No One Quotes

Text Quotes
I believe it would be much better for everyone if children were given their start in education at home. No one understands a child as well as his mother, and children are so different that they need individual training and study. A teacher with a roomful of pupils cannot do this. At home, too, they are in their mothers care. She can keep them from learning immoral things from other children (No One Quotes)
Our ideals resemble the stars, which illumintate the night. No one will ever be able to touch them. But the men who, like the sailors on the ocean, take them for guides, will undoubtedly reach their goal (No One Quotes)
We all should choose our friends carefully. I used to think that no one could know me better than somebody else, because you’re inside yourself, your body, you can’t see yourself. If you think like that, you surround yourself with other people who are willing to tell you who you are, which are usually judgmental people... we should really surround ourselves with the ones that adore us and believe in the highest of us (No One Quotes)
I think the artistry is in having an insight into what one sees around them. Generally putting things together in a way no one else has before and finding a way to express that to other people who don’t have that insight (No One Quotes)
Remember that no one can hurt you except yourself. If someone does a mean thing to you, that person is hurt. You are not really hurt unless you become embittered, or unless you become angry and perhaps do a mean thing in return (No One Quotes)
I was lucky to get into computers when it was a very young and idealistic industry. There weren’t many degrees offered in computer science, so people in computers were brilliant people from mathematics, physics, music, zoology, whatever. They loved it, and no one was really in it for the money (No One Quotes)
The power of fictitious writing, for good as well as evil is a thing which ought most seriously to be reflected on. No one can fail to see that in our day it is becoming a very great agency (No One Quotes)
What is the best way to write? Each of us has to discover her own way by writing. Writing teaches writing. No one can tell you your own secret (No One Quotes)
I was a book editor for nine years. I’m familiar with the opposite experience, bracing myself for the likelihood that no one would want to publish my book (No One Quotes)
If nobody comes to your shows, then it’s modern dance. If everybody comes to your shows and no one likes it, is that ballet? I don’t know (No One Quotes)
If everyone would take only according to his needs and would leave the surplus to the needy, no one would be rich, no one poor, no one in misery (No One Quotes)
What the enlightened person sees no one could ever tell or describe. Wonder beyond belief. We live in a universe filled with wonder. It is wonder just to live (No One Quotes)
Some souls attain enlightenment. No one knows why. You could say it is individual inclination. I’m not convinced that’s the case (No One Quotes)
No one on this earth attains enlightenment anymore without an enlightened master as a guide, unless that person was enlightened in many previous incarnations (No One Quotes)
A teacher can show you the ways. But no one can do it for you. You have to take what you learn from them and go out and live it. You have to change your life (No One Quotes)
No one can bring you into higher states of attention permanently. I can take an individual and I can change their awareness. That’s easy. But how long will it last? (No One Quotes)
If what you seek is freedom, the only person who can teach you anything, the only person who can help you is someone who’s already done it, who knows the way. No one else can do a damn thing for you but slow you down (No One Quotes)
When women come into their full power, a balance will occur which has not been seen for so long that no one remembers it (No One Quotes)
No one ever achieved a goal by being interested in its achievement. One must be committed. In fact, in studying the source of people’s success, I’ve found that persistence overshadows even talent as the most valued and effective resource in creating and shaping the quality of life. Most people give up a maddening five feet from their goal! (No One Quotes)
No one can be responsible for where or how we each begin. No one has the freedom to do anything or everything, and all choices bring consequences. What we choose to do next, though, how to spend our resources or attention or effort, this is what defines us (No One Quotes)
Power is very much like the wind. It comes and goes; no one really owns it. People are foolish enough to think they possess power. You don’t possess power, power possesses you. Power uses you (No One Quotes)
There is nothing and no one else but your dear friend, eternity, who has always loved you, who will always love you (No One Quotes)
If there’s no one in your life to love right now, love yourself. A large part of the path of love is learning to love yourself (No One Quotes)
It’s very easy for us to be humble when no one else is around. There is no reason for us to demonstrate our superiority, because no one challenges it (No One Quotes)
Real humility is something that no one else will see. No one will know about your humility, if it’s real (No One Quotes)
The ecology of the valley was complex beyond our understanding, and it began to die as we went on manipulating it in ever more frantic ways. As it went dead and empty of the old life it became a place where no one wanted to live. In our right minds we want to seek out places that reek of complexity. Our drive to industrialize soured and undercut the intimacies that drew most people to country life in the first place (No One Quotes)
Keep working towards improving on yourself and keep working towards your dreams and goals because no one else will for you (No One Quotes)
The mind is the most important thing of the big picture and no one has a stronger mindset than amateur wrestlers (No One Quotes)
If talk was money, you’d be a millionaire. If thoughts could kill, there’d be no one here (No One Quotes)
I think that the world ended a long time ago and no one realizes it. We’re in a dream somewhere in a vortex of energy that just hasn’t realized its nonexistence yet (No One Quotes)