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No One Quotes

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When I broke my knee, no one cared how I was; they just wanted me to get better and come back to gymnastics to win more medals for their country  (No One Quotes) I have made new friends and have many new people that I know. But hey, you will always be a special part of my heart because no one has been able to replace the space you left in it  (No One Quotes) No one plays this or any game perfectly. It’s the guy who recovers from his mistakes who wins  (No One Quotes) I love flying so much. I even airplane food. No one bothers you and your phone never goes off and you can’t have emails go through. It’s undisturbed  (No One Quotes) You are inferior to no one. others may treat you that way, but that is their problem. You are above all of this  (No One Quotes) Everyone says buying your first apartment makes you feel like an adult. What no one mentions is that selling it turns you right back into a child  (No One Quotes) There are genuinely sufficient resources in the world to ensure that no one, nowhere, at no time, should go hungry  (No One Quotes) No one person has to do it all but if each one of us follow our heart and our own inclinations we will find the small things that we can do to create a sustainable future and a healthy environment  (No One Quotes) Grief is a solitary journey. No one but you knows how great the hurt is. No one but you can know the gaping hole left in your life when someone you know has died. And no one but you can mourn the silence that was once filled with laughter and song. It is the nature of love and of death to touch every person in a totally unique way. Comfort comes from knowing that people have made the same journey. And solace comes from understanding how others have learned to sing again  (No One Quotes) No one will guide you in the right direction, in the end you have to learn for yourself. You have to grow up yourself  (No One Quotes) Fear not. For fear itself is fed by fear, and all fears pass. Did no one tell you so? Come take my hand, my friend, and we will peer into this fear’s abyss. And jump! And know  (No One Quotes) If all sentient beings in the universe disappeared, there would remain a sense in which mathematical objects and theorems would continue to exist even though there would be no one around to write or talk about them. Huge prime numbers would continue to be prime, even if no one had proved them prime  (No One Quotes) No one has yet had the courage to memorialize his wealth on his tombstone. A dollar mark would not look well there  (No One Quotes) If only mortals would learn how great it is to possess divine grace, how beautiful, how noble, how precious. How many riches it hides within itself, how many joys and delights! No one would complain about his cross or about troubles that may happen to him, if he would come to know the scales on which they are weighed when they are distributed to men  (No One Quotes) No one can teach that which is inside another, each person must find it on his own and find a way to express it  (No One Quotes) Computer security can simply be protecting your equipment and files from disgruntled employees, spies, and anything that goes bump in the night, but there is much more. Computer security helps ensure that your computers, networks, and peripherals work as expected all the time, and that your data is safe in the event of hard disk crash or a power failure resulting from an electrical storm. Computer security also makes sure no damage is done to your data and that no one is able to read it unless you want them to  (No One Quotes) The source of our love comes from within. No one out there is that source. It makes sense to go to the source  (No One Quotes) I suspect that the changes that have taken place during the last century in the average man’s fundamental beliefs, in his philosophy, in his concept of religion. in his whole world outlook, are greater than the changes that occurred during the preceding four thousand years all put together... because of science and its applications to human life, for these have bloomed in my time as no one in history had had ever dreamed could be possible  (No One Quotes) I think if a physician wrote on a death certificate that old age was the cause of death, he’d be thrown out of the union. There is always some final event, some failure of an organ, some last attack of pneumonia, that finishes off a life. No one dies of old age  (No One Quotes) A discovery is like falling in love and reaching the top of a mountain after a hard climb all in one, an ecstasy not induced by drugs but by the revelation of a face of nature that no one has seen before and that often turns out to be more subtle and wonderful than anyone had imagined  (No One Quotes) The real achievement in discoveries... is seeing an analogy where no one saw one before... The essence of discovery is that unlikely marriage of... previously unrelated forms of reference or universes of discourse, whose union will solve the previously insoluble problem  (No One Quotes) New approaches are needed, new orientations in both thought and action. We must make the transition to a new civilization... We are talking of a transition toward a new civilization. No one knows what it will be like. What is important is to orient in that direction... I am convinced that a new civilization will inevitably take on certain features that are characteristic of, or inherent in, the socialist ideal  (No One Quotes) A feeling heart is a blessing that no one, who has it, would be without; and it is a moral security of innocence; since the heart that is able to partake of the distress of another, cannot wilfully give it  (No One Quotes) The human brain is generally regarded as a complex web of adaptations built into the nervous system, even though no one knows how  (No One Quotes) No one smiled at me, or looked at me twice; shopping has become my time of reckoning; I will never be able to purchase the stardom I have lost  (No One Quotes) I’d rather have preparation than motivation. Everyone likes to play, but no one likes to practice  (No One Quotes) I’m a firm believer in quiet confidence. By that I mean knowing inwardly that you are good, and not exhibiting a boastful attitude outwardly. If an athlete doesn’t believe in himself, no one else will  (No One Quotes) I think no one has written a history of the great coaches who were around 30 to 40 years ago who taught the fundamentals  (No One Quotes) No one should be held back from realising their potential by fears that they will not be able to afford to go to university or that they will graduate with unmanageable levels of debt  (No One Quotes) Cats may sense early on that you don’t like paw prints on your butter, but they will jump onto any surface in the home as long as no one sees it happen  (No One Quotes)
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