Nicholas Rowe Quotes

Text Quotes
At length the morn and cold indifference came (Nicholas Rowe Quotes)
The joy of meeting pays the pangs of absence; else who could bear it? (Nicholas Rowe Quotes)
Your bounty is beyond my speaking; But though my mouth be dumb, my heart shall thank you (Nicholas Rowe Quotes)
Death is the privilege of human nature, and life without it were not worth our taking (Nicholas Rowe Quotes)
That eating canker grief, with wasteful spite, preys on the rosy bloom of youth and beauty (Nicholas Rowe Quotes)
It wakes a glad remembrance of our youth, calls back past joys, and warms us into transport (Nicholas Rowe Quotes)
The memory is a treasurer to whom we must give funds, if we would draw the assistance we need (Nicholas Rowe Quotes)
Women, like summer storms, awhile are cloudy, burst out in thunder and impetuous showers: But straight the sun of beauty dawns abroad, and all the fair horizon is serene (Nicholas Rowe Quotes)
Oh! Wherefore doth thou soothe me with thy softness? Why doth thou wind thyself about my heart, and make this separation painful to us? (Nicholas Rowe Quotes)
If you would have the nuptial union last, let virtue be the bond that ties it fast (Nicholas Rowe Quotes)
Midnight hags, by force of potent spells, of bloody characters, and conjurations horrible to hear, call fiends and spectres from the yawning deep, and set the ministers of hell at work (Nicholas Rowe Quotes)
What can I pay thee for this noble usage but grateful praise? So heaven itself is paid (Nicholas Rowe Quotes)
The birds, great Nature’s happy commoners, that haunt in woods in meads; and flowery gardens, rifle the sweets and taste the choicest fruits (Nicholas Rowe Quotes)
The waiting tears stood ready for command, and now they flow to varnish the false tale (Nicholas Rowe Quotes)
Lust is, of all the frailties of our nature, what most we ought to fear; the headstrong beast rushes along, impatient of the course; nor hears the rider’s call, nor feels the rein (Nicholas Rowe Quotes)
Comfort, like the golden sun, dispels the sullen shade with her sweet influence, and cheers the melancholy house of care (Nicholas Rowe Quotes)