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I’m kind of a homebody, and the rhythm of my thinking and work is starting at home, going out and coming back, bringing back news, bringing back information, applying it  (News Quotes) It is funny, I don’t feel old enough to give advice... But with the advisers you trust, you better listen to them. It may be bad news but that’s the only way you’re going to improve  (News Quotes) I have always viewed thinking about arguing, about questioning, pushing back with, joking, about sharing and discovering the world and the news as enjoyable, the same way that I view watching basketball  (News Quotes) If you honestly know how you help people, then you should become passionate about sharing it, spread the good news, give everyone a chance to share in the solutions that you can provide  (News Quotes) Usually it is the stereotyped shape assumed by an event at an obvious place that uncovers the run of the news  (News Quotes) The news is not a mirror of social conditions, but the report of an aspect that has obtruded itself  (News Quotes) The good news is, the stock market is closed and it can’t hurt us again until tomorrow  (News Quotes) Too much magic could wrap time and space around itself, and that wasn’t good news for the kind of person who had grown used to things like effects following things like causes  (News Quotes) The remarkable legion of the unremarked, whose individual opinions are not colorful or different enough to make news, but whose collective opinion, when crystallized, can make history  (News Quotes) What a newspaper needs in its news, in its headlines, and on its editorial page is terseness, humor, descriptive power, satire, originality, good literary style, clever condensation and accuracy, accuracy, accuracy  (News Quotes) If y’all see me in the news, and I make the news for something that I ain’t got no business making it for, don’t bash me. Say it was a young guy living  (News Quotes) Each country makes a different decision on adult pornography, but the good news is that even governments you hate, hate child pornography  (News Quotes) The art of a news reporter is to learn how to lull a victim, because all good reporters are confidence tricksters in embryo  (News Quotes) If you don’t like the news go out and make some of your own  (News Quotes) The work of a science blogger is largely comprised of correcting and criticizing bad science news reporting  (News Quotes) The good news is that the comics field is small enough and informal enough that once you have made a comic, you have achieved your dreams: you have broken into the comics industry. The problem with breaking in, though, is that staying in is harder  (News Quotes) What is will? It is a decision. It is a decision to be something. We really aren’t anything in particular. We can be anything. That’s the good news  (News Quotes) Global warming isn’t real because I was cold today! Also great news: world hunger is over because I just ate  (News Quotes) A savage is simply a human organism that has not received enough news from the human race  (News Quotes) If the internet has taught us anything, it’s that you want less news and more cats  (News Quotes) Of all the reports that fly about the world, ill news is the surest of all to arrive!  (News Quotes) Sometimes in news photography and so on, the pictures are a little bit dry, and put on the page and just set in a journalistic way in front of you  (News Quotes) Out of the ­10,000 news stories you may have read in the last 12 months, did even one allow you to make a better decision about a serious matter in your life?  (News Quotes) Hoaxes are nothing new. News media isn’t hard to fool. It’s fun to fool and people like to mess with people. It all goes to show you that we’re not all that hard to fool. I think we should just accept that and trust people anyway  (News Quotes) I love great journalism. I appreciate it. I love good news stories. I love great books. I love great articles. I appreciate them so much, and they’ve been part of my education as a woman  (News Quotes) We are the shadow cast by real people. And that shadow changes shape as the news cycle changes shape, so you always have fresh dirt to dig in  (News Quotes) Have you noticed that all the news, statistics, strategies about unemployment are provided by those who are employed? As soon as you are unemployed you cease to exist  (News Quotes) When something is dramatized, it provokes a much more emotive response than just hearing a story on the news  (News Quotes) It’s not my job to keep myself in the news. My job is to keep performing. If I spend time promoting myself or being concerned about my image, I wouldn’t have the energy to do the work that I’m doing. I love what I do and I’m good at it too  (News Quotes) You have to have really wide reading habits and pay attention to the news and just everything that’s going on in the world: you need to. If you get this right, then the writing is a piece of cake  (News Quotes)
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