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No One Quotes

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Still, I have been no one’s enemy but my own. My easy nature, either in drinking or anything else, was always ready to submit to persuasions of profligate companions, who often led me into snares  (No One Quotes) I mean, if you decided to go out today and get you an instrument and do whatever it is that you do, no one can tell you how you’re going to do it but when you do it  (No One Quotes) So far as hypotheses are concerned, let no one expect anything certain from astronomy, which cannot furnish it, lest he accept as the truth ideas conceived for another purpose, and depart from this study a greater fool than when he entered it  (No One Quotes) No one knew I was gay growing up but I was bullied. I was a cheerleader, fairly popular and considered straight  (No One Quotes) Interest in certain themes doesn’t mandate a personal stake or personal experience of those themes. I’ve killed people in plays, but no one asks me what it’s like to kill people  (No One Quotes) The most difficult thing in the world is to start a career known only for your looks, and then to try to become a serious actress. No one will take you seriously once you are known as the pretty woman  (No One Quotes) Why has not anyone seen that fossils alone gave birth to a theory about the formation of the earth, that without them, no one would have ever dreamed that there were successive epochs in the formation of the globe  (No One Quotes) There’s no one actor in particular that I want to model my career after, except for the people who have been able to keep their career varied and who choose things that interest them. That opportunity is all I really want  (No One Quotes) I was hitting.360 when I was diagnosed. I didn’t forget how to play while I was recovering. I don’t know if the cancer is gone for good. I don’t think anyone ever knows, but no one is going to steal my joy for as along as I’m able to play baseball  (No One Quotes) No one has the responsibility to be out to anyone but himself or herself. I made my choice a million years ago  (No One Quotes) I love my kids, and the moments I have with them, and it’s kind of weird, it’s such an age old cliche, but the way that my sons, the way they make me feel when I look at them, the way they say things, no one else would probably react to them, but it’s a special thing for me  (No One Quotes) The slaves of socialism are slaves, but they are no one’s property and therefore no one’s loss  (No One Quotes) No idea can succeed except at the expense of sacrifice; no one ever escapes without enduring strain from the struggle of life  (No One Quotes) Let no one be deluded that a knowledge of the path can substitute for putting one foot in front of the other  (No One Quotes) People come in with business plans and, I mean I know that no one is going to meet everything they say in a business plan but you got to have something to, to guide towards  (No One Quotes) There’s no point in making predictions. It’s not worth speculating because nothing is set in stone and things change all the time in football. Today there are opportunities that no one knows if they will come round again in the future  (No One Quotes) I can, and do, walk the street. No one bothers me or anything, because most people wouldn’t know who I am  (No One Quotes) My perfect girl would be pretty mad, but one you can have a conversation with. No one can be too mad for me, the madder the better. I love a crazy chick!  (No One Quotes) The reason they keep it so tight is that no one liked them, so that without each other, actually, they couldn’t exist. They support each other. They support their flaws and everything else  (No One Quotes) No one feels another’s grief, no one understands another’s joy. People imagine they can reach one another. In reality they only pass each other by  (No One Quotes) Being a salesman and an actor were not that dissimilar: It is a good lesson in covering up your feelings. No one wants to buy from someone who looks depressed  (No One Quotes) And I think more than anything else, I know when I go to bed that no one’s working harder doing what I’m doing, and I think, quite frankly, simply that hard work at some point was gonna pay off  (No One Quotes) I’d like to ask you: what you would prefer us to do? I’d like to ask my colleagues, would any other country act differently? I think the answer is very clear. No one would act differently  (No One Quotes) Every single one of us can do things that no one else can do can love things that no one else can love. We are like violins. We can be used for doorstops, or we can make music  (No One Quotes) No one yet knows what a man’s province is, and how far that province, as conceived of today, is artificial  (No One Quotes) This country is about, in my judgment, aggressive, open debate. There is an old saying: When everyone is thinking the same thing, no one is thinking very much  (No One Quotes) Let no one underestimate the need of pity. We live in a stony universe whose hard, brilliant forces rage fiercely  (No One Quotes) People lived in the same apartments for years. You’d meet a group of kids in kindergarten, and you’d still be with them in high school. No one ever left the neighborhood  (No One Quotes) The time when there is no one there to feel sorry for you or to cheer for you is when a player is made  (No One Quotes) What is truth? Truth doesn’t really exist. Who is going to judge whether my experience of an incident is more valid than yours? No one can be trusted to be the judge of that  (No One Quotes)
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