Nick Harkaway Quotes

Text Quotes
I do not propose that everyone in Guantanamo or its evil twin at Bagram is innocent. I just don’t believe we should incarcerate people without trial and torture them or facilitate and profit from their torture. (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
I read my father’s books growing up. I thought then and I still think now that his writing is wonderful. It delights and infuriates me in equal measure that he’s still that good. (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
A lot of author events are basically hour-long classes in entropy perched on bad seating under bright, hard lights, with - if you’re lucky - bad Chardonnay and cheese on a stick waiting for you at the end of the ride. (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
The end doesn’t justify anything, because all we ever live with is the means (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
I’m usually reading too many books - in fact, I’m usually reading enough books that if the stack fell on me, I’d be injured. (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
I have wrangles with Facebook, entered fictitious trips because I can’t get the map to get off my page, don’t want people to know where I live. It is possible to carve out a space that’s your own (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
The Brit abroad is always the voice of caution. Persons of other cultures are known to be undisciplined, prone to leaning out of car windows and cooking with garlic (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
In abandoning the understanding that things - services, goods, wars, and houses - have costs, we risk becoming infantilised, incapable of making decisions about government or finance, and perhaps above all about the environment, the wellbeing of the planet upon which we depend and which our children will inherit from us (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
We tend to assume that data is either private or public, either owned by one person or shared by many. In fact there’s more to it than that, above and beyond the upsetting reality that private data is now anything but (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
It’s not that any sufficiently advanced technology is magic, it’s that any technology taking place beyond the threshold of our senses is. (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
After university, I went into film. I started out making tea, managed a brief stint as an assistant director, then found myself writing a screenplay. In the end, I wrote quite a few - but by January 2006, I wanted out. (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
In ancient Greece, Socrates reportedly didn’t fancy a literate society. He felt that people would lose the capacity to think for themselves, simply adopting the perspective of a handy written opinion, and that they would cease to remember what could be written down. (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
The idea that the law should punish what is rude; that government should protect our tender sensibilities from those who would - quite often with shallow motivations but sometimes with deeper and more serious complaints - challenge our national certainties and rituals, should alarm and anger us. (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
Booksellers are tied to publishing - they need conventional publishing models to continue - but for those companies, that’s not the case. Amazon is an infrastructure company; Apple sells hardware; Google is really an advertising company. You can’t afford as a publisher to have those companies control your route to market. (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
Amazon is a corporation, not a philanthropic trust dedicated to the production of works of art and literature. (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
I make up names for people all the time - it’s part of writing. Very often, the name comes with the character, along with of a sense of who they are and what they do. (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
I used desperately to want to be a brooding hero from literature, but I’m optimistic, healthy and fair-haired. (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
I’m caught somewhere between introversion and extroversion. Performance is natural to me, joyful, but it is also exhausting. I can feed on it, but the expense is high, too, like being a carnivore: I have to chase down my meals. (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
Being a parent is weird. It changes people in subtle and unsubtle ways. In my case, it awoke a kind of manic sentinel in my brain. Anything in the house that might be a threat to the kids or to my wife gets terminated - food, sharp edges, poor wiring. (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
There is not now, nor I suspect will there ever be, a le Carre novel with ninjas in it. Most serious novelists are wary of including ninjas in their writing. That’s a shame, because many much-admired works of modern fiction could benefit from a few. (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
Ninjas are silly. They are the flower fairies of gong fu and karate (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
Children, bored and opinionated, are scholars of the most dogmatic stripe (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
I love you forever. I am sorry I cannot love you now (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
I have known heaven, and now I am in hell, and there are mimes (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
No. The moral of the story in so far as it has one is that cannibals can study logic, and that if you are going to leave the path, you better have your wits about you and know better than to trust the first scary old lady who talks to you in public (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
Never mind, never mind, let’s get to the part where we smite the unrighteous. I’ve brought my most alarming teeth! (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
If we one day cease to exist, what will be remarkable is that we were ever here at all (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
A desire for privacy does not imply shameful secrets; Moglen argues, again and again, that without anonymity in discourse, free speech is impossible, and hence also democracy. The right to speak the truth to power does not shield the speaker from the consequences of doing so; only comparable power or anonymity can do that (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
And don’t tell me the end justifies the means because it doesn’t. We never reach the end. All we ever get is means. That’s what we live with (Nick Harkaway Quotes)
A woman who can eat a real bruschetta is a woman you can love and who can love you. Someone who pushes the thing away because it’s messy is never going to cackle at you toothlessly across the living room of your retirement cottage or drag you back from your sixth heart attack by sheer furious affection. Never happen. You need a woman who isn’t afraid of a faceful of olive oil for that (Nick Harkaway Quotes)