No Matter What Quotes

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When I was a girl I would look out my bedroom window at the caterpillars; I envied them so much. No matter what they were before, no matter what happened to them, they could just hide away and turn into these beautiful creatures that could fly away completely untouched (No Matter What Quotes)
Charm was a scheme for making strangers like and trust a person immediately, no matter what the charmer had in mind (No Matter What Quotes)
Those who love life do not read. Nor do they go to the movies, actually. No matter what might be said, access to the artistic universe is more or less entirely the preserve of those who are a little fed up with the world (No Matter What Quotes)
Once you let yourself believe that you’ve gotten to the top, you’ve lost sight of the real goal. Which is to keep climbing no matter what. And by climbing, I don’t mean trying to out do yourself with even more accomplishments. Instead, what I mean is that just when we think we have done something well, we should start looking at the other areas of our lives that need attention (No Matter What Quotes)
If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They’ll remain a part of each other’s lives no matter what (No Matter What Quotes)
In this life, no matter what anyone promises you, what allegiances of love or fealty they swear or what gods they pray to, you will never have more than what you have at this moment (No Matter What Quotes)
Do what you can as you can. Trouble, problems, will come no matter what you do, and you must respond as they come (No Matter What Quotes)
No matter what race we are, what ethnic background, sexual orientation, or what views we may have, we are all human. Unfortunately, not all humans see it that way (No Matter What Quotes)
No matter what choice you make, it doesn’t define you. Not forever. People can make bad choices and change their minds and hearts and do good things later; just as people can make good choices and then turn around and walk a bad path. No choice we make lasts our whole life. If there’s ever a choice you’ve made that you no longer agree with, you can make another choice (No Matter What Quotes)
You ever laughed so hard nobody in the world could hurt you for a minute, no matter what they tried to do to you? (No Matter What Quotes)
My definition of freedom is knowing who you are, and then being it. No matter what anyone else is doing. And naked parties of course (No Matter What Quotes)
Children expect their mothers to love them, no matter what. Those who don’t get this tend to feel cheated the rest of their lives (No Matter What Quotes)
I can always look up at the cosmos and marvel, no matter what happens. And when I look up at it, I feel as though my problems are small. I don’t know why, but it always makes me feel better (No Matter What Quotes)
No matter what measures are taken, doctors will sometimes falter, and it isn’t reasonable to ask that we achieve perfection. What is reasonable is to ask that we never cease to aim for it (No Matter What Quotes)
We are all fools blessed with the knowledge that certain events will come to pass no matter what path we take to get there. The wise ones follow their angels while they may (No Matter What Quotes)
You have your whole life ahead of you. Be smart. Study hard and be independent. I’m afraid the chances of your getting a dowry are slim. You must rely on yourself. No matter what else people may steal from you, they will never be able to take away your knowledge. The world is changing. You must make your own life outside this home (No Matter What Quotes)
Others may question your credentials, your papers, your degrees. Others may look for all kinds of ways to diminish your worth. But what is inside you no one can take from you or tarnish. This is your worth, who you really are, your degree that can go with you wherever you go, that you bring with you the moment you come into a room, that can’t be manipulated or shaken. Without that sense of self, no amount of paper, no pedigree, and no credentials can make you legit. No matter what, you have to feel legit inside first (No Matter What Quotes)
I felt an overwhelming gratitude in my life right now and wanted a chance to acknowledge it. I felt that any thanks given to any God all went to the same place, anyway, no matter what religion you were centered in (No Matter What Quotes)
When I get married I’m going to make the marriage work. Getting married is forever, no matter what my spouse does (No Matter What Quotes)
If you really do love her, don’t look away, no matter what happens. No matter what you see, no matter what you learn about her, don’t look away. Once you got her in your embrace, don’t let go. Once you decide you love someone, that’s your responsibility (No Matter What Quotes)
Those are only rumors of suffering. Real suffering has a face and a smell. It lasts in the most intense form no matter what you drape over it. And it knows your name (No Matter What Quotes)
Never run out on me again. No matter what happens, you stay and fight. Yell at me, argue, throw something at me, whatever you want to do, but never walk away from me. Promise me that (No Matter What Quotes)
One day I had to sit down with myself and decide that I loved myself no matter what my body looked like and what other people thought about my body. I got tired of hating myself (No Matter What Quotes)
I think no matter what you look like, the key is to first of all be happy with yourself. And then you know if you want to try to improve things that you don’t like about yourself, then do it after your appreciate yourself (No Matter What Quotes)
Music is like a mirror in front of you. You’re exposing everything, but surely that’s better than suppressing... You have to dig deep and that can be hard for anybody, no matter what profession. I feel that I need to actually push myself to the limit to feel happy with the end result (No Matter What Quotes)
Whales only get harpooned when they come to the surface, and turtles can only move forward when they stick their neck out, but investors face risk no matter what they do (No Matter What Quotes)
No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change (No Matter What Quotes)
I was able to see what I wanted to do, I could see the opportunity, even when others could not, and I stay committed to doing it and doing it well, no matter what (No Matter What Quotes)
Those moments when you feel you want to read something truly beautiful. The eyes make a tour of the library, and there is nothing. Then you decide to take no matter what, and it is full of beautiful things (No Matter What Quotes)
The hardest skill to acquire in this sport is the one where you compete all out, give it all you have, and you are still getting beat no matter what you do. When you have the killer instinct to fight through that, it is very special (No Matter What Quotes)