Necessities Quotes

Text Quotes
Strong men greet war, tempest, hard times. They wish, as Pindar said, to tread the floors of hell, with necessities as hard as iron (Necessities Quotes)
A wealthy doctor who can help a poor man, and will not without a fee, has less sense of humanity than a poor ruffian, who kills a rich man to supply his necessities (Necessities Quotes)
In a socialist country you can get rich by providing necessities, while in a capitalist country you can get rich by providing luxuries (Necessities Quotes)
This is one of the charms of the desert, that removing as it does nearly all the accessories of life, we see the thin thread of necessities on which our human existence is suspended (Necessities Quotes)
Music is the most absorbing of all the arts. It absorbs the mind of the artist, whether creator or executant, to the exclusion of every other consideration outside his own immediate necessities or desires (Necessities Quotes)
India was... a country filled for the most part with people who live so close to the necessities of existence that only important things are important to them (Necessities Quotes)
Those who go forth ministering to the wants and necessities of their fellow beings experience a rich return, their souls being as a watered garden, and a spring that faileth not (Necessities Quotes)
In those moments when priorities clash always stay guided by your values, not your perceived necessities (Necessities Quotes)
In the usual progress of things, the necessities of a nation in every stage of its existence will be found at least equal to its resources (Necessities Quotes)
Thinking men and women the world over are beginning to realize that patriotism is too narrow and limited a conception to meet the necessities of our time (Necessities Quotes)
Somehow we are going to have to develop a concept of enough for those at the top and at the bottom so that the necessities of the many are not sacrificed for the luxuries of the few (Necessities Quotes)
It is in sickness that we most feel the need of that sympathy which shows how much we are dependent upon one another for our comfort, and even necessities. Thus disease, opening our eyes to the realities of life, is an indirect blessing (Necessities Quotes)
The necessities of our condition require a thousand offices of tenderness, which mere regard for the species will never dictate (Necessities Quotes)
The state of life is most happy where superfluities are not required and necessities are not wanting (Necessities Quotes)
The superfluities of a rich nation furnish a better object of trade than the necessities of a poor one. It is the interest of the commercial world that wealth should be found everywhere (Necessities Quotes)
A true prayer is an inventory of needs, a catalog of necessities, an exposure of secret wounds, a revelation of hidden poverty (Necessities Quotes)
A train of thought is never false. The falsehood lies deep in the necessities of existence (Necessities Quotes)
Labor is the great source from which nearly all, if not all, human comforts and necessities are drawn (Necessities Quotes)
Every man is under the natural duty of contributing to the necessities of the society; and this is all the laws should enforce on him (Necessities Quotes)
Necessities can be many, but the one that is stronger is that which constrains you to win or to die (Necessities Quotes)
Real seriousness in regard to writing is one of two absolute necessities. The other, unfortunately, is talent (Necessities Quotes)
Universal peace will be realized, not because man will become better, but because a new order of things, a new science, new economic necessities, will impose peace (Necessities Quotes)
The prime necessities for success in life are money, athleticism, tailor made clothes and a charming smile (Necessities Quotes)
Our values are not luxuries, but necessities. They are not the salt in our bread, but the bread itself (Necessities Quotes)
The camera... on the one hand extends our comprehension of the necessities that rule our lives; on the other, it manages to assure us of an immense and unexpected field of action (Necessities Quotes)
Courage and confidence are practical necessities... courage is the practical form of being true to existence, of being true to truth, and confidence is the practical form of being true to one’s own consciousness (Necessities Quotes)
The very right to be human is denied every day to hundreds of millions of people as a result of poverty, the unavailability of basic necessities such as food, jobs, water and shelter, education, health care and a healthy environment (Necessities Quotes)
Let us beware of saying there are laws in nature. There are only necessities: there is no one to command, no one to obey, no one to transgress. When you realize there are no goals or objectives, then you realize, too, that there is no chance: for only in a world of objectives does the word chance have any meaning (Necessities Quotes)
War has its necessities... and I have always understood that. Always known the cost. But, this day, by my own hand, I have realized something else. War is not a natural state. It is an imposition, and a damned unhealthy one. With its rules, we willingly yield our humanity. Speak not of just causes, worthy goals. We are takers of life (Necessities Quotes)
When I consider the narrow limits within which our active and inquiring faculties are confined; when I see how all our energies are wasted in providing for mere necessities, which again have no further end than to prolong a wretched existence; and then that all our satisfaction concerning certain subjects of investigation ends in nothing better than a passive resignation... when I consider all this... I am silent (Necessities Quotes)