Neglected Quotes

Text Quotes
Training is one of the most neglected phases of athletics. Too much time is given to the development of skill and too little to the development of the individual for participation (Neglected Quotes)
A guest should be permitted to graze, as it were, in the pastures of his host’s kindness, left even to his own devices, like a rational being, and handsomely neglected (Neglected Quotes)
The right of education of the female sex, as it is in a manner everywhere neglected, so it ought to be generally lamented. Most in this depraved later age think a woman learned and wise enough if she can distinguish her husband’s bed from another’s (Neglected Quotes)
Certainly, friends are sufficiently rare not to be neglected; they are life’s best comforters (Neglected Quotes)
For only that which we knew and practiced at age 15 will one day constitute our attraction. And one thing, therefore, can never be made good: having neglected to run away from home (Neglected Quotes)
Literature has neglected the old and their emotions. The novelists never told us that in love, as in other matters, the young are just beginners and that the art of loving matures with age and experience (Neglected Quotes)
Feminism has neglected the needs of woman of color and people of color in general. But I don’t think it means that we should overlook feminism as having nothing valuable to contribute (Neglected Quotes)
How would it be possible if salvation were ready to our hand, and could without great labor be found, that it should be by almost all men neglected? But all things excellent are as difficult as they are rare (Neglected Quotes)
A soiled baby with a neglected nose cannot be conscientiously regarded as a thing of beauty (Neglected Quotes)
If thou art rich, then show the greatness of thy fortune; or what is better, the greatness of thy soul, in the meekness of thy conversation; condescend to men of low estate, support the distressed, and patronize the neglected. Be great (Neglected Quotes)
If I gaze at my beloved she may feel embarrassed and if I do not, she will feel neglected. I can see the stars reflecting in the calm water of her face but if I look away I lose my clarity (Neglected Quotes)
And if I had not a letter to write myself, I might sit by you and admire the evenness of your writing, as another young lady once did. But I have an aunt too, who must not be longer neglected (Neglected Quotes)
Drawing... is an innocent and engaging amusement, often useful, and a qualification not to be neglected in one who is to become a mother and an instructor (Neglected Quotes)
The neglected heart will soon be a heart overrun with worldly thoughts; the neglected life will soon become a moral chaos (Neglected Quotes)
If you have assumed a character above your strength, you have both acted in this matter in an unbecoming way, and you have neglected that which you might have fulfilled (Neglected Quotes)
We have neglected the truth that a good farmer is a craftsman of the highest order, a kind of artist (Neglected Quotes)
There is the fear that you somehow neglected to say what was really yours to say (Neglected Quotes)
Only 50 years ago persons with intellectual disabilities were scorned, isolated and neglected. Today, they are able to attend school, become employed and assimilate into their local community (Neglected Quotes)
It cannot be when the root is neglected that what springs from it will be well ordered (Neglected Quotes)
Tradition is but a meteor, which, if it once falls, cannot be rekindled. Memory, once interrupted, is not to be recalled. But written learning is a fixed luminary, after the cloud that had hidden it has passed away, is again bright in its proper station. So books are faithful repositories, which may be awhile neglected or forgotten, but when opened again, will again impart instruction (Neglected Quotes)
O youth or young man, who fancy that you are neglected by the gods, know that if you become worse, you shall go to worse souls, or if better to the better... In every succession of life and death, you will do and suffer what like may fitly suffer at the hands of like. This is the justice of heaven (Neglected Quotes)
Someone will ask later, sometimes searching for a name, his own or someone’s else’s why I neglected his sadness or his love... But I didn’t have enough time or ink for everyone. Or maybe it was the strain of the city, of time the cold heart of the clocks (Neglected Quotes)
... being perpetually charmed by his familiar siren, that is, by his geometry, he neglected to eat and drink and took no care of his person; that he was often carried by force to the baths, and when there he would trace geometrical figures in the ashes of the fire, and with his finger draws lines upon his body when it was anointed with oil, being in a state of great ecstasy and divinely possessed by his science (Neglected Quotes)
I tried to draw people more realistically, but the figure I neglected to update was myself (Neglected Quotes)
That the poor are invisible is one of the most important things about them. They are not simply neglected and forgotten as in the old rhetoric of reform; what is much worse, they are not seen (Neglected Quotes)
Work is not always required... There is such a thing as sacred idleness, the cultivation of which is now fearfully neglected (Neglected Quotes)
We cannot but pity the boy who has never fired a gun; he is no more humane, while his education has been sadly neglected (Neglected Quotes)
Little did the artist know, who neglected his appearance in favor of his work, that the years would produce a breed that spent hours meticulously acquiring a neglected look to appear like an artist (Neglected Quotes)
The childbirth class neglected to teach you a critical skill. How to swear, breathe and count all at the same time (Neglected Quotes)
Ignorance, when voluntary, is criminal, and a man may be properly charged with that evil which he neglected or refused to learn how to prevent (Neglected Quotes)