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Natural Quotes

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Make the boy interested in natural history if you can; it is better than games; they encourage it in some schools  (Natural Quotes) You need to know enough of the natural sciences so that you are not a stranger in the world  (Natural Quotes) Home life as we understand it is no more natural to us than a cage is natural to a cockatoo  (Natural Quotes) The natural instincts of men seem to be to alternate between periods of love relationships and periods of hedonistic bachelorhood, with some traumatized kids thrown in as an evolutionary imperative  (Natural Quotes) Man’s natural life span, 75 to 90 years or so, has not increased. It is the number of us who manage to attain it that has increased  (Natural Quotes) I think we are at our best when we work with our natural eruptions, use them as fuel for the fire  (Natural Quotes) I’m a songwriter first, have always been, and probably always will be. Making the demo is a natural product of writing a song; after that, I’m happy to hear other people do it in other ways  (Natural Quotes) It follows from what we have just said, that the natural changes of monads come from an internal principle, since an external cause would be unable to influence their inner being  (Natural Quotes) For me, that’s natural. The instinct to score comes naturally and if you have it, you’ve got to go to it  (Natural Quotes) When you keep the caliber of musicians very high in the band, people are going to come and go. Some of them will be people who have to try various things, it’s natural  (Natural Quotes) Editing is a natural extension of the collage making. It’s actually one of the few areas that women were able to excel in in the film industry from the beginning  (Natural Quotes) As long as man labors for a physical existence, though an act of necessity almost, he is yet natural; it is life, though that of this world, for which he instinctively works  (Natural Quotes) There are guys in the game only because of steroids. They couldn’t make it with their natural talent, so they had to enhance themselves. It sucks  (Natural Quotes) During the process of stepwise refinement, a notation which is natural to the problem in hand should be used as long as possible  (Natural Quotes) Her natural bent is towards perfection, purification, aesthetics. Her ideal is to remove all the superficial veils until only essence is left  (Natural Quotes) The union of opposites, in so far as they are really complementary, always results in the most perfect harmony; and the seemingly incongruous is often the most natural  (Natural Quotes) The conservation of our natural resources and their proper use constitute the fundamental problem which underlies almost every other problem of our national life  (Natural Quotes) We begin to see that the completion of an important project has every right to be dignified by a natural grieving process. Something that required the best of you has ended. You will miss it  (Natural Quotes) The subject of gambling is all encompassing. It combines man’s natural play instinct with his desire to know about his fate and his future  (Natural Quotes) In studying history we are finding out about ourselves, and in the last resort the natural sciences and even mathematics have the same final end  (Natural Quotes) That ephemeral sheet,... The newspaper, is the natural enemy of the book, as the whore is of the decent woman  (Natural Quotes) I’m not saying we purposely introduced bugs or anything, but this is kind of a natural result of any complexities of software... That you can’t fully test it  (Natural Quotes) Inequality has the natural and necessary effect, under the present circumstances, of materializing our upper class, vulgarizing our middle class, and brutalizing our lower class  (Natural Quotes) Dada aimed to destroy the reasonable deceptions of man and recover the natural and unreasonable order  (Natural Quotes) Besides, I cannot help thinking that it is more natural to have flowers grow out of the head than fruit  (Natural Quotes) Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtile; natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend  (Natural Quotes) Orchestras have often been used to conjure up the natural world: Swans, sharks, trout, but not, as far as I know, the often maligned jellyfish  (Natural Quotes) What gave transcendent importance to the aggressiveness of power was the fact that its natural prey, its necessary victim, was liberty, or law, or right  (Natural Quotes) Embellish truth only with a view to gain it the more full and free admission into your hearer’s minds; and your ornaments will, in that case, be simple, masculine, natural  (Natural Quotes) Liberty must be allowed to work out its natural results; and these will, ere long, astonish the world  (Natural Quotes)
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