Nicer Quotes

Text Quotes
Colleges would compete by adding professors, enhancing programs, or building nicer facilities. So they competed by making institutions better. (Nicer Quotes)
Colleges would compete by adding professors, enhancing programmes or building nicer facilities. So they competed by making institutions better. (Nicer Quotes)
It is a weird feeling to have people go, ‘Hey Chris’ like they know me. But, number one, 99 percent of my experiences have been really cool. People couldn’t be nicer and more positive. (Nicer Quotes)
I’m seeing a guy now who has nothing to do with films. It’s so much nicer with somebody who isn’t an actor. Two crazy people in one house would be too much. It’s better there’s one crazy person, and one nice person who looks after that crazy person. (Nicer Quotes)
We would go back and maybe not say that thing to our dad that we said, or maybe be a little nicer to someone who we cared about and had a relationship with when we were young. You know, they’re subtle things, but we carry those with us forever. And I think that regret and time travel are intrinsically linked to me. (Nicer Quotes)
If you have a difficult message to deliver in any circumstance, it’s always best to do it first up-front, and probably be a bit harder than you have to be because it’s always easier to be nicer afterwards. (Nicer Quotes)
I’m a much nicer person since my wife died. I found out what pain is, so on that level I’m much nicer. (Nicer Quotes)
There’s nothing nicer than getting a round of applause for turning up for work. It’s amazing! You start work, and people clap. Do you know what I mean? And then they stand up and clap at the end. (Nicer Quotes)
There are few nicer things than sitting up in bed, drinking strong tea, and reading (Nicer Quotes)
It’s hard to know really how it’s going to happen, but the career ebbs and flows and now there’s a nicer feeling of interest than there has been at other times. (Nicer Quotes)
You ask me about my ex-wife? That is not polite. But I will answer. I got another wife now. Much younger, much nicer, much prettier. And so much more intelligent than Benetton.’ (Nicer Quotes)
Back in high school, I went on dates, but I was too focused on my career. My parents were like, ‘It’s nice to have a boyfriend, but it’s even nicer to own your house when you’re 21.’ (Nicer Quotes)
Cultivating relationships with people who’ve achieved what you want to achieve makes the path fuller and more fun. You don’t know everything, and that is so okay, because there are many people who want to help you along your journey. I used to think people above me might get jealous because I wanted to do what they did. But no, people are much nicer than that. (Nicer Quotes)
I used to think people above me might get jealous because I wanted to do what they did. But no, people are much nicer than that. (Nicer Quotes)
I’m going to be kind, because then it all just kind of spreads, and the world is a little nicer out there. (Nicer Quotes)
Women have decided to be people, which is a great mistake. Women were nicer than people. (Nicer Quotes)
I worked at Sears as a salesperson when I was in college. Makes me nicer to folks to have to stand all day and be nice to picky people. (Nicer Quotes)
Normally I will have five or six cups of tea a day, and if I can have them poured from a teapot, then all the better. I think tea tastes so much nicer from a pot. (Nicer Quotes)
I see a lot of fog and a few lights. I like it when life’s hidden. It gives you a chance to imagine nice things, nicer than they are. (Nicer Quotes)