No Doubt Quotes

Text Quotes
This season isn’t going to be without several crises. There’s no doubt about it. They’re coming (No Doubt Quotes)
I have no doubt that the nation has suffered more from undue secrecy than from undue disclosure. The government takes good care of itself (No Doubt Quotes)
Knowledge is power. If it is not applied properly to create, let there be no doubts, it will destroy (No Doubt Quotes)
That which is true must always remain true, though the applications may change greatly from generation to generation. It is the absence of such fundamental certainties, no doubt, that leads men into continual search for a satisfying religion, or that drives them away from their old religion (No Doubt Quotes)
There’s no doubt in my mind that going vegetarian has made me feel better not only physically but also because I learned about the suffering of animals who are raised and killed for food. I feel good knowing I’m not contributing to that (No Doubt Quotes)
The wicked are wicked, no doubt, and they go astray and they fall, and they come by their deserts; but who can tell the mischief which the very virtuous do? (No Doubt Quotes)
There’s no doubt there are issues with clay. Our issues have issues that are issues right now. That’s not a secret (No Doubt Quotes)
... there is no doubt something will be done sooner or later to enable us to put on a house every day, just as we put on clothes or choose a book to read or a theater to go to, like choosing a day to be lived, within the limits grated by other destinies or chances (No Doubt Quotes)
I don’t think you understand what levels or what fears until you have a child of your own. I mean, I’ve never loved someone so much and I’ve never been so afraid in my life. And the truth is I would kill someone, whoever tried to hurt him. I would. I have no doubt about it (No Doubt Quotes)
I have no doubt that over the years my children will find plenty of things about me to criticize. But something tells me that twenty years from now not one of them will sit on some therapist’s couch complaining because their mother didn’t spend enough time vacuuming up glitter (No Doubt Quotes)
I have now and again tried to imagine the perfect environment, the ideal conditions for reading: A worn leather armchair on a rainy night? A hammock in a freshly mown backyard? A verandah overlooking the summer sea? Good choices, every one. But I have no doubt that they are all merely displacements, sentimental attempts to replicate the warmth and snugness of my mother’s lap (No Doubt Quotes)
The people around you are you. They share your history. They can even write it with you. And when you lose one, there’s no doubt you lose some of yourself, however they’re lost (No Doubt Quotes)
Every artist returns to things. The drawings that you make as a child or as an adolescent and the ideas that you have as a young beginning artist, no doubt they crop up again and again (No Doubt Quotes)
Everything which you can conceive and accept is yours! Entertain no doubt. Refuse to accept worry or hurry or fear. That which knows and does everything is inside you and harkens to the slightest whisper (No Doubt Quotes)
No doubt, humans will do a lot of damage before we ultimately destroy ourselves. But life will continue without humans. New forms of intelligence will emerge long after this human experiment is over (No Doubt Quotes)
Writing is for men who can think and feel, not mindless sensation seekers out of nightclubs and bars. But these are bad times. We are condemned to work with upstarts, clowns who no doubt got their training in a circus and then turned to journalism as the appropriate place to display their tricks (No Doubt Quotes)
No doubt, anarchy, once established, might not last forever. But if your house is on fire, the sensible course of action is to put out the fire, even though this extinguishment provides no guarantee that the house will never catch fire again (No Doubt Quotes)
We attended stables, as we attended church, in our best clothes, thereby no doubt showing the degree of respect due to horses (No Doubt Quotes)
At the end of the table, the secretary was reading the decision in some case, but in such a mournful and monotonous voice, that the condemned man himself would have fallen asleep while listening to it. The judge, no doubt, would have been the first of all to do so, had he not entered into an engrossing conversation while it was going on (No Doubt Quotes)
What do I believe? It has been a long journey of discovery. There have been hesitations and errors along the way, and no doubt will be more, because I am still learning, both about myself and about life (No Doubt Quotes)
There’s no doubt about it: fun people are fun. But I finally learned that there is something more important, in the people you know, than whether they are fun. Thinking about those friends who had given me so much pleasure but who had also caused me so much pain, thinking about that bright, cruel world to which they’d introduced me, I saw that there’s a better way to value people. Not as fun or not fun, or stylish or not stylish, but as warm or cold, generous or selfish. People who think about others and people who don’t. People who know how to listen, and people who only know how to talk (No Doubt Quotes)
No doubt exists that rent seeking in general leads to serious inefficiencies in this direct sense, but its indirect damage is even worse. Drawing the bulk of intelligent and energetic people in society into activity that has no social product, or may have a negative social product, is more important in explaining the stagnation of these societies than the direct social cost of the rent seeking (No Doubt Quotes)
I think the facts leave no doubt that the very mightiest among the chemical forces are of electric origin. The atoms cling to their electric charges, and opposite electric charges cling to each other (No Doubt Quotes)
Once you win, you have no doubt that you can win. So you have gone through it once, and you can do it again (No Doubt Quotes)
As a child, I wanted to marry a farmer, but no doubt the reality would have been very different to the idyll in my head (No Doubt Quotes)
No doubt I enjoy being close to people in the way I dress, the way I speak, and the way I communicate with people (No Doubt Quotes)
Humility is the only virtue that no devil can imitate. If pride made demons out of angels, there is no doubt that humility could make angels out of demons (No Doubt Quotes)
However destructive may be the policies of the government and the methods and products of the corporations, the root of the problem is always found to be found in private life. We must learn to see that every problem that concerns us as conservationists always leads straight to the question of how we live. The world is being destroyed, no doubt about it, by the greed of the rich and powerful. It is also being destroyed by popular demand (No Doubt Quotes)
There’s no doubt about it, show business lures the people who didn’t get enough love, attention, or approval early in life and have grown up to become bottomless, gaping vessels of terrifying, abject need. Please laugh (No Doubt Quotes)
Unless we possess high spiritual qualifications, there is no doubt that the events life throws upon us will give rise to frustration, emotional turmoil, and other distorted states of consciousness. These imperfect states of mind in turn give rise to imperfect activities, and the seeds of suffering are ever planted in a steady flow (No Doubt Quotes)