Nicole Krauss Quotes

Text Quotes
Even among the angels, there is the sadness of division (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
I know there is a moral to this story, but I don’t know what it is (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
Because you can get free of everything except the space where things have been (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
The price we paid for the volumes of ourselves that we suffocated in the dark (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
Empty teacups gathered around her and dictionary pages fell at her feet (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
The words of our childhood became strangers to us - we couldn't use them in the same way and so we chose not to use them at all. Life demanded a new language (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
Even after the only person whose opinion I cared about left on a boat for America, I continued to fill pages with her name (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
When I got up again, I'd shed the only part of me that had ever thought I'd find words for even the smallest bit of life (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
These things were lost to oblivion like so much about so many who are born and die without anyone ever taking the time to write it all down (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
Perhaps that is what it means to be a father - to teach your child to live without you. If so, no one was a greater father than I (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
What is literature, really? Boiled down to a single sentence, I’d say it’s this: an endless conversation about what it means to be human. And to read literature is to engage in that conversation (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
I scowled at the world. And the world scowled back. We were locked in a stare of mutual disgust (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
We move through the day like two hands of a clock: sometimes we overlap for a moment, then come apart again, carrying on alone. Everyday exactly the same: the tea, the burnt toast, the crumbs, the silence (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
When I got older I decided I wanted to be a real writer. I tried to write about real things. I wanted to describe the world, because to live in an undescribed world was too lonely (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
Holding hands, for example, is a way to remember how it feels to say nothing together (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
... larger than life... I’ve never understood that expression. What’s larger than life? (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
And if the man who once upon a time had been a boy who promised he’d never fall in love with another girl as long as he lived kept his promise, it wasn’t because he was stubborn or even loyal. He couldn’t help it (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
Sometimes I thought about nothing and sometimes I thought about my life. At least I made a living. What kind of living? A living. It wasn’t easy. I found out how little is unbearable (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. It took seven languages to make me; it would be nice if I could have spoken just one (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
There are two types of people in the world: those who prefer to be sad among others, and those who prefer to be sad alone (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
I forced myself to picture the last moments. The penultimate breath. A final sigh. And yet. It was always followed by another (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
Bruno, my old faithful. I haven’t sufficiently described him. Is it enough to say he is indescribable? No. Better to try and fail than not to try at all (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
Only now that my son was gone did I realize how much I’d been living for him. When I woke up in the morning it was because he existed, and when I ordered food it was because he existed, and when I wrote my book it was because he existed to read it (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
When we went into the ocean, I watched his body as he dove into the waves, and it gave me a feeling in my stomach that wasn’t an ache but something different (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
Every year, the memories I have of my father become more faint, unclear, and distant. once they were vivid and true, then they became like photographs, and now they are more like photographs of photographs (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
How was it possible to wake up every day and be recognizable to another when so often one was barely recognizable to oneself? (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
Sometimes no length of string is long enough to say the thing that needs to be said. In such cases all the string can do, in whatever its form, is conduct a person’s silence (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
When at last I came upon the right book, the feeling was violent: it blew open a hole in me that made life more dangerous because I couldn’t control what came through it (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
I smiled back, the importance of manners, my mother always said, is inversely related to how inclined one is to use them, or, in other words, sometimes politeness is all that stands between oneself and madness (Nicole Krauss Quotes)
We search for patterns, you see, only to find where the patterns break. And it’s there, in that fissure, that we pitch our tents and wait (Nicole Krauss Quotes)