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No One Quotes

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No one's going to be able to operate without a grounding in the basic sciences. Language would be helpful, although English is becoming increasingly international. And travel. You have to have a global attitude  (No One Quotes) Traditional science assumes, for the most part, that an objective observer independent reality exists; the universe, stars, galaxies, sun, moon and Earth would still be there if no one was looking  (No One Quotes) No one in my family was a reader of literary fiction. So, I didn't have encouragement, but I didn't have discouragement, because I don't think anybody knew what that meant  (No One Quotes) It's amazing people get so detached from what they eat and what they wear. No one has any contact with how things are made that are put in their body and put in their mouths and I just find it alarming that no one questions it  (No One Quotes) I can not believe that war is the best solution. No one won the last war, and no one will win the next war  (No One Quotes) All mankind. Being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions  (No One Quotes) To own the dominant, or only, newspaper in a mid - sized American city was, for many decades, a kind of license to print money. In the Internet age, however, no one has figured out how to rescue the newspaper in the United States or abroad  (No One Quotes) The idea of making access to safe abortions harder and more expensive and more difficult, having to travel across state lines - that puts women's health and lives in jeopardy, which is something I think no one wants  (No One Quotes) Our government declared that it is conducting some kind of great reforms. In reality, no real reforms were begun and no one at any point has declared a coherent programme  (No One Quotes) I'm not saying I'm Batman. I'm just saying no one has ever seen Batman and me in the same room together  (No One Quotes) There is a luxury in self-reproach. When we blame ourselves, we feel that no one else has a right to blame us. It is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution  (No One Quotes) The first duty in life is to be as artificial as possible. What the second duty is no one has yet discovered  (No One Quotes) It's really amazing that in the age of unbelief, as a smart man called it, there isn't even more fraud. After all, with no God, there's no one to ever call you to account, and no accounting at all if you can get away with it  (No One Quotes) In my world, history comes down to language and art. No one cares much about what battles were fought, who won them and who lost them - unless there is a painting, a play, a song or a poem that speaks of the event  (No One Quotes) When I was 12 years old, someone took me to see Martha Graham. It was nothing like what I thought of as serious dancing and even then I knew I was having a great experience. It was as if somebody was moving through space like no one ever did before  (No One Quotes) According to the law of nature it is only fair that no one should become richer through damages and injuries suffered by another  (No One Quotes) No government ought to be without censors; and where the press is free, no one ever will. Chance is the pseudonym of God when he did not want to sign  (No One Quotes) There is no self-knowledge but an historical one. No one knows what he himself is who does not know his fellow men, especially the most prominent one of the community, the master's master, the genius of the age  (No One Quotes) For there is no one so great or mighty that he can avoid the misery that will rise up against him when he resists and strives against God  (No One Quotes) No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure  (No One Quotes) I am prejudiced in favor of him who, without impudence, can ask boldly. He has faith in humanity, and faith in himself. No one who is not accustomed to giving grandly can ask nobly and with boldness  (No One Quotes) As an individual who undertakes to live by borrowing, soon finds his original means devoured by interest, and next no one left to borrow from, so must it be with a government  (No One Quotes) The ant, who has toiled and dragged a crumb to his nest, will furiously defend the fruit of his labor, against whatever robber assails him. So plain, that the most dumb and stupid slave that ever toiled for a master, does constantly know that he is wronged. So plain that no one, high or low, ever does mistake it, except in a plainly selfish way; for although volume upon volume is written to prove slavery a very good thing, we never hear of the man who wishes to take the good of it, by being a slave himself  (No One Quotes) Surely all art is the result of one's having been in danger, of having gone through an experience all the way to the end, where no one can go any further  (No One Quotes) You had to be rude at least sometimes and edgy often to be credited with 'personality, ' and without that accolade no one at Devon could be anyone. No one, with the exception of course of Phineas  (No One Quotes) No one, who is familiar with the bustle and activity of an American commercial town, would recognise, in the repose which now reigns in the ancient mart of Rhode Island, a place that, in it's day, has been ranked amongst the most important ports along the whole line of our extended coast  (No One Quotes) Moderation? It's mediocrity, fear, and confusion in disguise. It's the devil's dilemma. It's neither doing nor not doing. It's the wobbling compromise that makes no one happy. Moderation is for the bland, the apologetic, for the fence sitters of the world afraid to take a stand. It's for those afraid to laugh or cry, for those afraid to live or die. Moderation... Is lukewarm tea, the devil's own brew  (No One Quotes) I have now learnt to despise you, he said. You refused an honest prince; you did not appreciate the rose and the nightingale; but you did not mind kissing a swineherd for his toys; you have no one but yourself to blame!  (No One Quotes) One is a child when one has a child. No one says, 'You will never be the same again.' Which is the truth! and we're all supposed to be happy all the time. What is that about?  (No One Quotes) And he continued to travesty the truth, and I was impotent - the truth, that profound thing whose voice was in my ears, whose shadow was in my eyes, and whose taste was in my mouth. Was I so utterly forsaken? Would no one speak the word I was in search of?  (No One Quotes)
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