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No One Quotes

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It’s ridiculous that we continue to incarcerate anyone for using a substance that actually causes far less damage than alcohol. No one goes out looking for fights on marijuana. No one dies from marijuana intoxication. And no one should be jailed for possessing marijuana  (No One Quotes) No one is perfect... absolutely no one. Like precious stones, we have a few flaws, but why focus on that? Focus on what you like about yourself, and that will bring you happiness and peace  (No One Quotes) I see no reason that a golf course cannot be played in 18 birdies. Just because no one has ever done that doesn’t mean it can’t be done  (No One Quotes) Perhaps the best way to write is to do so as if one were already dead, afraid of no one’s reactions, answerable to no one’s views  (No One Quotes) You have to be able to observe life as if you were a camera all the time, constantly looking at light and the way that things are placed and the way people hold themselves. You need the ability to see something in someone or something that no one else really sees and be able to bring that to light. Basically, you have to be an obsessive crazy person  (No One Quotes) What happiness is, no person can say for another. But no one, I am convinced, can be happy who lives only for himself. The joy of living comes from immersion in something that we know to be bigger, better, more enduring and worthier than we are  (No One Quotes) You can experience the thrill of discovery, the incredible, visceral feeling of doing something no one has ever done before, see things no one has ever seen before, know something no one has ever known before... Welcome to science, you’re gonna like it here  (No One Quotes) No one feels strong when she examines her own weakness. But in facing weakness, you learn how much there is in you, and you find real strength  (No One Quotes) Everyone praises the views you get from mountain tops, but no one talks about the views that they block  (No One Quotes) There’s nothing that I love more than predawn. I’m with the dogs, I make coffee, and there’s no one up  (No One Quotes) There is an old saying: If you want to hide the treasure, put it in plain sight. Then no one will see it  (No One Quotes) Follow your heart, your instincts. People might try to dissuade you from your passion, but no one can live your life but you  (No One Quotes) No one should ever finish a book they’re not enjoying, no matter how popular or well reviewed the book is  (No One Quotes) Be a lamp in brightness, and make the works of darkness cease, so that whenever your doctrine shines, no one may dare to heed the desires of darkness  (No One Quotes) Marriage changes things because there’s a lot more at stake. You can’t get too toxic because you have to live together. No one can reach for the nuclear button too quickly  (No One Quotes) No one likes a straight road but the man who pays for it, or who, when he travels, is brute enough to wish to get to his journey’s end  (No One Quotes) In great teams, conflict becomes productive. The free flow of conflicting ideas is critical for creative thinking, for discovering new solutions no one individual would have come to on his own  (No One Quotes) No one is born with hate in their heart. Hate is something that has been taught. It is not an innate survival skill that we need; It is a form of stupidity that penetrates our minds and will eventually destroy us  (No One Quotes) For us, warriors are not what you think of as warriors. The warrior is not someone who fights, because no one has the right to take another life. The warrior, for us, is one who sacrifices himself for the good of others. His task is to take care of the elderly, the defenseless, those who can not provide for themselves, and above all, the children, the future of humanity  (No One Quotes) Wherever I go people recognize me, call my name, cheer for me. But there are names no one cares to remember, that no one cheers for: the 805 million people suffering from hunger in the world today  (No One Quotes) The first fundamental of successful city life: People must take a modicum of responsibility for each other even if they have no ties to each other. This is a lesson no one learns by being told. It is learned from the experience of having other people without ties of kinship or close friendship or formal responsibility to you take a modicum of responsibility for you  (No One Quotes) Picasso said that no one has to explain a daffodil. Good design is understandable to virtually everybody. You never have to ask why  (No One Quotes) Life is a vast, unknowable movement of wholeness with no one separate from it and nothing outside of it  (No One Quotes) I think that’s whats wrong with the world. No one says what they feel, they always hold it inside. They’re sad, but they don’t cry. They’re happy, but they don’t dance or sing. They’re angry, but they don’t scream. Because if they do, they feel ashamed. And that’s the worst feeling in the world. So everyone walks with their heads down and no one sees how beautiful the sky is  (No One Quotes) Be true to yourself. But that’s something everyone says and no one means. No one wants you to be yourself. They want you to be the version of yourself that they like  (No One Quotes) No one really buys records anymore. You can look at sales and do that math real quick. Unfortunately, it’s fast food in the music industry. People don’t ingest full records anymore  (No One Quotes) You can have all the agents and publicists in the world but no one’s ever going to give you 110 per cent like someone who loves you  (No One Quotes) No one’s just going to hand you a career. I waited for years for someone to hand me one and it never happened  (No One Quotes) So the only things I was being allowed to audition for were small roles in comedies. It broke my heart. No one would see me for anything else. I knew, in order to open up my career, I had to leave or that’s all I would ever be given  (No One Quotes) I think that when you’re in the public eye, you automatically become a role model, because people are reading about you and looking at pictures of stuff you’ve done. But, you know, no one’s perfect, everyone makes mistakes. I have made mistakes and I will make mistakes. I’m only human  (No One Quotes)
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