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Nipple Quotes

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Yes, yes, it’s a bit nipply out. I mean, nippy out  (Nipple Quotes) Faith is under the left nipple  (Nipple Quotes) He loved touching her, loved seeing the spark oh passion in her eyes when he rolled his thumb over her nipple  (Nipple Quotes) I was at a bar nursing a beer. My nipple was getting quite soggy  (Nipple Quotes) I have given suck, and know How tender ‘tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, have pluck’d my nipple from his boneless gums, and dash’d the brains out, had I so sworn As you have done to this  (Nipple Quotes) The only intuitive interface is the nipple. Everything else is learned  (Nipple Quotes) He stepped forward, and as he did the left side of his coconut brassiere slipped down, revealing his left nipple. He shoved the coconut back into place. He didn't want to look unprofessional  (Nipple Quotes) Women receive he insults of men with tolerance, having been bitten in the nipple by their toothless gums  (Nipple Quotes) I pierced one nipple. Not both. Just one. She has it in the books and I wanted to get as many of the piercings as I could, and I spent so much time on this film naked, and I just had to be really comfortable with that right away... I’m gonna keep it for now. I don’t want to have to repierce that should we do the other two films  (Nipple Quotes) It’s not brave to do something that doesn’t scare you. Performing in sex scenes that I direct, exposing a flash of my weird puffy nipple, those things don’t fall into my zone of terror  (Nipple Quotes) Far from being a vice, cruelty is the primary feeling that nature imprints in us. The infant breaks its rattle, bites its nurse’s nipple, and strangles a bird, well before reaching the age of reason  (Nipple Quotes) I was hot so I gave myself a haircut. I then saw a bald man sweating, so I offered to tweeze his eyebrows. He accepted and was so grateful that he offered to trade mustaches with me. In remembrance of that special bonding moment, I still wear his mustache over my left nipple.  (Nipple Quotes) The man you married is yours to have and to hold for the rest of ever, even if he starts chewing tobacco or decides to pierce his hairy nipple and buy a Corvette, because you very plainly said - or at least implied - you were in it for better or for worse.  (Nipple Quotes) Although it happens more rarely in men, breast cancer is not gender-specific. I was in Costa Rica, and in the shower I felt this lump under my left nipple. It was very small, mind you, but enough to make me call my doctor.  (Nipple Quotes)