Nice Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s always nice to be able to capture your life’s experiences in a song and hold the emotion in that way. (Nice Quotes)
I don’t always expect good from people. I always expect the bad and I am pleasantly surprised when they are nice. (Nice Quotes)
It’s always nice when people appreciate your work because it means you’ve affected them, which is great. And so that feels good. (Nice Quotes)
Whether you’re playing in the minor leagues or major-league divisions, wherever you are, it’s always nice to be recognized as an All-Star. (Nice Quotes)
Without sounding pretentious, it’s nice to always be surrounded by creative people who inspire me and keep my levels of creativity charged. (Nice Quotes)
I’ve always loved working on series. The crew feels like a family and it’s nice to have a regular gig that you can count on. (Nice Quotes)
People were talking while I was playing, so I got up and left the stage. I’ve gotten to the point where I’m not really very patient with patrons rapping during the show. And the people were all nice and quiet when I cam back. (Nice Quotes)
I love traditional shoes. I have a nice couple of pairs of traditional Oxford-style shoes, a pair of Edward Green shoes, and I aspire to a pair of hand-made George Cleverley shoes. Mark McNairy, all those are amazing. (Nice Quotes)
My best kiss was on stage. Kelly Rowland from Destiny’s Child gave me a really nice soft kiss on my lips during a performance on my birthday. It was amazing. (Nice Quotes)
I grew up in L.A. I actually grew up in the Valley, which was a pretty amazing place to grow up because everybody has nice, big backyards, and I was kind of a little nature being. (Nice Quotes)
It’s nice because success has allowed me to have a blast on stage, to be in the studio with amazing people, but I find it all a bit bizarre. (Nice Quotes)
The suburbs are the American dream, right? Living in a nice house, having a good job, a happy family. (Nice Quotes)
The TV is often on in our house, but I really only keep up with three shows: ‘American Idol,’ ‘Modern Family’ and ‘The Walking Dead.’ Sometimes I’ll sip red wine - it’s a nice way to slow down and relax. (Nice Quotes)
I never set out now to get a Grammy, or get an American Music Award, but it still is nice to be recognized. (Nice Quotes)
A nice quick workout is the stairs; it takes me five minutes to do 24 floors (Nice Quotes)
You know what, Steve Jobs is real nice to me. He lets me be an employee and that’s one of the biggest honors of my life. (Nice Quotes)
Blank House was exactly a nice empty sheet where nothing was accountable because you were so naughty that you were in Blank House. (Nice Quotes)
You can be living in a big house, driving a nice car, going on exotic vacations and still be empty inside, crippled with fear and dread. (Nice Quotes)
I was an only child and I had a mother and father who were just - there wasn’t a straight man in the house, and I mean that in a very nice way. They were fun, and we would laugh a lot. (Nice Quotes)
It’s nice to begin each day with an open mind but a wonderful fulfillment will come with an open heart. (Nice Quotes)
I read mostly historical fiction - lots of stuff set in ancient Rome and ancient Greece. I also liked sci-fi and fantasy: David Gemmell, Raymond E. Feist. It’s a nice escape from the world. As much as I do love real-life stories, they can often make you hurt in a way I’d rather not hurt. (Nice Quotes)
Angelina Jolie is just an extremely talented, generous, nice person to be around and to work with (Nice Quotes)
My mom is one of those really angry moms who gets mad at absolutely everything. Once when I was a little kid, I accidentally knocked a Flintstones glass off the kitchen table. She said, ‘Well, dammit, we can’t have nice things.’ (Nice Quotes)
I don’t even use profanity when I’m angry. I think people expected I’d have written a nice romance or something. (Nice Quotes)
If you have this enormous talent, it’s got you by the balls, it’s a demon. You can’t be a family man and a husband and a caring person and be that animal. Dickens wasn’t that nice a guy. (Nice Quotes)
I’m not an animal lover if that means you think things are nice if you can pat them, but I am intoxicated by animals. (Nice Quotes)
I needed a place to put the dogs. The prisoners ruined the jail, so I put the prisoners in the tents and I had a nice place to put the dogs. We treat the cats nice too, and horses. I have the inmates take care of the animals. It’s therapy too, you see. (Nice Quotes)
We unwittingly judge products by their boxes, books by their covers, and even corporation’s annual reports by their nice glossy finish. (Nice Quotes)
The moment you have a child, in an instant your life is not for you, and your life is completely, 100 percent dedicated to another human being, and they will always come first. It changes you forever. It changes your perspective, and it gives you a nice purpose and focus. (Nice Quotes)
An nice lady in the back...asked what I thought about how we begin to move forward. I think it is up to each individual, which then moves to your family, which moves to your community. Each person, in their own life, let your life be a light for peace, for justice, for all that is good. Just let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. (Nice Quotes)