Neighbors Quotes

Text Quotes
So many people are busy working now, but we need to go back to the old days when grandma and the neighbors helped raise the children, and we were all the better for it. (Neighbors Quotes)
In America, we take care of each other, we support one another, and we look out for our neighbors (Neighbors Quotes)
Mr. Cat and Mr. Dog were neighbors who fought like, well, cats and dogs. That is until Mr. Rat moved in. It’s fascinating how easily two enemies ally at the introduction of a third. (Neighbors Quotes)
You know . . . a lot of kids at school hate their parents. Some of them got hit. And some of them got caught in the middle of wrong lives. Some of them were trophies for their parents to show the neighbors like ribbons or gold stars. And some of them just wanted to drink in peace. (Neighbors Quotes)
Our many different cultures notwithstanding, there’s something about the holidays that makes the planet communal. Even nations that do not celebrate Christmas can’t help but be caught up in the collective spirit of their neighbors, as twinkling lights dot the landscape and carols fill the air. It’s an inspiring time of the year. (Neighbors Quotes)
No one - not a conservative or liberal or whatever - can stand back and ‘define’ what marriage means. Other people’s marriages have nothing to do with mine; whether my neighbors are divorced or gay or widowed will not lead me to change anything about how my wife and I deal with each other or how we raise our children. (Neighbors Quotes)
I choose to be American, I choose to live in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, I choose to have Puerto Rican/Jewish neighbors, and I choose to maintain my Chinese identity. (Neighbors Quotes)
Festivals promote diversity, they bring neighbors into dialogue, they increase creativity, they offer opportunities for civic pride, they improve our general psychological well-being. In short, they make cities better places to live. (Neighbors Quotes)
If the Arab world today looked like Tunisia, it would be a huge blow for the extreme ideologies. But Tunisia needs more support than it is getting, particularly from their close neighbors in Europe who have a great stake in North Africa. (Neighbors Quotes)
It is only fair to expect public employees like me and others in the public sector to pay something close to what our neighbors and our fellow citizens do in the private sector. (Neighbors Quotes)
To climb ever closer to God is not to move away from our troubled and troubling neighbors, but closer to them. (Neighbors Quotes)
However self-sufficient we may fancy ourselves, we exist only in relation -- to our friend, family, and life partners; to those we teach and mentor; to our co-workers, neighbors, strangers; and even to forces we cannot fully conceive of, let alone define. In many ways, we are our relationships. (Neighbors Quotes)
I believe the principles and techniques in this book, Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, can literally change the world, but more importantly, they can change the quality of your life with your spouse, your children, your neighbors, your co-workers and everyone else you interact with. I cannot recommend it highly enough. (Neighbors Quotes)
If a natural disaster strikes your community, reach out to your friends, neighbors, and complete strangers. Lend a helping hand. (Neighbors Quotes)
For centuries, soup kitchens have been a way for local communities to offer a way of support, both nutritional and emotional to their less lucky neighbors. (Neighbors Quotes)
We still have community, but we don’t seem to have local community. Even in a small town where you know your neighbors and your mother’s down the street, they’re not in arm’s length. (Neighbors Quotes)
No offense to Bushwick, where all my neighbors greeted me on the street and there is a growing arts community and a curious beauty to its industrial zone, but Bushwick is no Williamsburg, even if the real estate agents would have you believe it is. (Neighbors Quotes)
Whether the borders that divide us are picket fences or national boundaries, we are all neighbors in a global community. (Neighbors Quotes)
I like the fact that Austin’s the first place I’ve ever lived where there’s a real sense of community. People care about their neighbors. (Neighbors Quotes)
Extend the boundaries of the glowing kingdom of your love, gradually including your family, your neighbors, your community, your country, all countries -- all living sentient creatures. (Neighbors Quotes)
I’m asking you to talk with your friends, neighbors, and relatives - even the ones you’ve never talked to about reproductive rights. That’s how you can throw your number in the bucket, and stand with a president who has stood with us. Conversation by conversation, vote by vote, we will re-elect President Barack Obama! (Neighbors Quotes)
I scare the neighbors, the kids... They don’t come to my house for trick-or-treating, trust me. I had to buy exactly zero amount of dollars worth of candy for the past couple of years. (Neighbors Quotes)
I like the way that Dexter mixed humor, dark humor and tragedy, in a way I don’t think that I’ve seen another show do. To handle those tonal shifts with so much confidence. Normally, you can mix humor and dark humor, you can mix dark humor and tragedy, but to mix all three... There are just moments with Robin and Reuben, the next door neighbors, that are just funny. (Neighbors Quotes)
That’s what I am standing up for - Israel’s future as a Jewish and democratic state living side-by-side in peace and security with its neighbors. (Neighbors Quotes)
What I loved the most about Oakland was that all of my neighbors came in as many colors, ideas, and religions as there are people on the planet. How lucky I was to know so many people that were so different and yet so much alike! (Neighbors Quotes)
Religion, by teaching man his relationship to God, gives the individual a sense of his own dignity and teaches him to respect himself by respecting his neighbors. (Neighbors Quotes)
You can play golf with liberals, be neighbors with them, go out to dinner. I just don’t want them in power. (Neighbors Quotes)
I do not go out to dinner or to the movies with the neighbors, as I do with my friends. I don’t make dates with them. I don’t have to. (Neighbors Quotes)
I can sometimes gaze out of the window, at the sheep, ponies, grazing deer, and numerous woodland folk. It’s a wonderful setting in which to write. I live on a dirt road, miles from anywhere, with no neighbors. (Neighbors Quotes)
You know, we have our differences, everybody does, honest, real differences, but I do believe strongly that we as neighbors are drawn together far more than we’re driven apart. (Neighbors Quotes)