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No One Quotes

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I danced frightening things. They were frightened of me and therefore thought that I wanted to kill them. I did not want to kill anyone. I loved everyone, but no one loved me, and therefore I became nervous  (No One Quotes) Everyone thought the acquisition strategy was extremely risky because no one had ever done it successfully. In other words, it was innovative  (No One Quotes) No matter what your sexual preference or gender, no one likes a man who is fussy about his looks. You can spend as much time as you want looking good. But don’t do it in public  (No One Quotes) I don’t write for an audience. I write for myself. And if I imagine an audience at all, it’s the characters, but I know that I would keep writing even if no one ever published me again, even if no one ever read me again  (No One Quotes) One of the significant facts about the moment of birth is that it is an unconscious moment. No one ever knows when he is being born that the event is actually taking place, and sometimes we don’t find out about it until quite a long time afterward. Sometimes, we never do really find out that we have been born. So frequently, we don’t know why we were born; we don’t know where we came from; we don’t know what the purpose of life is; nor do we understand the possibilities of our godly destiny  (No One Quotes) Winning peace means the triumph of our pledge to establish, on a democratic basis, a new social framework of tolerance and generosity from which no one will feel excluded  (No One Quotes) This power becomes particularly irresistible when exercised by those who, because they hold and control money, are able also to govern credit and determine its allotment, for that reason supplying, so to speak, the lifeblood to the entire economic body, and grasping, as it were, in their hands the very soul of production, so that no one dare breathe against their will  (No One Quotes) To help others develop, start with yourself! When the boss acts like a little God and tells everyone else they need to improve, that behavior can be copied at every level of management. Every level then points out how the level below it needs to change. The end result: No one gets much better  (No One Quotes) No one is born just once. If you’re lucky, you’ll emerge again in someone’s arms; or unlucky, wake when the long tail of terror brushes the inside of your skull  (No One Quotes) I am leaving in order to have peace and quiet. To be rid of the influence of civilization. I only want to do simple, very simple art and to be able to do that, I have to immerse myself in virgin nature, see no one but savages, live their life, with no other thought in my mind but to render, the way a child would, the concepts formed in my brain and to do this with the aid of nothing but the primitive means of art, the only means that are good and true  (No One Quotes) There’s so many young women today who look so lost. And I feel like, of course they’re lost. They have no one around them to give them real, authentic reflection  (No One Quotes) When you think you’re alone, when you think there’s no one in this world who’ll stand up for you, look around and make sure you’re right. Friends can appear in the most unlikely people, and are often right in front of you  (No One Quotes) If you believe that no one was ever corrupted by a book, you have also to believe that no one was ever improved by a book  (No One Quotes) The world said to conform, the world said to settle for less, the world said to compromise and no one would know... so I made my own world  (No One Quotes) The best agencies understood the importance of routines. The worst agencies were headed by people who never thought about it, and then wondered why no one followed their orders  (No One Quotes) If all you had was academic ability, you wouldn’t have been able to get out of bed this morning. In fact, there wouldn’t have been a bad to get out of. No one could have made one. You could have written about possibility of one, but not have constructed it  (No One Quotes) I couldn’t portray a woman in all her natural loveliness... I haven’t the skill. No one has. I must, therefore, create a new sort of beauty  (No One Quotes) Sometimes things are the way they are and can’t be changed, other times it’s because no one ever tried. Your job is to find the latter  (No One Quotes) Innovation is hard because solving problems people didn’t know they had and building something no one needs look identical at first  (No One Quotes) You have to pick the right tool for the point you’re trying to make and there is no one solution  (No One Quotes) We know that behind every image revealed there is another image more faithful to reality, and in the back of that image there is another, and yet another behind the last one, and so on, up to the true image of that absolute, mysterious reality that no one will ever see  (No One Quotes) I’m not perfect; no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. I think you try to learn from those mistakes  (No One Quotes) As for procreation, no one in his right mind would say that it is the only activity devoid of a praiseworthy incentive. Those who reproduce, then, should not feel unfairly culled as the worst conspirators against the human race. Every one of us is culpable in keeping the conspiracy alive, which is all right with most people  (No One Quotes) The foundations demand that public schools and teachers be held accountable for performance, but they themselves are accountable to no one. If their plans fail, no sanctions are levied against them. They are bastions of unaccountability  (No One Quotes) You need something that no one else is using. And something that is clean enough to play around audiences  (No One Quotes) I am a musician. My passion for music has obliterated everything in its path for my entire life. Whenever there was a choice between music and anything else, music won hands down every time. No one person or material thing could ever come close to the feeling I get when the music is right. I am totally committed to my music and my fans  (No One Quotes) There is no one force, no group, and no class that is the preserver of liberty. Liberty is preserved by those who are against the existing chief power. Oppositions which do not express genuine social forces are as trivial, in relation to entrenched power, as the old court jesters  (No One Quotes) No one trusts a model except the man who wrote it; everyone trusts an observation, except the man who made it  (No One Quotes) Every young man should aim at independence and should prepare himself for a vocation; above all, he should so manage his life that the steps of his progress are taken without improper aids; that he calls no one master, that he does not win or deserve the reputation of being a tool of others, and that if called to public service he may assume its duties with the satisfaction of knowing that he is free to rise to the height of his opportunity  (No One Quotes) You know what, we don’t know diddley squat about brains and no one has a clue how these things work, so don’t believe what anyone tells you  (No One Quotes)
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