No Control Quotes

Text Quotes
Once it is out of his hand the artist has no control over the way a viewer will perceive the work. Different people will understand the same thing in a different way (No Control Quotes)
It isn’t myself that’s important in this transaction apparently; the individual doesn’t count much in the situation... all of us are more or less pawns. We’re moved about like chessmen by circumstances over which we have no control (No Control Quotes)
Once I stop spending energy trying to prevent things I have no control over, I have a tremendous amount of energy to focus on the places where I can make a difference (No Control Quotes)
Things just evolve. I sort of have no control over what happens with the songs. Sometimes I’m afraid I might wake up one morning with an entire record of polka songs (No Control Quotes)
Information is now a commodity that can be bought and sold, or used as a form of entertainment, or worn like a garment to enhance one’s status. It comes indiscriminately, directed at no one in particular, disconnected from usefulness; we are glutted with information, drowning in information, have no control over it, don’t know what to do with it (No Control Quotes)
Don’t worry about things that you have no control over, because you have no control over them. Don’t worry about things that you have control over, because you have control over them (No Control Quotes)
I may have absolutely no control over what happens to us, but we can control how we respond. If we choose the right attitude, we can rise above whatever challenges we face (No Control Quotes)
The reality is, that no matter what you do in this life, it’s coming to an end. Once you accept there’s nothing that you can do about your own mortality, then you’re now free. You have no control, so stop pretending you do. And just get on with living your life. Stop living in fear (No Control Quotes)
In the theatre you can change things ever so slightly; it’s an organic thing. Whereas in film you only have that chance on the day, and you have no control over it at all (No Control Quotes)
Plants don’t think. Animals are guided by the power of instinct over which they themselves have no control. Animals have a certain kind of brain that makes it impossible to learn anything except very simple things. No generation of animals ever learns anything from any previous generation. We act like animals when we fail to use this magnificent piece of equipment (No Control Quotes)
I don’t give you editorial control. I want to meet you. I want to interview everybody who’s ever known you. I want to see your correspondence. I want to see your bank statements. But you will have no control over what I write. That’s why I really believe in the unauthorized biography (No Control Quotes)
I have no control over people’s perceptions of me at all and that’s one of the things I decided very early on is that I can’t control the way other people think of me. All I can do, especially when it comes to my career is go out there and do cool unique kinds of things (No Control Quotes)
Detachment is what interests me, seeing how people couldn’t have been any other way, how they were the product of forces that they had no control over (No Control Quotes)
To concentrate implies bringing all your energy to focus on a certain point; but thought wanders away... Whereas attention has no control, no concentration. It is complete attention, which means giving all your energy, the energy of the brain, your heart, everything, to attending (No Control Quotes)
There is no control and perfection is arrogant. Practice messiness, letting go, and doing things badly (No Control Quotes)
To some degree we all live with uncertainty. We have no control over the future. Yet we carry on, we persevere, because, I guess, it’s the way we’re made (No Control Quotes)
I don’t think I was constructed to be monogamous. I don’t think it’s the nature of any man to be monogamous. Men are propelled by genetically ordained impulses over which they have no control to distribute their seed into as many females as possible (No Control Quotes)
Don’t think about what the market’s going to do; you have absolutely no control over that. Think about what you’re going to do if it gets there. In particular, you should spend no time at all thinking about those rosy scenarios in which the market goes your way, since in those situations, there’s nothing more for you to do. Focus instead on those things you want least to happen and on what your response will be (No Control Quotes)
Most people simply go through life. They feel that they’re making choices in their lives that cause destiny to move in certain ways. I would suggest that they have no control of their lives, all their choices are really made for them (No Control Quotes)
There’s not a huge pile of scripts at home. It’s what happens to be on the table at that moment with your availability. And then you have no control over when these things come out (No Control Quotes)
Childhood was terrifying for me. A kid has no control. You’re three feet tall, flat broke, unemployed, and illiterate. Terror snaps you awake. You pay keen attention. People can just pick you up and move you and put you down (No Control Quotes)
In a cricket career, your life is in some ways controlled for you. You have no control over schedules, you have no control about where you want to play, you don’t have control over that as a cricketer (No Control Quotes)
Turkeys energy bill due to imports will fall with the increase in use of renewable energy sources. We have no control over the prices of petroleum and natural gas (No Control Quotes)
People do many things for many reasons. Sometimes, what you do you have no control over, because it’s predestined. It’s gonna happen in spite of you. There’s nothing you can do about it (No Control Quotes)
Once you let the words go, you have no control over how they’re printed or what the media does with them. So there’s no point in trying to make plans or to control it (No Control Quotes)
When I got to 40 or so... I had the sense when I looked back over my life I would actually see a mess of decisions, a few of which I had thought about, some of which I had sort of stumbled on, and many that I had no control over whatsoever (No Control Quotes)
We are very influenced by completely automatic things that we have no control over, and we don’t know we’re doing it (No Control Quotes)
I’m familiar with that feeling of silence that comes with a very imminent catastrophe, when you know you have absolutely no control over a situation (No Control Quotes)
I have no control over the audience. I have no idea what they think. My heart’s pure. I can’t do anything. I really can’t do anything. I don’t know what goes on in the crowd (No Control Quotes)
She understood that her heart operated on its own instructions, that she had no control over it or, indeed, anything else (No Control Quotes)