sciences (Natural Quotes)
In meditation take care not to impose anything on the mind, or to tax it. When you meditate there should be no effort to control, and no attempt to be peaceful. Don’t be overly solemn or feel that you are taking part in some special ritual; let go even of the idea that you are meditating. Let your body remain as it is, your breath as you find it, and remain in your natural condition of unchanging pure awareness (Natural Quotes)
The natural world is the larger sacred community to which we belong. To be alienated from this community is to become destitute in all that makes us human. To damage this community is to diminish our own existence (Natural Quotes)
The militia is the natural defense of a free country against sudden foreign invasions, domestic insurrections, and domestic usurpation of power by rulers. The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of the republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally... enable the people to resist and triumph over them (Natural Quotes)
Kind words are the music of the world. They have a power which seems to be beyond natural causes, as if they were some angel’s song which had lost its way and come to earth (Natural Quotes)
The human brain is estimated to have about a hundred billion nerve cells, two million miles of axons, and a million billion synapses, making it the most complex structure, natural or artificial, on earth (Natural Quotes)
... in going over the history of all the inventions for which history could be obtained it became more and more clear that in addition to training and in addition to extensive knowledge, a natural quality of mind was also necessary (Natural Quotes)
Without an acquaintance with chemistry, the statesman must remain a stranger to the true vital interests of the state, to the means of its organic development and improvement;... The highest economic or material interests of a country, the increased and more profitable production of food for man and animals,... are most closely linked with the advancement and diffusion of the natural sciences, especially of chemistry (Natural Quotes)
In the dog two conditions were found to produce pathological disturbances by functional interference, namely, an unusually acute clashing of the excitatory and inhibitory processes, and the influence of strong and extraordinary stimuli. In man precisely similar conditions constitute the usual causes of nervous and psychic disturbances. Different conditions productive of extreme excitation, such as intense grief or bitter insults, often lead, when the natural reactions are inhibited by the necessary restraint, to profound and prolonged loss of balance in nervous and psychic activity (Natural Quotes)
If it is impossible to judge merit and guilt in the field of natural science, then it is not possible in any field, and historical research becomes an idle, empty activity (Natural Quotes)
When environments change, they usually do so pretty rapidly, at rates with which adaptation by natural selection would be hard put to keep up. When such change occurs, the quality of your adaptation to your old habitat is irrelevant, and any competitive advantage you might have had may be eliminated at a stroke (Natural Quotes)
For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect (Natural Quotes)
Our thoughts ought by instinct to fly upwards from animals, men and natural objects to their creator. If created things are so utterly lovely, how gloriously beautiful must he be who made them! The wisdom of the worker is revealed in his handiwork (Natural Quotes)
Your body is not made to throw like we throw. That’s why you see softball pitchers pitching two or three games a day. It’s a natural movement in softball. In baseball it’s not a natural movement (Natural Quotes)
A child can live with anything as long as he or she is told the truth and is allowed to share with loved ones the natural feelings people have when they are suffering (Natural Quotes)
Fate is a manifestation of natural causes. That’s it. It’s not a conscious entity. It has no plan (Natural Quotes)