Night Quotes

Text Quotes
Women were like rivers, their banks were unreachable, the night often rang with the cries of the drowned (Night Quotes)
Since that night I have come to understand that sometimes the best families of all are those we create ourselves, the people we choose to be with (Night Quotes)
It could not always be love in the afternoon and passion in the night, gifts given, notes written, meals fed to each other. It can’t all be like that (Night Quotes)
As I looked out into the night sky, across all those infinite stars, it made me realize how insignificant they are (Night Quotes)
The true joy of a moonlit night is something we no longer understand. Only the men of old, when there were no lights, could understand the true joy of a moonlit night (Night Quotes)
Love you always, miss you always... running day and night, leaving the place of sun and moon, of ice and snow. Never look back, never forget (Night Quotes)
There are some tales not for telling, whether because they are too long, too precious, too laughable, too painful, too easy to need telling or too hard to explain. After all, after years and travels my secrets are all I have left to chew on in the night (Night Quotes)
That night when you kissed me, I left a poem in your mouth, and you can hear some of the lines every time you breathe out (Night Quotes)
I would gladly have climbed out of my skin and into his that night, because I believed that was what love meant (Night Quotes)
How unbelievably naive we both were that night. We clung hard to each other, making vows we couldn’t keep and should never have spoken aloud. That’s how love is sometimes. I already loved him more than I’d ever loved anything or anyone. I knew he needed me absolutely, and I wanted him to go on needing me forever (Night Quotes)
When I was little, I used to think that the sky at night was a big, black blanket that separated heaven from earth, and the stars were a whole bunch of little pin holes that the angels poked in the blanket so they could look down on us (Night Quotes)
In the uncertain ebb and flow of time and emotions, much of one’s life history is etched in the senses. And things of no particular importance, or irreplaceable things, can suddenly resurface in a café one winter night (Night Quotes)
I push against the tree and run away, stumbling, the unreal night playing with me, gravity pulling from below, behind, above, making me fall. And I run through a world that is rotating, conscious of the earth’s spin, of our planet twirling as it careens through nothingness, of the stars spiraling above, of the uncertainty of everything, even ground, even sky. Mumtaz never calls out, although a thousand and one voices scream in my mind, sing, whisper, taunt me with madness (Night Quotes)
Anyone who expects a person to change something as private and personal as who they hold in their arms at night needs to change their own judgmental attitude (Night Quotes)
I see all this talent, all this... this energy and brightness and... potential. Yes. Potential. And I cannot for the life of me see how you can be content to live this tiny life. This life that will take place almost entirely within a five mile radius and contain nobody who will ever surprise you or push you or show you things that will leave your head spinning and unable to sleep at night (Night Quotes)
I didn’t know you would be here last night, but you were. We can’t fight fate. Instead, we must accept that fate has given us a special opportunity (Night Quotes)
I would love you all the day, every night we would kiss and play, if with me you’d fondly stray, over the hills and far away (Night Quotes)
Half an ear cocked, something in me, all night, every night, is waiting for you to come home (Night Quotes)
How was it possible to be afraid and in love... The two things did not go together. How was it possible to be afraid, when the two of them grew stronger together every day? And every night. Every night was different, and every morning. Together they possessed a miracle (Night Quotes)
Their tongues met, starving, two years without this delicious meal. They kissed and kissed and kissed. The joining of their mouths was more intense than that night on the ferry. This was a kiss of reunion. Of forgiveness. Of coming home (Night Quotes)
Who sleeps at night? No one is sleeping.? In the cradle a child is screaming.? An old man sits over his death, and anyone? young enough talks to his love, breathes?into her lips, looks into her eyes (Night Quotes)
My being subsists only from a supreme point of view which is precisely incompatible with my point of view. The perspective in which I fade away for my eyes restores me as a complete image for the unreal eye to which I deny all images. A complete image with reference to a world devoid of image which imagines me in the absence of any imaginable figure. The being of a nonbeing of which I am the infinitely small negation which it instigates as its profound harmony. In the night shall I become the universe? (Night Quotes)
Wolves ate even mighty hunters, for there was no honor or code among predators, and everyone’s guts steam the same way when torn open on a cold night (Night Quotes)
As reason returned to me, memory came with it, and I saw that even on the worst days, when I thought I was utterly and completely miserable, I was nevertheless, and nearly all the time, extremely happy. That gave me something to think about. The discovery was not a pleasant one. It seemed to me that I was losing a great deal. I asked myself, wasn’t I sad, hadn’t I felt my life breaking up? Yes, that had been true; but each minute, when I stayed without moving in a corner of the room, the cool of the night and the stability of the ground made me breathe and rest on gladness (Night Quotes)
At night, lying on your back and staring at the falling snow, it’s easy to imagine oneself soaring through the stars (Night Quotes)
This is the one thing I hope: that she never stopped. I hope when her body couldn’t run any farther she left it behind like everything else that tried to hold her down, she floored the pedal and she went like wildfire, streamed down night freeways with both hands off the wheel and her head back screaming to the sky like a lynx, white lines and green lights whipping away into the dark, her tires inches off the ground and freedom crashing up her spine (Night Quotes)
He stared dully at the desolate, cold road and the pale, dead night. Nothing was colder or more dead than his heart. He had loved an angel and now he despised a woman (Night Quotes)
When the world is itself draped in the mantle of night, the mirror of the mind is like the sky in which thoughts twinkle like stars (Night Quotes)
And somewhat as in blind night, on a mild sea, a sailor may be made aware of an iceberg, fanged and mortal, bearing invisibly near, by the unwarned charm of its breath, nothingness now revealed itself: that permanent night upon which the stars in their expiring generations are less than the glinting of gnats, and nebulae, more trivial than winter breath; that darkness in which eternity lies bent and pale, a dead snake in a jar, and infinity is the sparkling of a wren blown out to sea; that inconceivable chasm of invulnerable silence in which cataclysms of galaxies rave mute as amber (Night Quotes)
She seemed fragile like a moonflower – destined to bloom for a single lovely night, and then to fade and fall (Night Quotes)