New Love Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s hard to really compare new love and old love (New Love Quotes)
There is no fury like a woman searching for a new lover (New Love Quotes)
We all become great explorers during our first few days in a new city, or a new love affair (New Love Quotes)
To learn and think; to think and live; to live and learn: this always, with new insight, new understanding, and new love (New Love Quotes)
No one has ever known me as clearly as you. No one has ever shown me that love allows everything. Not pretty or safe or easy but something I never knew. Love within reason, that isn’t love and I learned that from you (New Love Quotes)
I know no joy as great as a moment of rushing into a new love, no ecstasy like that of a new love (New Love Quotes)
Where´s my leadin´ lady? Let me try this new love scene on you, baby (New Love Quotes)
To all that he touched he gave a new meaning, a new color, a new outline, a new loveliness, and a new poignancy (New Love Quotes)
You find new love not to forget the past love. But you forget the past because of that new love (New Love Quotes)
I dug myself a garden, and a stray cat I grew to like would come around to sulk in the corn. I forced myself to seek new love, and for a while, I thought I’d found it with a girl from my office. She was molten in my bed, but she also suffered depressions that were very dear to her. She would often call just to sigh at me for two hours on the phone, wanting me to applaud her depth of feeling. I cut if off, then missed her, wishing that I’d at least had the sense to take her naked photograph (New Love Quotes)
A new life? There’s not such thing. It was only in the magazine headlines that people got a new life. Stopped drinking or taking drugs, found a new love. But the same life (New Love Quotes)
The technique of a great seducer requires a facility and an indifference in passing from one object of affection to another which I could never have; however that may be, my loves have left me more often than I have left them, for I have never been able to understand how one could have enough of any beloved. The desire to count up exactly the riches which each new love brings us, and to see it change, and perhaps watch it grow old, accords ill with multiplicity of conquests (New Love Quotes)
I need a life outside of soccer. So I very much welcome, you know, new love interests and dating and friends and family (New Love Quotes)
Okay, maybe this was the meant to be: the universe I knew, loved nothing more than balance (New Love Quotes)
I’ll just wait right here for you cause I know your new love won’t last. I wound easy, but I heal fast (New Love Quotes)
Too late for changes, too late perhaps for explanations and ideological webs, but the love goes on, the love goes on, blind to laws and warnings and even to wisdom and to fears. And whatever that love is, perhaps an illusion of a new love, I want it, I can’t resist it, my whole being melts in one kiss, my knowledge melts, my fears melt, my blood dances, my legs open (New Love Quotes)
I like going everywhere. And I love starting new things (New Love Quotes)
I love fashion. I like looking fresh and wearing new stuff (New Love Quotes)
A new power is emerging on the world stage born of love not fear (New Love Quotes)
Love is the new denim or black (New Love Quotes)
As we grow up we learn that even the person that wasnt supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it gets harder every time. Youll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. Youll fight with your best friend. Youll blame a new love for things an old one did. Youll cry because time is passing too fast, and youll eventually lose someone you love, so take many pictures, laugh too much and love like youve never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is one minute of happiness youll never get back (New Love Quotes)
But new love only lasts so long, and then you crash back into the real people you are, and from as high as we were, it’s a very long fall, and we hit the ground with a thud (New Love Quotes)
Her tears were partly tears of happiness, for she felt that the strangeness between them was gone. She loved him now with a new love because he had made her suffer (New Love Quotes)
There are betrayals in war that are childlike compared with our human betrayals during peace. The new lovers enter the habits of the other. Things are smashed, revealed in a new light. This is done with nervous or tender sentences, although the heart is an organ of fire (New Love Quotes)
Yet hold I off: women are angels, wooing; things won are done, joy's soul lies in the doing. That she beloved knows nought that knows not this: men prize the thing ungained more than it is: that she was never yet, that ever knew love got so sweet as when desire did sue (New Love Quotes)
Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country (New Love Quotes)
I forgot what we were celebrating. Because we were always celebrating something, a new job, a new poem, a new love, a new dream (New Love Quotes)