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One reason I left local news was that I was tired of the constant musical chairs among news directors  (News Quotes) Some news managers have been slow to grasp that good television news is always substance over form  (News Quotes) The bad news is that 50 people died in a hotel fire; the good news is that we got exclusive footage  (News Quotes) The latest wrinkle is on wrinkles. There is a widespread belief that women can’t grow old in television news  (News Quotes) I have a liberal definition of news because I think news can be what excites people. I’m not very sanctimonious about what news is and isn’t  (News Quotes) Today they have proven once again that the mainstream media can’t print enough bad news about our troops  (News Quotes) The mainstream press and television do a very soft job of covering the press, either as corporate entities or as news organizations  (News Quotes) The perception is that more important people watch news in the evenings than in the mornings  (News Quotes) They are words you don’t easily forget: I don’t have good news  (News Quotes) I think the idea of creating a television news source that is not beholden to corporate interests is nirvana  (News Quotes) Some days the competition would beat me and I’d go home thinking awful thoughts, want to hide under the bed, depressed. But of course, in the news business, when you’re working a daily news broadcast, you get your victories and defeats every day  (News Quotes) I never think too far into the future. I’m too busy thinking about tomorrow’s news  (News Quotes) The good news is that a competitive dollar in the global market and a strong dollar at home are compatible in both the long run and during the transition to a more competitive dollar  (News Quotes) The five million people who watch cable news are the political nation, the people who really care  (News Quotes) I’d like to get back into journalism. I’m hoping someone will offer me a job as a commentator or one of those political analysts that you see on the news shows all the time  (News Quotes) What interested me was not news, but appraisal. What I sought was to grasp the flavor of a man, his texture, his impact, what he stood for, what he believed in, what made him what he was and what color he gave to the fabric of his time  (News Quotes) If you want to be a rock star or just be famous, then run down the street naked, you’ll make the news or something. But if you want music to be your livelihood, then play, play, play and play! And eventually you’ll get to where you want to be  (News Quotes) Political reporters no longer get to decide what’s news. The days when a minister gave briefings to a dozen lobby correspondents, and thereby dictated the next day’s headlines, are over. Now, a thousand bloggers decide for themselves what is interesting. If enough of them are tickled then, bingo, you’re news  (News Quotes) People magazine had been around for a short period of time, but nobody had thought about putting entertainment news on a nightly basis on television  (News Quotes) Let’s give the conventions back to the politicians. If we think there’s any news, we can tack it on afterward as commentary. But the conventions should be their show, not ours  (News Quotes) The good news, though, is that I find in my political travels that people, as regular citizens, are more interested than ever in getting together and having discussions. They want to hear about other viewpoints that differ entirely from what the administration is putting out  (News Quotes) I think that what people want from cable news channels is the sense that if there’s hard news, it’s going to come up immediately  (News Quotes) I never quite understand why we watch the news. There doesn’t really seem much point watching somebody tell you what the news is when you could quite easily listen to it on the radio  (News Quotes) I think it’s really good that you have great competition among news networks, and for that matter all the networks in general. It’s bringing more and more people in to watching the news  (News Quotes) If you tailor your news viewing so that you only get one point of view, well of course you’re going to think somebody else has got a different point of view, and it may be wrong  (News Quotes) I think most people live in a space where they are looking for meaning in life and good in the world and that is not necessarily reflected in straight news coverage right now  (News Quotes) You don’t tell us how to stage the news and we don’t tell you how to cover it  (News Quotes) To go from politics to news, at least the subject matter is the same, even if the view is different  (News Quotes) News is so often a report of conflict, an account of problems, a thing of the day and even of the minute, that sometimes I think we make the background darker and the shadows deeper than they actually are  (News Quotes) When the newspapers have got nothing else to talk about, they cut loose on the young. The young are always news. If they are up to something, that’s news. If they aren’t, that’s news too  (News Quotes)
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