Nay Quotes

Text Quotes
This is all as true as it is strange; nay, it is ten times true; for truth is truth to th' end of reckoning (Nay Quotes)
Fie, fie upon her! There's language in her eye, her cheek, her lip; nay, her foot speaks. Her wanton spirits look out at every joint and motive of her body (Nay Quotes)
I have my beauty, you your art - nay, do not start: one world was not enough for two like me and you (Nay Quotes)
Christ puts Himself at the head of the mystic march of the generations; and. Like the mysterious aneel that Joshua saw in the plain by Jericho, makes the lofty claim, nay, but as the captain of the Lord's host am I come up (Nay Quotes)
We must regard all matter as an intrusted secret which we believe the person concerned would wish to be considered as such. Nay, further still, we must consider all circumstances as secrets intrusted which would bring scandal upon another if told (Nay Quotes)
Whoso goes to walk alone, accuses the whole world; he declares all to be unfit to be his companions; it is very uncivil, nay, insulting; society will retaliate (Nay Quotes)
Behold, my lords. Although the print be little, the whole matter and copy of the father eye, nose, lip, the trick of's frown, his forehead, nay, the valley, the pretty dimples of his chin and cheek, his smiles, the very mould and frame of hand, nail, finger (Nay Quotes)
Slander, whose edge is sharper than the sword; whose tongue out venoms all the worms of Nile; whose breath rides on the posting winds, and doth belie all corners of the world: kings, queens, and states, maids, matrons, nay, the secrets of the grave this viperous slander enters (Nay Quotes)
Nay, then, farewell! I have touch'd the highest point of all my greatness; and from that full meridian of my glory, I haste now to my setting. I shall fall like a bright exhalation in the evening, and no man see me more (Nay Quotes)
Nay, sit, nay, sit, good cousin Capulet, for you and I are past our dancing days (Nay Quotes)
This is he that kiss'd away his hand in courtesy; this is the ape of form, monsieur the nice, that when he plays at tables, chides the dice in honorable terms; nay, he can sing a mean most meanly; and in ushering, mend him who can; the ladies call him, sweet; the stairs, as he treads on them, kiss his feet (Nay Quotes)
Nay, look not big, nor stamp, nor stare, nor fret; I will be master of what is mine own. She is my goods, my chattels; she is my house, my household stuff, my field, my barn, my horse, my ox, my ass, my anything; and here she stands, touch her whoever dare (Nay Quotes)
Reason! How many eyes hast thou to see evils, and how dim, nay, blind, thou art in preventing them (Nay Quotes)
Idolatry is certainly the first born of folly, the great and leading paradox; nay, the very abridgment and sum total of all absurdities (Nay Quotes)
Happiness is a sunbeam which may pass through a thousand bosoms without losing a particle of its original ray; nay, when it strikes on a kindred heart, like the converged light on a mirror, it reflects itself with redoubled brightness. It is not perfected till it is shared (Nay Quotes)
Not houses finely roofed or the stones of walls well builded, nay nor canals and dockyards make the city, but men able to use their opportunity (Nay Quotes)
It is not the intelligent woman v. the ignorant woman; nor the white woman v. the black, the brown, and the red, it is not even the cause of woman v. man. Nay, tis woman’s strongest vindication for speaking that the world needs to hear her voice (Nay Quotes)
Money is time. With money I buy for cheerful use the hours which otherwise would not in any sense be mine; nay, which would make me their miserable bondsman (Nay Quotes)
Being lazy does not mean that you do not create. In fact, lying around doing nothing is an important, nay crucial, part of the creative process. It is meaningless bustle that actually gets in the way of productivity. All we are really saying is, give peace a chance (Nay Quotes)
I must say... that more unmanly, brutal treatment of a little pony it was never my painful lot to witness; and by giving way to such passion, you injure your own character as much, nay more, than you injure your horse, and remember, we shall all have to be judged according to our works, whether they be towards man or towards beast (Nay Quotes)
It serves no purpose to man if there is no room for repentance, and he who is tormented can never grow better... let this punishment be severe, let it be bitter, nay let it be lasting, but let it at length have an end (Nay Quotes)
You sign an agreement; you make a contract, you live up to it. You never get what you deserve. You get what you negotiate. You got a right to say yay or nay (Nay Quotes)
Pleasure is in itself a good; nay, even setting aside immunity from pain, the only good (Nay Quotes)
Nay, all laws must fall, human societies that subsist by them be dissolved, and all innocent persons be exposed to the violence of the most wicked, if men might not justly defend themselves against injustice by their own natural right, when the ways prescribed by publick authority cannot be taken (Nay Quotes)
The affairs of this world are so shifting and depend on so many accidents, that it is hard to form any judgment concerning the future; nay, we see from experience that the forecasts even of the wise almost always turn out false (Nay Quotes)
My opportunities were still there, nay, they multiplied tenfold; but the strength and youth to cope with them began to fail, and to need eking out with the shifty cunning of experience (Nay Quotes)
When the evil deed, after it has become known, brings sorrow to the fool, then it destroys his bright lot, nay, it cleaves his head (Nay Quotes)
Natural science sharpens the discrimination. There is no false logic in nature. All its properties are permanent: the acids and metals never lie; their yea is yea, their nay, nay. They are newly discovered but not new (Nay Quotes)
Criticism is now become mere hangman’s work, and meddles only with the faults of authors ; nay, the critic is disgusted less with their absurdities than excellence ; and you cannot displease him more than in leaving him little room for his malice (Nay Quotes)
Every language is so full of its own proprieties that what is beautiful in one is often barbarous, nay, sometimes nonsense, in another (Nay Quotes)