Nature Quotes

Text Quotes
Painting is a science, and should be pursued as an inquiry into the laws of nature. Why, then, may not landscape painting be considered as a branch of natural philosophy, of which pictures are but the experiments? (Nature Quotes)
The world is wide; no two days are alike, nor even two hours; neither were there ever two leaves of a tree alike since the creation of the world; and the genuine productions of art, like those of nature, are all distinct from one another (Nature Quotes)
We have not to construct human nature afresh, but to take it as we find it, and make the best of it (Nature Quotes)
It requires courage to make a frontal attack on nature through the broad planes and the large lines and it is cowardly to do it by the facets and details. It is a battle (Nature Quotes)
It is not human nature which can assign the variable limits necessary to our needs. They are thus unlimited so far as they depend on the individual alone. Irrespective of any external regulatory force, our capacity for feeling is in itself an insatiable and bottomless abyss (Nature Quotes)
The crude product of nature, the object fashioned by the industry of man, acquire their reality, their identity, only to the extent of their participation in a transcendent reality (Nature Quotes)
For those to whom a stone reveals itself as sacred, its immediate reality is transmuted into supernatural reality. In other words, for those who have a religious experience all nature is capable of revealing itself as cosmic sacrality (Nature Quotes)
Although to penetrate into the intimate mysteries of nature and thence to learn the true causes of phenomena is not allowed to us, nevertheless it can happen that a certain fictive hypothesis may suffice for explaining many phenomena (Nature Quotes)
Without a free press there can be no free society. That is axiomatic. However, freedom of the press is not an end in itself but a means to the end of a free society. The scope and nature of the constitutional guarantee of the freedom of the press are to be viewed and applied in that light (Nature Quotes)
Nature has mysterious infinities and imaginative power. It is always varying the productions it offers to us. The artist himself is one of nature’s means (Nature Quotes)
Philosophy is by its nature something esoteric, neither made for the mob nor capable of being prepared for the mob (Nature Quotes)
Every phenomenon can be experienced in two ways. These two ways are not arbitrary, but are bound up with the phenomenon – developing out of its nature and characteristics : Externally – or – inwardly (Nature Quotes)
There are people who are excitable by nature and allow themselves to become angry for the most trivial of reasons. Judo can help such people learn to control themselves. Through training, they quickly realize that anger is a waste of energy, that it has only negative effects on the self and others (Nature Quotes)
We are so inculcated with guilt that we think that weakness is a sin or that it is some crime against nature to be submissive (Nature Quotes)
Man prides himself on being the only animal who can modify his nature, yet when he chooses to do so he is called a phony (Nature Quotes)
It seems reasonable to expect that beauty will emerge from a fusion of the individual character and culture of the potter,with the nature of his materials (Nature Quotes)
It has appeared that from the inevitable laws of our nature, some human beings must suffer from want. These are the unhappy persons who, in the great lottery of life, have drawn a blank (Nature Quotes)
Nature is man’s teacher. She unfolds her treasures to his search, unseals his eye, illumes his mind, and purifies his heart; an influence breathes from all the sights and sounds of her existence (Nature Quotes)
There is a way that nature speaks, that land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough, to pay attention to the story (Nature Quotes)
The best aphorisms are... portable wisdom, the quintessential extracts of thought and feeling. They furnish the largest amount of intellectual stimulus and nutriment in the smallest compass. About every weak point in human nature, or vicious spot in human life, there is deposited a crystallization of warning and protective proverbs (Nature Quotes)
The scientist, by the very nature of his commitment, creates more and more questions, never fewer. Indeed the measure of our intellectual maturity, one philosopher suggests, is our capacity to feel less and less satisfied with our answers to better problems (Nature Quotes)
It is a rule of nature that taking a day off on the farm sets a person back at least a week (Nature Quotes)
Those who would extirpate evil from the world know little of human nature. As well might punch be palatable without souring as existence agreeable without care (Nature Quotes)
The intellectual treatment of any datum, any experience, any subject, is determined by the nature of our questions, and only carried out in the answers (Nature Quotes)
Nothing, it appears to me, is of greater value in a man than the power of judgment; and the man who has it may be compared to a chest filled with books, for he is the son of nature and the father of art (Nature Quotes)
Flee laziness which while it produces an immediate delight, ends in the sorrow of repentance. And know that nature without exercise is a seed shut up in the pod, and art without practice is nothing (Nature Quotes)
Although gravity is by far the weakest force of nature, its insidious and cumulative action serves to determine the ultimate fate not only of individual astronomical objects but of the entire cosmos. The same remorseless attraction that crushes a star operates on a much grander scale on the universe as a whole (Nature Quotes)
The peace of nature and of the innocent creatures of God seems to be secure and deep, only so long as the presence of man and his restless and unquiet spirit are not there to trouble its sanctity (Nature Quotes)
Nature, in her blind thirst for life has filled every possible cranny of the rotting earth with some sort of fantastic creature (Nature Quotes)
Culture represents a novelty in the world of nature, and it could have added an effective, unifying edge to the forces of natural selection (Nature Quotes)