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He needed fresh air and sunshine. A walk in the woods and afterward a good book to read by the fire. Yeah, that was the life (Needed Quotes)
Here was something that I did all the time, and thought nothing of it, and it turns out the rest of the world thinks it’s completely reprehensible. That’s when I knew I needed to change, so I started making rules. The first one was; Don’t mess with animals (Needed Quotes)
He needed his solitude at times, but he wasn’t a hermit. He did a lot of socializing. Sometimes I think it was like he was storing up company for the times when he knew nobody would be around (Needed Quotes)
Then he jumped.. I owe him so much. I needed him. I still do. But he’s gone. He told me once that I shouldn’t make people into heroes. He said that heroes didn’t exist and that even if they did he wouldn’t be one of them. which goes to show. he wasn’t right about everything (Needed Quotes)
Up until that moment, I’d been at the earliest stage of love, when you feel it will turn you into the better person you want to be. Now, his gentle voice and sage advice took me to a later stage: I felt I needed to pretend to be a better person than I was so he’d keep loving me. This was hard because it made me hate him (Needed Quotes)
It was that surrender he needed. That complete feminine submission to every stroke, every caress, ever naughty act. Only in that submission would the subconscious trust, the bond he needed between them, come. He wanted her to trust, to know, to instinctively understand that he was more than just her lover; he was her other half. The one she told her secrets to. The one, she made secrets with (Needed Quotes)
This is a beautiful and hopeful time to be alive. We are at a turning point, and your contribution to the world is needed more than ever. All of your struggles, all the struggles of your ancestors, all the struggles of all life have led to this moment right now. You are the culmination of life’s great yearning; you are the hope of the world (Needed Quotes)
I grew to see my affliction as my gift. When I sang, I soared. I could soar higher than all those hurts aimed at my heart. All I needed was the courage to be me (Needed Quotes)
I realized... that the artist is always alone. Early in life I had thought I needed other people to confirm or approve what I was doing (Needed Quotes)
The basic prescription for preventing deflation is straightforward, at least in principle: Use monetary and fiscal policy as needed to support aggregate spending, in a manner as nearly consistent as possible with full utilization of economic resources and low and stable inflation. In other words, the best way to get out of trouble is not to get into it in the first place (Needed Quotes)
Scientific theories tell us what is possible; myths tell us what is desirable. Both are needed to guide proper action (Needed Quotes)
What is needed, rather than running away or controlling or suppressing or any other resistance, is understanding fear; that means, watch it, learn about it, come directly into contact with it. We are to learn about fear, not how to escape from it (Needed Quotes)
Science is a magnificent force, but it is not a teacher of morals. It can perfect machinery, but it adds no moral restraints to protect society from the misuse of the machine. It can also build gigantic intellectual ships, but it constructs no moral rudders for the control of storm tossed human vessel. It not only fails to supply the spiritual element needed but some of its unproven hypotheses rob the ship of its compass and thus endangers its cargo (Needed Quotes)
I watched a small man with thick calluses on both hands work 15 and 16 hours a day. I saw him once literally bleed from the bottoms of his feet, a man who came here uneducated, alone, unable to speak the language, who taught me all I needed to know about faith and hard work by the simple eloquence of his example (Needed Quotes)
My family was always present when I needed them and sometimes felt even stronger emotions than me (Needed Quotes)
I’m generally never at a lack for words, but it’s indescribable how poor the response was from our own government officials,... We could have coffee for three hours and never get through all the horrors I’ve seen. Where was the help when we needed it? (Needed Quotes)
A literate world is a possible and desirable one. There are enough resources. What is now needed is the collective will of the international community to ensure that the necessary support is forthcoming (Needed Quotes)
If I needed advice from my caddie, he’d be hitting the shots and I’d be carrying the bag (Needed Quotes)
We are not lacking in the dynamic forces needed to create the future. We live immersed in a sea of energy beyond all comprehension (Needed Quotes)
... Good leaders wait to be called and they give up their power when they are no longer needed. Selfish men and fools put themselves first and keep their power until someone throws them out. It is no good to have a way where selfish men and fools fight with each other to be leaders, while the good ones watch (Needed Quotes)
If ever we needed in this country to adopt a new attitude towards homosexuality, this is the time. Instead of treating it as a crime, and driving it underground, we ought to recognize it for what it is: it’s a mental illness, it’s a psychiatric condition which ought to be treated sympathetically by psychiatrists and social workers (Needed Quotes)
You know at this point you have everything you need. It’s available to you from the inside and you see you are supported in many ways. You realize that there is more to this dimension, to this reality, than you have seen before. You see you are being taken care of, you are being loved, you are being looked after. All that’s needed is to go inside, become still and listen (Needed Quotes)
This would be a tricky operation, no doubt of that, and a mistake would probably be fatal. So many things he had done over the years would have been fatal, had his luck not been strongly good. He had cheated death dozens of times, but that did not mean he could take it as a given. A man needed only one fatal mistake to end the game (Needed Quotes)
When I began my humanitarian work, I understood that in order to gain credibility I needed patience, commitment and unwavering perseverance. I needed to ignore the skeptics (Needed Quotes)
In my own view, some advice about what should be known, about what technical education should be acquired, about the intense motivation needed to succeed, and about the carelessness and inclination toward bias that must be avoided is far more useful than all the rules and warnings of theoretical logic (Needed Quotes)
If you have to prove a theorem, do not rush. First of all, understand fully what the theorem says, try to see clearly what it means. Then check the theorem; it could be false. Examine the consequences, verify as many particular instances as are needed to convince yourself of the truth. When you have satisfied yourself that the theorem is true, you can start proving it (Needed Quotes)
New approaches are needed, new orientations in both thought and action. We must make the transition to a new civilization... We are talking of a transition toward a new civilization. No one knows what it will be like. What is important is to orient in that direction... I am convinced that a new civilization will inevitably take on certain features that are characteristic of, or inherent in, the socialist ideal (Needed Quotes)
The infantryman slithers in the mud, while many teams of horses are needed to drag each gun forward. All wheeled vehicles sink up to their axles in the slime. Even tractors can only move with great difficulty. A large portion of our heavy artillery was soon stuck fast... The strain that all this caused our already exhausted troops can perhaps be imagined (Needed Quotes)
No sort of defense is needed for preaching outdoors, but it would take a very strong argument to prove that a man who has never preached beyond the walls of his meetinghouse has done his duty. A defense is required for services within buildings rather than for worship outside of them (Needed Quotes)
Volleyball anchored me at a time in my life when I needed it. It gave me a reason for being this big, big girl (Needed Quotes)