New York Quotes

Text Quotes
I had very modest expectations when I first moved to New York. I didn't even expect to get a record deal (New York Quotes)
Skill is successfully walking a tightrope between the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center. Intelligence is not trying (New York Quotes)
I was performing in New York and my friends started to call me gaga, they said I was very theatrical and they said, 'you're gaga' (New York Quotes)
New York is the biggest mouth in the world. It appears to be prime example of the herd instinct, leading the universal urban conspiracy to beguile man from his birthright (the good ground), to hang him by his eyebrows from skyhooks above hard pavement, to crucify him, sell him, or be sold by him (New York Quotes)
Ironically, it is exactly because we are a city that embraces freedom, that welcomes everyone and encourages their dreams, that New York remains on the front lines in the war on terror (New York Quotes)
It is exactly because we are a city that embraces freedom, that welcomes everyone and encourages their dreams, that New York remains on the front lines in the war on terror (New York Quotes)
The World Trade Center site will forever hold a special place in our city, in our hearts. But we would be untrue to the best part of ourselves and who we are as New Yorkers and Americans if we said no to a mosque in lower Manhattan (New York Quotes)
These endless legal challenges that define elections in New York are a joke in this country, and they are the reason why it is so expensive, or one of the reasons, it's so expensive to run here and why so many people decide not to run (New York Quotes)
Many of America's and New York's sons and daughters are around the world fighting for the freedoms that the Statue of Liberty stands for (New York Quotes)
We may not always agree with every one of our neighbors. That's life. And it's part of living in such a diverse and dense city. But we also recognize that part of being a New Yorker is living with your neighbors in mutual respect and tolerance. It was exactly that spirit of openness and acceptance that was attacked on 9/11, 2001 (New York Quotes)
We've shown the world that New York can never be defeated, because of its dynamic and diverse population and because it embodies the spirit of enterprise and the love of liberty (New York Quotes)
Even though New York is the safest big city in the nation, there are still far too many illegal guns on our streets. Nearly all of them arrive from out of state – and most are sold by a small group of rogue gun dealers who refuse to obey federal laws (New York Quotes)
New York has been, and will continue to be, a magnet for people from all over the world. This is where the arts, business, research and technology converge to create the world's foremost urban economy (New York Quotes)
When I came to New York it was the first time I'd ever taken a plane, the first time I'd ever gotten a taxi-cab, the first time for everything. and I came here with 35 dollars in my pocket. It was the bravest thing I'd ever done (New York Quotes)
In fact, one might make the case that New York would not have shone without its legions of contrary devils polishing the lights of goodness with their inexplicable opposition and resistance (New York Quotes)
Our brains are no longer conditioned for reverence and awe. We cannot imagine a Second Coming that would not be cut down to size by the televised evening news, or a Last Judgment not subject to pages of holier-than-Thou second-guessing in the New York Review of Books (New York Quotes)
When I write, I aim in my mind not toward New York but toward a vague spot a little to the east of Kansas (New York Quotes)
Then, just at the peak of complacency, when it was assumed that the climate of the world had changed forever, when the conductor of the philharmonic played Vivaldi's Four Seasons and left out an entire movement, and when to children of a young age stories of winter were told as if they were fairy tales, New York was hit by a cataclysmic freeze, and, once again, people huddled together to talk fearfully of the millennium (New York Quotes)
If all the months and all their days could be like June weather in New York, there would be paradise on earth. Often, in early June, momentous decisions are made, power waxes strong, quick wars are fought, and love affairs are begun and ended (New York Quotes)
The streets of New York and some wards of its venerable institutions were packed with people who, despite being entirely forsaken, had episodes of glory that made the career of Alexander the Great seem like a day in the life of a file clerk (New York Quotes)
A middle finger is more New York than a corporate ambush. I bleed for my hometown, and I'd die for my fans (New York Quotes)
Get rid of the guns. We had the Second Amendment that said you have the right to bear arms. I haven't seen the British really coming by my house looking for it. And besides, the right to bear arms is not an absolute right anyway, as New York's Sullivan Law proves. We talk about ourselves as a violent society, and some of that is right and some of it is claptrap. But I think if you took away the guns, and I mean really take away the guns, not what Congress is doing now, you would see that violent society diminish considerably (New York Quotes)
There is practically no sense that is not violated every time we return from the country or the sea to Paris or London or New York (New York Quotes)
Beauty was a gift which, in the eyes of New York, justified every success, and excused a certain number of failings (New York Quotes)
Don't ever make the mistake most New Yorkers do, of underestimating Chicago. They think it's only a postage stamp on a very large envelope, and they're the envelope (New York Quotes)
Workers and their families may starve to death in the New World Order of economic rationality, but diamond necklaces are cheaper in elegant New York shops, thanks to the miracle of the market (New York Quotes)
I was drawn to boxing because I got beat up as a kid. I was the kid with the piano books in a New York neighbourhood (New York Quotes)
That's the problem with being born in New York, the old newsman observed a little sadly. You've got no New York to run away to (New York Quotes)
That's how quickly New York City comes about - like a weather wane - or the head of a cobra. Time tells which (New York Quotes)
Most New Yorkers spent their lives somewhere between the fruit cart and the fifth floor. To see the city from a few hundred feet above the riffraff was pretty celestial. We gave the moment its due (New York Quotes)