Newspaper Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m not focused on the outrageousness. I’m just focused on being funny, and raising my kids. I don’t even read the newspaper, I don’t read that crap. (Newspaper Quotes)
I never get upset about what I read in the newspaper. I realize that every human being can make a difference in this world. (Newspaper Quotes)
I am grateful to have spent 25 years at the ‘International Herald Tribune’ - a newspaper where I had unstinting support in being able to express myself freely and honestly. (Newspaper Quotes)
You will read in the newspaper more often about federal courts, but the law that affects people, the trials that affect human beings are by and large in the state courts. (Newspaper Quotes)
Open your newspaper - any day of the week - and you will find a report from somewhere in the world of someone being imprisoned, tortured or executed because his opinions or religion are unacceptable to his government. (Newspaper Quotes)
Being able to provoke a different point of view to the standard current ideological or political perspective as played out in conventional newspaper or radio reportage is what a public intellectual does. But it’s not merely about being oppositional, because that’s too negative. (Newspaper Quotes)
My degree was in education, but the idea of being a teacher lost out to being a reporter. I worked at a newspaper for a while, then went to New York and worked in PR at RCA and NBC, and at ‘The United States Steel Hour,’ a drama series. (Newspaper Quotes)
I feel lucky I didn’t become that newspaper cartoonist I wanted to be because in the U.S. so many newspapers have suffered circulation declines, and some have folded. What’s fun about being an author is I reach a much bigger audience, and there is something special about launching a book you’ve penned. (Newspaper Quotes)
Men love to be the first to read the newspaper in the morning. Not being the first is upsetting to their psyches. (Newspaper Quotes)
Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. (Newspaper Quotes)
I guess you’re happy if you have some kind of balance in you. I’m a human being. I have days when I feel paralyzed, days when I feel like a slug. Then I have days when I have good energy, I’ve read the newspaper and I’ve done different things. (Newspaper Quotes)
How we feel about ourselves as we read the newspaper, set the table, wash the dishes, recycle the trash and wash our clothes... is essential to our overall happiness and well-being. (Newspaper Quotes)
Every newspaper in the country covers stories that other newspapers cover. Every industry is filled with people who are competing to do the best job providing a particular service. (Newspaper Quotes)
The biggest difference between Kennedy and Nixon, as far as the press is concerned, is simply this: Jack Kennedy really liked newspaper people and he really enjoyed sparring with journalists. (Newspaper Quotes)
Launching a newspaper without a coherent idea of how you’re going to promote it, or get it to people who might want to read it, is like launching a boat without a rudder or an engine... or a hull, now that I think about it. (Newspaper Quotes)
Nobody ever said that growing old would be easy. Just having to hold the newspaper out in your forties and then hair growing out of unusual parts of your body in your fifties. It’s tough on the ego. (Newspaper Quotes)
I don’t think there’s a difference between writing for a newspaper or magazine and doing a chapter in a book. (Newspaper Quotes)
... people in the newspaper industry saw the web as a newspaper. People in TV saw the web as TV, and people in book publishing saw it as a weird kind of potential book. But the web is not just some kind of magic all-absorbing meta-medium. It’s its own thing. (Newspaper Quotes)
Since news breaks on digg very quickly, we face the same issues as newspapers which print a retraction for a story that was misreported. The difference with digg is that equal play can be given to both sides of a story, whereas with a newspaper, a retraction or correction is usually buried. (Newspaper Quotes)
I’d been working on the [Bridget Jones’s Baby: The Diaries material] for years, first, in the Independent newspaper columns and then in the various versions of the movie scripts. (Newspaper Quotes)
Like all young reporters - brilliant or hopelessly incompetent - I dreamed of the glamorous life of the foreign correspondent: prowling Vienna in a Burberry trench coat, speaking a dozen languages to dangerous women, narrowly escaping Sardinian bandits - the usual stuff that newspaper dreams are made of. (Newspaper Quotes)
Most headlines are set too big to be legible in the magazines or newspaper. Never approve a layout until you have seen it pasted into the magazine or newspaper for which it was destined. If you pin up the layouts on a bulletin board and appraise them from fifteen feet, you will produce posters. (Newspaper Quotes)
The three principal trends affecting how we do business in the newspaper production industry might best come under the headings: automation, diversification, distributed print. (Newspaper Quotes)
The digital apocalypse continues to blight the lives of television producers, music-industry executives and newspaper publishers, all of whom are scrambling to figure out how to reconfigure their business models in such a way as to allow them to make an honest buck. (Newspaper Quotes)
Editor: A person employed on a newspaper whose business it is to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to see that the chaff is printed (Newspaper Quotes)
Call me a troglodyte; I’d rather peruse those photos alongside my sweetheart, catch the newspaper on the way to work, and page thorough a real book. (Newspaper Quotes)
I was a cub reporter on a local newspaper in Limerick city, and I used to cover the district court meetings. All of life passed through the Limerick courthouse. Misery, malevolence, the dark side of humanity... I tell ya, it made ‘Angela’s Ashes’ look like ‘The Wonderful World of Disney.’ (Newspaper Quotes)
When I was a newspaper reporter, and later a television writer, I really felt my co-workers became a second family. (Newspaper Quotes)
I have the Sony Reader; I have the Kindle as well. I don’t really use either of them, to be honest. I’d rather sit down with a cup of coffee and a newspaper than read all my digital books. (Newspaper Quotes)
Our good time is sitting in a coffee shop with a newspaper, writing a line on the back of a napkin. That is the most fun comedians ever have (Newspaper Quotes)