Nature Of Man Quotes

Text Quotes
The good is, like nature, an immense landscape in which man advances through centuries of exploration (Nature Of Man Quotes)
Love of man for woman - love of woman for man. That's the nature, the meaning, the best of life itself (Nature Of Man Quotes)
Such is the audacity of man, that he hath learned to counterfeit nature, yea, and is so bold as to challenge her in her work (Nature Of Man Quotes)
Such is the nature of men, that howsoever they may acknowledge many others to be more witty, or more eloquent, or more learned; yet they will hardly believe there be many so wise as themselves (Nature Of Man Quotes)
A generation that cannot endure boredom will be a generation of little men, of men unduly divorced from the slow process of nature, of men in whom every vital impulse slowly withers as though they were cut flowers in a vase (Nature Of Man Quotes)
The true nature of man left to himself without restraint is not nobility but savagery (Nature Of Man Quotes)
It is the true nature of mankind to learn from mistakes, not from example (Nature Of Man Quotes)
There is a radical dualism between the empirical nature of man and its moral nature (Nature Of Man Quotes)
The true office of religion is to bring out the whole nature of man in harmonious activity (Nature Of Man Quotes)
Justice is the idea of God, the ideal of man, the rule of conduct writ in the nature of mankind (Nature Of Man Quotes)
Business is really more agreeable than pleasure; it interests the whole mind, the aggregate nature of man more continuously, and more deeply. But it does not look as if it did (Nature Of Man Quotes)
History is a wheel, for the nature of man is fundamentally unchanging. What has happened before will perforce happen again (Nature Of Man Quotes)
In the long term we can hope that religion will change the nature of man and reduce conflict. But history is not encouraging in this respect. The bloodiest wars in history have been religious wars (Nature Of Man Quotes)
Religion must so be the object and center to which all things tend, that whoever knows the principles of religion can give an explanation both of the whole nature of man in particular, and of the whole course of the world in general (Nature Of Man Quotes)
This twofold nature of man is so evident that some have thought that we had two souls. A single subject seemed to them incapable of such sudden variations from unmeasured presumption to a dreadful dejection of heart (Nature Of Man Quotes)
A great part of human suffering has its root in the nature of man, and not in that of his institutions (Nature Of Man Quotes)
It is an oftentimes dangerous world, and not all of the people in it are nice, sweet and benevolent. It is the nature of man to behave otherwise, and we must find leaders who can show us a better way and still maintains a balanced view (Nature Of Man Quotes)
The nature of man is such that people consider themselves put under an obligation as much by the benefits they confer as by those they receive (Nature Of Man Quotes)
All outward forms of change brought about by wars, revolutions, reformations, laws and ideologies have failed completely to change the basic nature of man and therefore of society (Nature Of Man Quotes)
Physics does not change the nature of the world it studies, and no science of behavior can change the essential nature of man, even though both sciences yield technologies with a vast power to manipulate the subject matters (Nature Of Man Quotes)
Archmaester Rigney once wrote that history is a wheel, for the nature of man is fundamentally unchanging. What has happened before will perforce happen again (Nature Of Man Quotes)
For so remarkably perverse is the nature of man that he despises whoever courts him, and admires whoever will not bend before him (Nature Of Man Quotes)
The sum of the whole is plainly this: The nature of man considered in his single capacity, and with respect only to the present world, is adapted and leads him to attain the greatest happiness he can for himself in the present world (Nature Of Man Quotes)
Today a new faith is stirring: the myth of blood, the faith that along with blood we are defending the divine nature of man as a whole (Nature Of Man Quotes)
Every man has a certain sphere of discretion which he has a right to expect shall not be infringed by his neighbours. This right flows from the very nature of man (Nature Of Man Quotes)
Whoever would not remain in complete ignorance of the resources which cause him to act; whoever would seize, at a single philosophical glance, the nature of man and animals, and their relations to external objects; whoever would establish, on the intellectual and moral functions, a solid doctrine of mental diseases, of the general and governing influence of the brain in the states of health and disease, should know, that it is indispensable, that the study of the organization of the brain should march side by side with that of its functions (Nature Of Man Quotes)
It is not the nature of man, as I see it, ever to be quite satisfied with what he has in life... Contentment tends to breed laxity, but a healthy discontent keeps us alert to the changing needs of our time (Nature Of Man Quotes)
What held people together was the belief that you’re really going to change the world. I think that’s the nature of many startups. You believe that what you are doing is going to have a dramatic impact. You might not exactly know how, but you really have a belief. That keeps you going and going through many changes and a lot of uncertainty (Nature Of Man Quotes)
Whether arrived at through reason or revelation... natural law is the highest law known to man. It is anchored in the very existential nature of man and is therefore a priori just (Nature Of Man Quotes)
Political rule is so natural and necessary to the human race that it cannot be withdrawn without destroying nature itself; for the nature of man is such that he is a social animal (Nature Of Man Quotes)