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Nicely Quotes

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A part of me feels like I was an animal in my past life that wasn’t treated very nicely  (Nicely Quotes) We have nine ships and in the next two years will have ten, eleven and twelve. So things are going very nicely and all because of that program that people thought was mindless and so forth  (Nicely Quotes) I’ve spent days in cinemas answering questions from the audience, in interviews, travelling abroad, and all they do is thank me nicely  (Nicely Quotes) If a woman has a good ass the rest of her wil be nicely configured too, except for maybe the face. The face is always on its own  (Nicely Quotes) All the time our union was progressing very nicely. There were lectures to make us understand what trades unionism is and our real position in the labor movement  (Nicely Quotes) You want hot days to get your fruit ripe but then you want it to cool off nicely at night so that the grapes stay on the vine longer and develop complexity  (Nicely Quotes) My mother enjoyed old age, and because of her I’ve begun to enjoy parts of it too. So far I’ve had it good and am crumbling nicely  (Nicely Quotes) Clearly, programming courses should teach methods of design and construction, and the selected examples should be such that a gradual development can be nicely demonstrated  (Nicely Quotes) I’m told I make love rather nicely. Though I am at a bit of a disadvantage at the moment. One can’t be too convincing at the other end of the table with a bloke looking in the window  (Nicely Quotes) The generous pride of virtue, disdains to weigh too nicely the returns her bounty meets with - like the liberal gods, from her own gracious nature she bestows, nor stops to ask reward  (Nicely Quotes) She has her gown nicely in place tonight, doesn't she? Black velvet and sparkles, not a thread left hanging. Clever girl, this city. Even the sky is her friend  (Nicely Quotes) So things were coming together nicely for me to embark on a full fledged depression. One good thing about New York is that most people function daily while in a low grade depression  (Nicely Quotes) The whitewashed wall, the nicely sanded floor, the varnished clock that clicked behind the door; the chest contrived a double debt to pay, A bed by night, a chest of drawers by day  (Nicely Quotes) ... And drinking neat liquor from the bottle, with all my long hair and my shirt undone and my beads, not so much the lizard king, more a gecko duchess, I fitted in nicely with their idea of what a creative person should be  (Nicely Quotes) I feel there are two people inside me - me and my intuition. If I go against her, she’ll screw me every time, and if I follow her, we get along quite nicely  (Nicely Quotes) Neal had a couple of good ideas and they fit nicely, so that’s the way I decided to go  (Nicely Quotes) Books are the negative pictures of thought, and the more sensitive the mind that receives their images, the more nicely the finest lines are reproduced  (Nicely Quotes) No. You won't do. You've treated me nicely, yes, but only because you find me curious and amusing. It made me feel so lonely, somehow... I'm really just a foolish and useless person  (Nicely Quotes) When you draw a nude, sketch the whole figure and nicely fit the members to it and to each other. Even though you may only finish one portion of the drawing, just make certain that all the parts hang together, so that the study will be useful to you in the future  (Nicely Quotes) Where do you come from? And where are you going? Look up, speak nicely, and don’t twiddle your fingers all the time  (Nicely Quotes) I believe in life you need to always ask for everything politely and nicely, and then if they say no you do what you wanted to do anyway  (Nicely Quotes) If your concern is that I may be overcome with manly ardor and ravish you in a moment of weakness… I may. If you ask nicely  (Nicely Quotes) Life does not seem to present itself to me for my convenience, to box itself up nicely so I can write about it with wisdom and a point to make before putting it on a shelf somewhere  (Nicely Quotes) I don’t do what I’m told, but I might do what you want if you ask me nicely  (Nicely Quotes) Kids who have no money are still figuring out a way - somehow - to dress nicely  (Nicely Quotes) The things other people have put into my head, at any rate, do not fit together nicely, are often useless and ugly, are out of proportion with one another, are out of proportion with life as it really is outside my head  (Nicely Quotes) He snorted and hit me in the solar plexus. I bent over and took hold of the room with both hands and spun it. When I had it nicely spinning I gave it a full swing and hit myself on the back of the head with the floor  (Nicely Quotes) Our nonviolent tactics are not as effective. We ask nicely for years and get nothing. Someone makes a threat, and it works  (Nicely Quotes) I’m a very lucky person. I’m an idiot, and I’ve shoveled through life rather nicely so far, so I don’t feel like I deserve good treatment  (Nicely Quotes) Even a fool could see that one didn’t need a war, nuclear or otherwise, to destroy oneself; the rising cost of weaponry could do that quite nicely  (Nicely Quotes)
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