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It’s nice to just be a kid and hang out with your friends at lunch  (Nice Quotes) Always make stock in a large quantity and freeze it in plastic bags. That way, when you want to make a nice soup or boil veggies, you can simply pull the bag out of the freezer  (Nice Quotes) It’s nice to see some youth running around and not see achy backs and necks and arms,... It’s nice to see some young guys feeling spry  (Nice Quotes) Though it might be nice to imagine there once was a time when man lived in harmony with nature, it’s not clear that he ever really did  (Nice Quotes) At the moment developing a nice little inoffensive cancer somewhere on dry land seemed infinitely preferable to what she was grimly convinced was soon to be her death by drowning way too far out at sea  (Nice Quotes) If you got the job in the first place mainly because you look nice, I can’t see why you should keep it when you don’t  (Nice Quotes) As soon as I think that I am a little body, I want to preserve it, to protect it, to keep it nice, at the expense of other bodies; then you and I become separate  (Nice Quotes) Even in this world where you’re getting everything you need and having this nice life, there’s still loneliness and longing and disconnection  (Nice Quotes) There’s a right way and a wrong way to do things. If you make a chair, you want to make a nice chair. You want people to admire it. I think doing something well is a form of respect for humanity in general. I have found that all incompetence comes from not paying attention, which comes from people doing something that they don’t want to do. And doing what you don’t want to do means either you have no choice, or you don’t think that the moments of your life are worth fighting for  (Nice Quotes) It’s nice, it gives you a feeling of security so that if something breaks we know we can always call a guy over and he’ll bring a drill or something  (Nice Quotes) No matter how horrid a person may appear on the surface, if you dig deeper, you will find some nice, unexpected little quality  (Nice Quotes) I love the big fights. Obviously you can’t fight just for the money but the money is nice  (Nice Quotes) Their notion of training was to march the men up and down in parades and reviews: these were nice to look at and gave them the impression of military discipline and precision, but as a preparation for a modern war they had no value whatsoever  (Nice Quotes) I see my sisters, my mother, my grandmother. I like the way I look. I think I have a nice face. I like my eyes, my mouth. I have a good nose. I have good skin  (Nice Quotes) I like one nice man because he gets three tickets for the cinema so we’ve got somewhere to put our coats. He passes the test. I’ve been quite surprised because I really didn’t expect to be wined and dined, and it’s quite nice  (Nice Quotes) I don’t plan on selling out. I mean, it’s nice to get a dinner reservation ahead of other people, but when it comes down to it, the most important thing for me is the actual work  (Nice Quotes) Fame is fleeting, and you can’t get caught up in it. Signing autographs, taking pictures, and being nice to people is a small price to pay for the upside that comes with this  (Nice Quotes) Directing is a nice job. It’s the best job for me. If I had to pay money to do it, I would do it... Directing is playing. Acting  (Nice Quotes) I give the ball some sweet talk. I tell it that this isn’t going to hurt a bit. I’m a friend and all I’m going to do is give it a nice little ride  (Nice Quotes) It’s easy to scare women. It’s even profitable to scare women... But it’s not nice, so let’s stop it  (Nice Quotes) Yeah, it’s nice to look up to people, but the more you try to be somebody else, the less you are of yourself  (Nice Quotes) Fame is drag. The paparazzi culture is more pervasive than it used to be. On the positive side, it’s nice not to have to worry about bills  (Nice Quotes) There is nothing wrong with having a good job, there is nothing wrong with having a nice house, there is nothing wrong with that. There is something wrong when that is your goal  (Nice Quotes) Work hard... have fun... be nice... play fair... dream big. We only get one chance at this life. If you’re going to play this game, play it to win  (Nice Quotes) If you can find a nice pretty country girl that can cook and carries her bible, now there’s a woman  (Nice Quotes) I don’t want to be nice. Nice girls can only get what they’re offered  (Nice Quotes) If you look at the offense like a fancy car, the offensive line is the engine. Even though we might have nice spinners and nice rims and tinted windows and some neat paint job, it doesn’t mean crap without the engine. If the engine’s not working, the car might look like a pretty nice car, but it’s a piece of crap  (Nice Quotes) Nothing comes cheap, though the educated eye will always spot very nice things for the least money  (Nice Quotes) I just want to grow old with a man who takes care of me, and I want to eventually have kids and want them to be good children to me. Just want to be treated nice and have respect  (Nice Quotes) My whole life I try to make into a comedy, so it would be nice to see that onscreen  (Nice Quotes)
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