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And for whatever reason I've loved the news since I can remember. I loved it when I was in elementary school  (News Quotes) I got addicted. News, particularly daily news, is more addictive than crack cocaine, more addictive than heroin, more addictive than cigarettes  (News Quotes) Stay with CBS now for more news, including: Is there a pall over the mall as holiday shoppers think small?  (News Quotes) If you have pumped your fist at God, the good news is that you can come back into fellowship with him right this minute  (News Quotes) Until mankind is peaceful enough not to have violence on the news, there’s no point in taking it out of shows that need it for entertainment value  (News Quotes) If our gospel does not free the individual up for a unique life of spiritual adventure in living with God daily, we simply have not entered fully into the good news that Jesus brought  (News Quotes) News is what a chap who doesn’t care much about anything wants to read  (News Quotes) Good news travels slowly but arrives in the end, thank goodness. Bad news always arrives a day too soon  (News Quotes) We’ve got to lift our game tremendously. We’ll sell our business news and information in print, we’ll sell it to anyone who’s got a cable system, and we’ll sell it on the Web  (News Quotes) I can go into restaurants and a whole table will get up and clap if they recognize me, because they love Fox News. Other places - or even the same place - people will turn the other way  (News Quotes) News - communicating news and ideas, I guess - is my passion. And giving people alternatives so that they have two papers to read (and) alternative television channels  (News Quotes) Climate change and energy use are global problems. News Corp is a global company. Our operations affect the environment all over the world  (News Quotes) It is difficult to get the news from poems yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there  (News Quotes) But me contradicting a news story is not going to make my words fact. It will just create a new news story  (News Quotes) While the good news of the gospel may not appeal to everyone, the bad news of the gospel still applies to everyone  (News Quotes) Read only the most optimistic comments on the world’s news; those in harmony with your picture  (News Quotes) I watch one news channel until my soul can’t take it anymore. It’s the background of my life  (News Quotes) Sarah Palin has been hired back by Fox News, and she only left five months ago. She has now effectively quit quitting. She can’t even commit to being uncommitted  (News Quotes) News is not a game show. You don’t win a car if you happen to be right  (News Quotes) Celebrity culture has gone crazy, and I think the reason is that real news is just not bearable, and it also seems impossible to change anything  (News Quotes) I’ve had the good fortune to have a much more diverse life than most people would, professional sports and television and news and movies  (News Quotes) Its only when you are a great actor and are recognised for your good work that you become famous. Unless you are in the news for the wrong reasons!  (News Quotes) Look at the declining television coverage. Look at the declining voting rate. Economics and economic news is what moves the country now, not politics  (News Quotes) News reports don’t change the world. Only facts change it, and those have already happened when we get the news  (News Quotes) So the news that divorced fathers are to be denied a legal right to a relationship with their children, in the long overdue review of family law published this week, fills me with horror and despair  (News Quotes) The current wisdom now is that if the three networks are covering the news the same way the difference is the anchor people. I think that won’t be true in the future  (News Quotes) The good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do. The bad news is that they do what you tell them to do  (News Quotes) You can find poetry in your everyday life, your memory, in what people say on the bus, in the news, or just what’s in your heart  (News Quotes) Local television news, on both radio and television, is so appalling. Makes print journalism look like the greatest stuff ever written  (News Quotes) That crossover of whether it’s entertainment or news is the biggest crock of b.s. in television today, because it’s all entertainment  (News Quotes)
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