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As you know, I’m a black girl out of the projects of New York City, raised in a single parent home because my parents divorced very very young... welfare and homeless at four and then again at 16 and just not having the things or the necessary tools that society would say I needed to have in order to be any kind of success in life. (Needed Quotes)
My mom was the picture of the blue-collar mom: Two and three and four jobs to make sure that me and my sister never needed, that was her thing. (Needed Quotes)
I went to comprehensive school in North London and left without any qualifications [diploma]. And I was doing bits of acting and improv in a drama club in the evenings. Then I discovered you didn’t need qualifications to go to art school, you just needed a body of work. (Needed Quotes)
I needed somebody to love me, and the people that I chose were my coaches. I would sacrifice my body to be successful for my coaches because I wanted them to love me, to respect me, to have positive feelings about me. (Needed Quotes)
I needed to be able to hear the mix before you do - that’s when I came up with the peek-a-boo system. (Needed Quotes)
I needed to really pursue music and learn what I needed to learn on my own by getting in and doing it, not by reading a book about it. (Needed Quotes)
(I think this will be the title of my new book)I Learned Everything I Needed to Know About Narcissistic Personality Disorder on My Last Date (Needed Quotes)
I needed more knowledge in rigging and knotting. I started collecting books on knots and really learning more and more. That’s how it started. And also in magic, of course. With a piece of rope, you can do magic. (Needed Quotes)
Schools still operate as if all knowledge is contained in books, and as if the salient points in books must be stored in each human brain - to be used when needed. The political and financial powers controlling schools decide what these salient points are. (Needed Quotes)
While the recent addition of the National Guard providing a support role manning computers and cameras has allowed more Border Patrol agents to work the field, more agents are still needed. (Needed Quotes)
My parents made it a point that, although I was born and raised in New York City, I needed to speak Spanish because they wanted me to be able to communicate with my elders when I went to Santo Domingo or when my family came to visit from Cuba. (Needed Quotes)
In surveys, many borrowers say reverse mortgages have improved their lives and provided money they needed for retirement. (Needed Quotes)
I hid the fact that I had an aneurysm for a very long time. I was embarrassed, and I just felt like no one needed to know because it made me look weak. Who would of thought someone my age, at 23, had a brain aneurysm? (Needed Quotes)
Your dreams are like the market grounds; their locations really matter. If you keep hiding your potentials out of sight, you may be great but unknown! Your influence can travel long distances if only you give them the chances to go where they are needed! Rebrand yourself! (Needed Quotes)
I make very proper clothes. But I was never that person. For a long time, I thought that was the image I needed to have for my brand. And I thought that’s the person that I needed to be. Because it gave me a distinct image that no one can deny. (Needed Quotes)
I’ve had to change careers several times. Sometimes because my interests changed. Sometimes because all bridges have been burned beyond recognition, sometimes because I desperately needed money. And sometimes just because I hated everyone in my old career or they hated me. (Needed Quotes)
I saw brilliant ideas coming out of the [Chipko] movement that needed better articulation, that needed elaboration and systematic analysis. I just followed that and it’s been very exciting. (Needed Quotes)
All it really needed was the proper point of view. No one’s gonna bring me down. (Needed Quotes)
David Brinkley was an icon of modern broadcast journalism, a brilliant writer who could say in a few words what the country needed to hear during times of crisis, tragedy and triumph. (Needed Quotes)
The craziest thing I’ve done getting over love is skydiving. I had a really upsetting breakup. When I broke up with my boyfriend I needed to like do something different and so I actually went skydiving to turn over a new page. (Needed Quotes)
I have encountered those who feel that libraries have served their purpose and are no longer needed. There are those who consider them a soft target when it comes to local authority budget cuts. In certain political quarters, there is a refusal to see that our public library service needs active protection. (Needed Quotes)
I believed we needed someone who would be able to build a team, lead and unite. I hoped that person would be Boris Johnson. (Needed Quotes)
Founded in 1994 by the Anita Borg Institute and growing every year, the Grace Hopper Celebration is bringing needed network connections, skill building, and visibility for women computer scientists who work at all levels of our industry. (Needed Quotes)
If every Christian family brought in a child who needed a family we would put the foster care system out of business. (Needed Quotes)
When I graduated from college in early 2010, I decided that I needed to create a calling card, some kind of business card that people can link to my name and face. So I did this ‘Mad Men Theme Song... With a Twist’ music video. I released it just as I moved to L.A. (Needed Quotes)
There is so much uncertainty out there, and the government in Washington doesn’t seem to get it. What’s needed is a new business environment. (Needed Quotes)
The country has moved off track. The people in Washington don’t have the hard-nosed business experience needed to get the economy up and running. (Needed Quotes)
Whether you are running a business, an industry, or a nation - what is needed are insight, integrity, and inspiration. (Needed Quotes)
One of my business partners would remind me that no fashion line lasts forever, that we would hit the down curve eventually, and that we needed to look for new brands that complement the first one. (Needed Quotes)
When I started Biocon in 1978, the obstacles I needed to navigate were manifold - ranging from infrastructural hurdles to issues related to my credibility as a business woman. With no access to venture capital, money was scarce and high-cost, debt-based capital was all I had. (Needed Quotes)