Nicholas Sparks Quotes

Text Quotes
I don’t think that we’re meant to understand it all the time. I think that sometimes we just have to have faith (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
We’re not the same people we were then. We’ve changed, we’ve grown (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
He thought of her often, and he missed the companionship they’d once shared and the friendship that had been the bedrock of their marriage at its best (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
... when a wife wouldn’t testify, little punishment was meted out. Alex came to understand that only those who pressed charges ever became truly free, because the life they were leading was a prison, even if most of them wouldn’t admit it (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
... nothing wonderful lasted forever. Joy was as fleeting as a shooting star that crossed the evening sky, ready to blink out at any moment (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
I suddenly understood that even love and caring weren’t always enough. They were the concrete bricks of our relationship, but unstable without the mortar of time spent together, time without the threat of imminent separation hanging over us (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
I’ll think about you everyday. Part of me is scared that there’ll come a time when you don’t feel the same way, that you’ll somehow forget about what we shared, so this is what I want to do forever (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
Maybe we’ve lived a thousand lives before this one and in each of them we’ve found each other... I know I’ve spent each life before this one searching for you. Not someone like you but you, for your soul and mine must always come together (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
I wait. with all my dreams, I know her heart, and I know I’m almost there (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
It took me a long time to realize that distance can ruin even the best of intentions (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
She was, in other words, the kind of girl who made the rest of us look bad, and whenever she glanced my way, I couldn’t help but feel guilty, even though I hadn’t done anything wrong (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
You feel fine, and then, when your body can’t keep fighting, you don’t (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
He’d lived long enough to know that everyone handled grief in different ways, and little by little, they all seemed to accept their new lives (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
I am not commanding you, but I want to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it to the earnestness of others (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
It’s your eyes. They’re... more serious than they used to be. Like they’ve seen things they shouldn’t have (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
They continued to watch each other from across the room, both frozen for a moment by the shadow of distant possibilities (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
When a person sets a thing in motion, there’s a feeling of unease, almost regret, until you learn the truth (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
In all the years we spend together, I never once regretted the fact that I had chosen her and that she had chosen me as well (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
He was the kind of man everyone would fall in love with, even if they didn’t want to (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
She wasnt exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. All she knew for sure was that right here and now, she was falling hard and she could only pray that he was feeling the same way (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
Because in the end, and no matter how hard it is, acceptance helps people move on with the rest of their lives (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
It was, I remembered thinking, the most difficult walk anyone ever had to make. In every way, a walk to remember (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
I finished your song, she said. Our last song. And I want to play it for you (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
Love hurts. There is nothing as painful as heartbreak. But in order to learn to love again you must learn to trust again (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
It hadn’t been so long ago, yet sometimes she felt that she’d been an altogether different person back then (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
Allie noticed it all, every sound, every thought. Her senses had come alive, invigorating her, and she felt her mind drifting through the last few weeks (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
For them, it was nothing but an ordinary day on an ordinary day on an ordinary weekend, but for her, there was something revelatory about the notion that wonderful moments like these existed (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
It might seem as the hardest thing to do, but you have to forget the guy who forgot about you (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
All he knew was that they fit somehow, and that he felt as if he spent most of his life traveling a path that led inexorably to her (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)
She leaned into me, and when I closed my eyes, I knew I wanted nothing more than to hold her this way forever (Nicholas Sparks Quotes)