Nice Quotes

Text Quotes
There’s so many people who move around our country and lose track of their own ancestry. It’s nice to know where you come from (Nice Quotes)
I was just trying to make a nice little movie... It wasn’t until I saw it all put together that I realized this was something remarkable (Nice Quotes)
I’m very honored and thankful if someone says something nice about my playing, but in general I’m very critical of what I do (Nice Quotes)
Home runs just come from accidents by me,... I just try to hit it solid and sometimes they go out. The record is nice to have but I’m not trying to hit them (Nice Quotes)
Treat your enemies with courtesy, and you’ll see how valuable it really is. It costs little but pays a nice dividend: those who honor are honored. Politeness and a sense of honor have this advantage: we bestow them on others without losing a thing (Nice Quotes)
Share your enthusiasm with the collector’s enthusiasm for the work, and discover things together. Be nice and appreciative and at the same time give them the hint that you’re a winner so they believe they’ve made a good investment. It’s simple common sense (Nice Quotes)
No matter how dry and tame and nice we live, we will die. We will also suffer along the way. Living wild is it’s own reward (Nice Quotes)
The city’s the best gallery I could imagine. I would never have to make a book and then present it to a gallery and let them decide if my work was nice enough to show it to people. I would control it directly with the public in the streets (Nice Quotes)
Mickey’s a nice fellow who never does anyone any harm, who gets into scrapes through no fault of his own but always manages to come up grinning (Nice Quotes)
Reagan was an exceedingly likeable guy, just a heck of a nice fellow, despite his politics. He was funny and loved a good joke, the dirtier, I’m afraid the more ethnic, the better. I don’t think he brought very much to the presidency, except charisma and success (Nice Quotes)
The bankers just got a good cussing by everybody for loaning too much money. Well, they got some awful nice buildings. So when a banker fails, he fails in splendor (Nice Quotes)
It’s nice if you love a liberated person, and you should, because they love you. They’re lovable. They’re children playing in a very, very unusual world filled with vortexes of dancing darkness and light (Nice Quotes)
Feel eternity around you. Not as an idea, not as a nice intellectualization, but to really feel it; not to be some religious fanatic who’s strung out on some weird idea of salvation to the exclusion of common sense (Nice Quotes)
Selfless giving is being nice and there are times we don’t want to be (Nice Quotes)
Wanting the best that life has to offer is so nice. Working for the best that life has to offer is greater (Nice Quotes)
Isn’t it nice to know that you can put a worm on your hook and get a fish all charged up? (Nice Quotes)
People are the custodians of the world’s wealth; if you want them to hand some over to you, you have to be nice to people! (Nice Quotes)
It’s always nice to look in the mirror at the end of the day and see that you helped somebody’s life... even if only a little bit (Nice Quotes)
As you get older, it’s important to have goals. When you’re a kid you have them, but other people can set them for you, such as your parents, your school... so, as you get older it’s nice to have your own goals, which don’t have to do with being more famous, or being in bigger movies, or making more money. Those things kind of corrupt your soul (Nice Quotes)
I find it a little stressful when you’re in a really nice studio and you feel time ticking and the bill getting higher (Nice Quotes)
In an effort to civilize combat sports, authorities mandated padded gloves and instantly made the sports far more savage. Granted, putting gloves on the hands seems like a nice thing to do. If you were being punched in the brain by a powerful man, wouldn’t you rather he strap a pillow around his fist? But the glove doesn’t do anything to diminish your brain damage (Nice Quotes)
It’s really nice to have someone who’s intelligent and articulate to talk to about what you’re doing, because it’s a big part of who we are (Nice Quotes)
Eating any of these things, goat testicles or what have you, isn’t going to be nice, but you get into that zone, you become focussed and you do what you need to do. It’s all about one thing: coming home in one piece (Nice Quotes)
The nice thing about true hopelessness is that you don’t have to try again (Nice Quotes)
It’s relatively easy to act nice and normal in front of a crowd, or in public. The tricky part is doing it in private (Nice Quotes)
I only use three primaries, so the nice thing is I can’t have favorite colors (Nice Quotes)
One of the nice things about being busy is it makes you focus on what’s important to you and how you use your time (Nice Quotes)
Intentions are nice, but ultimately intentions don’t really matter because they only exist inside you (Nice Quotes)
Dangling a carrot in front of a donkey-or anyone else for that matter-is not nice, and not fair, unless you eventually plan to give it up to them (Nice Quotes)
Experiences are like cherry on the cake. It’s nice, but that’s not what’s going to make a difference to the habit (Nice Quotes)