Nearer Quotes

Text Quotes
The discoveries which we make abroad are special and particular; those which we make at home are general and significant. The further off, the nearer the surface. The nearer home, the deeper (Nearer Quotes)
I want nothing new, if I can have but a tithe of the old secured to me. I will spurn all wealth beside. Think of the consummate folly of attempting to go away from here! When the constant endeavor should be to get nearer and nearer here! (Nearer Quotes)
The arithmetical machine produces effects that approach nearer to thought than all the actions of animals. But it does nothing that would enable us to attribute will to it, as to the animals (Nearer Quotes)
Look underfoot. You are always nearer to the true sources of your power than you think. The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are. Don’t despise your own place and hour. Every place is the center of the world (Nearer Quotes)
... and a dream away in space with neither her nor there where all the footsteps ever fell can never fare nearer to anywhere nor from anywhere further away. Nor for in the end again by degrees or as though switched on dark falls there again that certain dark that alone certain ashes can. Through it who knows yet another end beneath a cloudless sky of a last end if ever there had to be another absolutely had to be (Nearer Quotes)
Yet the summer which was to change everything was coming nearer every day. When boys and girls are growing up, life can’t stand still, not even in the quietest of country towns; and they have to grow up, whether they will or no. That is what their elders are always forgetting (Nearer Quotes)
The hand descended. Nearer and nearer it came. It touched the ends of his upstanding hair. He shrank down under it. It followed down after him, pressing more closely against him. Shrinking, almost shivering. He still managed to hold himself together. It was a torment, this hand that touched him and violated his instinct. He could not forget in a day all the evil that had been wrought him at the hands of men (Nearer Quotes)
Science sees the process of evolution from the outside, as one might a train of cars going by, and resolves it into the physical and mechanical elements, without getting any nearer the reason of its going by, or the point of its departure or destination (Nearer Quotes)
When all is said and done, is there any more wonderful sight, any moment when man’s reason is nearer to some sort of contact with the nature of the world than the sowing of seeds, the planting of cuttings, the transplanting of shrubs or the grafting of slips? (Nearer Quotes)
If education, culture, the higher life were shining things to be worshiped from afar, he had still a means left whereby he could draw one step nearer to them (Nearer Quotes)
Adventure is making the distant approach nearer but romance is having what is where it is which is not where you are stay where it is (Nearer Quotes)
Humor is, however, nearer right than any emotion we have. Humor is the atmosphere in which grace most flourishes (Nearer Quotes)
As our faces and bodies drew nearer, gravity was not helping us at all. It took minor struggle to come together, and we had to hold on in an effort to keep our lips aligned (Nearer Quotes)
Mountains appear more lofty the nearer they are approached, but great men resemble them not in this particular (Nearer Quotes)
Our admiration of a famous man lessens upon our nearer acquaintance with him; and we seldom hear of a celebrated person without a catalogue of some notorious weaknesses and infirmities (Nearer Quotes)
The nearer I approach the end, the plainer I hear around me the immortal symphonies which invite me (Nearer Quotes)
Time sheds a softness on remote objects or events, as local distance imparts to the landscape a smoothness and mellowness which disappear on a nearer approach (Nearer Quotes)
Courage is generosity of the highest order, for the brave are prodigal of the most precious things. Our blood is nearer and dearer to us than our money, and our life than our estate (Nearer Quotes)
The more intense man’s awareness of his greatness and misery, the nearer he is to becoming either saint, poet, or anarchist (Nearer Quotes)
In the same degree in which a man’s mind is nearer to freedom from all passion, in the same degree also is it nearer to strength (Nearer Quotes)
I hold that to need nothing is divine, and the less a man needs the nearer he does approach divinity (Nearer Quotes)
At death our friends and relatives either draw nearer to us and are found out, or depart farther from us and are forgotten. Friends are as often brought nearer together as separated by death (Nearer Quotes)
I am walking toward a bright light and the nearer I get the brighter it is (Nearer Quotes)
As man draws nearer to the stars, why should he not also draw nearer to his neighbor? (Nearer Quotes)
A power guided my hand. If an invisible company waited to see what I would do, I in my own way asked for direction, so we should journey together a little nearer the accomplishment of the design (Nearer Quotes)
Those that hate goodness are sometimes nearer than those that know nothing at all about it and think they have it (Nearer Quotes)
Architecture approaches nearer than any other art to being irrevocable because it is so difficult to get rid of (Nearer Quotes)
The nearer the cutting off point lies to the main force of the enemy, the more immediate the effect; whereas the closer to the strategic base it takes place, the greater the effect (Nearer Quotes)
In large studio paintings... composition, or arrangement, may be better studied, and nearer perfection, washes may be more suavely graded (Nearer Quotes)
It is a mathematical fact that if a line be not perfectly directed towards a point, it will actually go further away from it as it comes nearer to it (Nearer Quotes)