Niall Ferguson Quotes
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Text Quotes
President Obama’s biggest weakness is weakness (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
Over time, the welfare state has become dysfunctional in a surprising way. But in a way it became a victim of its own success: It became so successful at prolonging life, that it becomes financially unsustainable, unless you make major changes to things like retirement ages. (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
In Stalin’s Russia racial persecution was often disguised as class warfare. More than 1.5 million members of ethnic minorities died as a result of forced resettlement (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
After 1968 the restored communist regime required all Czech rock musicians to sit a written exam in Marxism Leninism (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
Collaboration is risky. If it fails, if the occupation is wound up prematurely and the bad guys come back to power, you might find yourself in some serious trouble. (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
I can’t think of anything I would rather do with my money than buy my children the best possible education. (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
What’s so seductive about the efficient markets hypothesis is that it applies nine years out of ten. A lot of the time it works. But when it stops working, you blow up. (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
I wrote this book because I had formed a strong impression that the people currently living were paying insufficient attention to the dead. (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
One of the main arguments that I make in my new book, ‘The Great Degeneration,’ is that the rule of law in the U.S. is becoming the rule of lawyers. (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
The bacteriologist, often risking his life to find cures for lethal afflictions, was another kind of imperial hero, as brave in his way as the soldier-explorer. (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
The British press has an insatiable appetite for making public things that should be private. It’s a prurience that I’ve never understood. (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
For 500 years the West patented six killer applications that set it apart. The first to download them was Japan. Over the last century, one Asian country after another has downloaded these killer apps- competition, modern science, the rule of law and private property rights, modern medicine, the consumer society and the work ethic. Those six things are the secret sauce of Western civilization (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
We historians are increasingly using experimental psychology to understand the way we act. It is becoming very clear that our ability to evaluate risk is hedged by all sorts of cognitive biases. It’s a miracle that we get anything right. (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
It’s not surprising so many people end up with credit-card debts. Saving for your retirement and buying a house are difficult things, and we don’t educate people about them at all. (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
Only in England would ‘professor gets divorced and remarried’ be a story (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
The debate that I’m interested in having is with seriously smart people about how we design institutions in the 21st century that will genuinely address problems of poverty and educational underachievement. (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
As a teacher, my strategy is to encourage questioning. I’m the least authoritarian professor you’ll ever meet. (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
Risk models are a substitute for historical knowledge, because they tend to work with just three years’ worth of data. But three years is not a long time in financial history. (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
I think the rise of quantitative econometrics and a highly mathematical approach to risk management was the obverse of a decline in interest in financial history. (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
There aren’t many people who really put their life on the line for human freedom (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
The real point of me isn’t that I’m good looking. It’s that I’m clever. I’ve got a brain! I would rather be called a highly intelligent historian than a gorgeous pouting one. (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
The West may collapse very suddenly. Complex civilizations do that, because they operate, most of the time, on the edge of chaos (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
If being rightwing is thinking that Karl Marx’s doctrine was a catastrophe for humanity, then I’m rightwing (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
I think the rise of quantitative econometrics and a highly mathematical approach to risk management was the obverse of a decline in interest in financial history (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
My fundamental tenets are concerned with freedom of the individual; the market isn’t perfect, but it’s the best available way of allocating resources (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
Risk models are a substitute for historical knowledge, because they tend to work with just three years’ worth of data. But three years is not a long time in financial history (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
Something that’s seldom appreciated about me is that I am in sympathy with a great deal of what Marx wrote, except that I’m on the side of the bourgeoisie (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
The whole point about historians is that we are really communing with the dead. It’s very restful - because you read. There’s some sociopathic problem that makes me prefer it to human interaction (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
What’s so seductive about the efficient markets hypothesis is that it applies nine years out of ten. A lot of the time it works. But when it stops working, you blow up (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
As a financial historian, I was quite isolated in Oxford - British historians are supposed to write about kings - so the quality of intellectual life in my field is much higher at Harvard. The students work harder there (Niall Ferguson Quotes)
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