Nature Quotes

Text Quotes
Human action can be modified to some extent, but human nature cannot be changed (Nature Quotes)
Race hate isn't human nature; race hate is the abandonment of human nature (Nature Quotes)
No doubt Jack the Ripper excused himself on the grounds that it was human nature (Nature Quotes)
Religion. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable (Nature Quotes)
Politeness is to human nature what warmth is to wax (Nature Quotes)
It is not to be expected that human nature will change in a day (Nature Quotes)
We are by nature observers, and thereby learners. That is our permanent state (Nature Quotes)
You can tell the nature of the man by the words he chooses (Nature Quotes)
It is human nature to think wisely and act in an absurd fashion (Nature Quotes)
All is disgust when a man leaves his own nature and does what is unfit (Nature Quotes)
Painting is by nature a luminous language (Nature Quotes)
Our nature consists in motion; complete rest is death (Nature Quotes)
Knowledge of human nature is the beginning and end of political education (Nature Quotes)
England has always been disinclined to accept human nature (Nature Quotes)
Man is by nature a political animal (Nature Quotes)
If journalism is good, it is controversial, by its nature (Nature Quotes)
Nature hates a vacuum and strange things are drawn into empty places; sometimes oddities survive where nothing else can (Nature Quotes)
The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated (Nature Quotes)
The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature (Nature Quotes)
Middle age is the awkward period when Father Time starts catching up with Mother Nature (Nature Quotes)
There is nothing in which the birds differ more from man than the way in which they can build and yet leave a landscape as it was before (Nature Quotes)
Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever remains to them? (Nature Quotes)
Divine Nature gave the fields, human art built the cities (Nature Quotes)
Forgive him, for he believes that the customs of his tribe are the laws of nature (Nature Quotes)
Till now man has been up against Nature; from now on he will be up against his own nature (Nature Quotes)
For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled (Nature Quotes)
It appears to be a law that you cannot have a deep sympathy with both man and nature (Nature Quotes)
Whoever wants to be a judge of human nature should study people's excuses (Nature Quotes)
Fairies are invisible and inaudible like angels. But their magic sparkles in nature (Nature Quotes)
Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair and let us huddle together as darkness takes over. We are at home amidst the birds and the trees, for we are children of nature (Nature Quotes)