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Because it’s no longer enough to be a decent person. It’s no longer enough to shake our heads and make concerned grimaces at the news. True enlightened activism is the only thing that can save humanity from itself  (News Quotes) You know the difference between news and gossip, don’t you? News tells you what people did. Gossip tells you how much they enjoyed it  (News Quotes) It was all your genes that made us geniuses, mom. said peter. we sure didn’t get any from dad. I heard that. father said, not looking up from the news that was being displayed on the table while he ate it would’ve been wasted if you hadn’t  (News Quotes) The beast was harmless and horrible; and the news must reach the others as soon as possible  (News Quotes) The paper landed on the table, but the news was stapled to his chest. A tattoo  (News Quotes) And just when we were at the end of our design process there was the news that the Italian government and the U. S. government had signed an agreement to fly the first Italian astronaut on that flight  (News Quotes) I still don’t believe it. It’s not in him. Yeah, and you are delusional. Babe, news flash, with the exception of you and the pirate, we’re all animals here. And we all have a killer’s instinct  (News Quotes) I wanted the truth, and I wanted the news, and I’d be damned before I settled for anything less  (News Quotes) All the papers that matter live off their advertisements, and the advertisers exercise an indirect censorship over news  (News Quotes) The bells of glory that announced to the world the good news that the uncountable time of eternity had come to an end  (News Quotes) Everytime you see a flood like that on the news you tell yourself: That’s it. That’s my heart  (News Quotes) She’d be one of those parents who left a kid behind at a rest stop, driving for miles before she noticed. We’d hear about her on the evening news  (News Quotes) Then I have some bad news for you, because humans are going to destroy each other as soon as it becomes easy enough to, which will be very soon  (News Quotes) The news isn’t there to tell you what happened. It’s there to tell you what it wants you to hear or what it thinks you want to hear  (News Quotes) We have traveled through space and time. We have been many places. Visited many worlds. And there is good news: the acoustics everywhere are terrific  (News Quotes) I observe, I write, I try not to remember the life that I didn’t want to loose but lost and have to remember, being here fills my heart with so much joy, even if the joy isn’t mine, and at the end of the day I fill the suitcase with old news  (News Quotes) The bad news is we don’t have any control. The good news is we can’t make any mistakes  (News Quotes) Besides getting several paper cuts in the same day or receiving the news that someone in your family has betrayed you to your enemies, one of the most unpleasant experiences in life is a job interview  (News Quotes) Bad news has no limits. We often feel it should, like a rainstorm that can’t possibly get any heavier. But a storm can always worsen, and the burdens of life can too  (News Quotes) The bad news is you’re falling through the air, nothing to hang on to, no parachute. The good news is, there’s no ground  (News Quotes) They say I’m old news. Well who the new star? Cause if I’m goin anywhere it’s probably too far  (News Quotes) The good news is we have the technology and the tools to alleviate poverty on a global scale. All that is standing in our way is education and will  (News Quotes) I don’t have to tell you how fragile this precious gift of freedom is. Every time we hear, watch, or read the news, we are reminded that liberty is a rare commodity in this world  (News Quotes) Compassion automatically brings happiness and calmness. Then, even if you receive disturbing news, it will be easier to take, as your mind is still  (News Quotes) The flatter the corporate hierarchy, the more likely it is that employees will communicate bad news and act upon it  (News Quotes) The dangers of unexamined and unregulated monopoly power, particularly in the state executive, are hardly news. The right reaction is not passive acquiescence  (News Quotes) How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points? This is a case of exclusion  (News Quotes) If anyone wants to know the weirdest thing, it’s getting your hair cut and seeing it on the news. Terrorists probably knew about my haircut  (News Quotes) I can’t even describe to anybody what it feels like to have my naked body shot across the world like a news flash against my will. It just makes me feel like a piece of meat that’s being passed around for profit  (News Quotes) You can find good reasons to scuttle your equities in every morning paper and on every broadcast of the nightly news  (News Quotes)
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