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No One Quotes

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I believe it to be of particular importance that the scientist have an articulate and adequate social philosophy, even more important than the average man should have a philosophy. For there are certain aspects of the relation between science and society that the scientist can appreciate better than anyone else, and if he does not insist on this significance no one else will, with the result that the relation of science to society will become warped, to the detriment of everybody  (No One Quotes) I’d been told of all the things you’re meant to feel when your father dies. Sudden freedom, growing up, the end of dependence, the step into the sunlight when no one is taller than you and you’re in no one’s shadow. I know what I felt. Lonely  (No One Quotes) To seek truth and to utter what one believes to be true can never be a crime. No one must be forced to accept a conviction. Conviction is free  (No One Quotes) The worst thing about being strong is no one recognizes the beauty in strength or the love behind it  (No One Quotes) Teaching creativity to your child isn’t like teaching good manners. No one can paint a masterpiece by bowing to another person’s precepts about elbows on the table  (No One Quotes) Originality is not doing something no one else has ever done, but doing what has been done countless times with new life, new breath  (No One Quotes) Throughout history government has served as a vehicle for the organization of hatred and oppression, benefiting no one except those who are ambitious and ruthless enough to gain control of it  (No One Quotes) Six feet under the stars is a place that doesn’t exist. It’s a place in your mind where everything and anything is possible. It’s a place with no rules or limitations. It’s a place where only two people can be at a time where no one can judge them and no one could try to break them apart  (No One Quotes) Rather than put ourselves down continually, we must work hard to concentrate on our positives, focusing on that which makes us unique and likable. We all have things that we would change if we could. Even people who we think have it all, don’t. Nobody has it all because no one is perfect. We all realize this and yet continue to criticize and insult ourselves. Now is the time to stop this nonsense! Change what you can change and accept the rest as a necessary part of your own unique humanity. Make peace with who you are  (No One Quotes) Trust, which is a virtue, is also a habit, like prayer. It requires exercise. And just as no one can run five miles a day and cede the cardiovascular effects to someone else, no one can trust for us  (No One Quotes) The death penalty serves no one. It doesn’t serve the victims. It doesn’t serve prevention. It’s truly all about retribution... There comes a time when you have to ask if a penalty that is so permanent can be available in such an imperfect system. The only guarantee against executing the innocent is to do away with the death penalty  (No One Quotes) No one would ever say that someone with a broken arm or a broken leg is less than a whole person, but people say that or imply that all the time about people with mental illness  (No One Quotes) A single girl who needs nobody makes people uncomfortable, and my mom is right in this, appearance is everything, and appearing to have no one is like swimming alone in the middle of the ocean with a flesh wound  (No One Quotes) You know all that sympathy that you feel for an abused child who suffers without a good mom or dad to love and care for them? Well, they don’t stay children forever. No one magically becomes an adult the day they turn eighteen. Some people grow up sooner, many grow up later. Some never really do. But just remember that some people in this world are older versions of those same kids we cry for  (No One Quotes) Sandy: Boy, you must really think I’m stupid or something. Jeff: Ahh, no one would call you stupid, to your face  (No One Quotes) Our shipment of mowers was lost at sea and while we waited, winter descended and covered our green lawns with snow. That taught me a key lesson, the importance of timing. The shipping company lost the lawnmowers! By the time they showed up no one wanted them, as you can’t cut grass when it’s covered with snow  (No One Quotes) All of these years that I have been singing, no one has done a documentary about my music as far as I’m concerned  (No One Quotes) No one rises so high as he who knows not whither he is going. Not only strike while the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking. Do not trust the cheering, for those persons would shout as much if you or I were going to be hanged  (No One Quotes) Your teaching must have the integrity of serious, sound words to which no one can take exception. If it does, no opponent will be able to find anything bad to say about us, and hostility will yield to shame  (No One Quotes) You’ve got my heart in unfamiliar territory. It’s never been out here on my sleeve. But here tonight with you it’s quite a different story. You bring out a side of me no one has ever seen  (No One Quotes) Baseball is a team game but, at the same time, it’s a very lonely game: unlike in soccer or basketball, where players roam around, in baseball everyone has their little plot of the field to tend. When the action comes to you, the spotlight is on you but no one can help you  (No One Quotes) Believe in yourself and be proud of who you are. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. There is beauty in everyone and no one should stop you from growing into a confident and strong young person  (No One Quotes) I think when you’re an adult you start to like the very things that make you different. If you obsess about some defect, you make it obvious to everyone, and suddenly everyone is staring at just that defect. It’s always like that. The more you hide something, the more it shows. But when you accept your defect, suddenly no one on earth sees it anymore  (No One Quotes) I was an onion, layers and layers and layers under a thin, papery skin. If anyone had been able to cut me open, my bitter, irritating juices would have stung their eyes, and they would have cried. Although I couldn’t cry myself, much at the time. But no one would cut me open  (No One Quotes) The hardest thing about adolescence is that everything seems too big. There’s no way to get context or perspective,... Pain and joy without limits. No one can live like that forever, so experience finally comes to our rescue. We come to know what we can endure, and also that nothing endures  (No One Quotes) Weakness or strength: you exist, that is strength. You don’t know where you are going or why you are going, go in everywhere, answer everyone. No one will kill you, any more than if you were a corpse  (No One Quotes) Sometimes it’s strange being me. I travel the world meeting people, I’m surrounded with friends and my life is full, but all the time I am confronted by a young man I have nothing in common with. He is me, but he is not me now. In fact I have been me now for longer than I was him, but no one wants to know about me  (No One Quotes) In today’s world, however, the number of children in a family is a matter of profound public concern. The law regulates other highly personal matters. For example, no one may lawfully have more than one spouse at a time. Why should the law not be able to prevent a person from having more than two children?  (No One Quotes) You’ve got to be uncomfortable and rise to different occasions in order to become your best. No one is born a hero, but things happen and your response makes you a hero. It’s instinctual, it’s something that you may not even realize is there  (No One Quotes) As long as no more than a small minority are capable of reading and writing, universal alphabetization seems like a messianic project. Only once everyone has this ability does one notice the catastrophe that almost no one can do it properly  (No One Quotes)
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