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No One Quotes

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Away with the one who is always seeking, for he never finds anything; for he is seeking where nothing can be found. Away with the one who is always knocking, for he knocks where there is no one to open; away with the one who is always asking, for he asks of one who does not hear  (No One Quotes) One of the things I love about the theater is that no one can tell you to stop. Once you’re onstage, it’s three hours, and whether you’re completely off or you’re just horrendous, you’ve got to find a way to leave an impression. There’s not that terrible thing that you get when you’re making a movie, where you get in your car at the end of the day knowing that something you’re not proud of was immortalized on film, and you can’t fix it because they won’t reshoot it  (No One Quotes) Lying and cheating in advertising, in the long run, are commercial suicide. Dishonesty in advertising destroys not only confidence in advertising, but also in the medium which carries the dishonest advertisement.... No one can be ill in a community without endangering others; no advertiser can be dishonest without casting suspicion upon others  (No One Quotes) No one worries about you like your mother, and when she is gone, the world seems unsafe, things that happen unwieldy. You cannot turn to her anymore, and it changes your life forever. There is no one on earth who knew you from the day you were born; who knew why you cried, or when you’d had enough food; who knew exactly what to say when you were hurting; and who encouraged you to grow a good heart. When that layer goes, whatever is left of your childhood goes with her  (No One Quotes) It is commonly said that if rational argument is so seldom the cause of conviction, philosophical apologists must largely be wasting their shot. The premise is true, but the conclusion does not follow. For though argument does not create conviction, the lack of it destroys belief. What seems to be proved may not be embraced; but what no one shows the ability to defend is quickly abandoned. Rational argument does not create belief, but it maintains a climate in which belief may flourish  (No One Quotes) I think its more interesting to play a place where no one really knows you, but I think touring is also great  (No One Quotes) People always look down their noses at hookers. Never give you a chance because they think you took the easy way out, when no one would imagine the willpower it took to do what we do, walking the streets night after night, taking the hits and still getting back up  (No One Quotes) No one likes doing chores. In happiness surveys, housework is ranked down there with commuting as activities that people enjoy the least. Maybe that’s why figuring out who does which chores usually prompts, at best, tense discussion in a household and, at worst, outright fighting  (No One Quotes) The thing no one tells you about surviving, about the mere act of holding out, is how many hours are nothing because nothing happens. They also don’t tell you about how you can share your deepest secrets with someone, kiss them, and the next hour it’s like there’s nothing between you because not everything can mean something all the time or you’d be crushed under the weight of it  (No One Quotes) A fool may scrawl on a slate and if no one has the wit to wipe it clean for a thousand years, the scrawl becomes the wisdom of ages  (No One Quotes) It’s a sad world we live in when a human being leaves so little of a mark that no one even realizes it when he’s gone  (No One Quotes) No one can stop a home run. No one can understand what it really is, unless you have felt it in your own hands and body. As the ball makes its high, long arc beyond the playing field, the diamond and the stands suddenly belong to one man. In that brief, brief time, you are free of all demands and complications  (No One Quotes) I will make an attempt to attain freedom, the youthful soul says to itself; and is it to be hindered in this by the fact that two nations happen to hate and fight one another, or that two continents are separated by an ocean, or that all around it a religion is taught with did not yet exist a couple of thousand years ago. All that is not you, it says to itself. No one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the stream of life, no one but you yourself alone  (No One Quotes) My theory about writing is that one should write books you’d like to read, but no one else has written yet. So, as long as I stick with that, I’m entertaining myself, and then hopefully my readers as well. I hope to God I realize that I’m repeating myself, if I ever do. But if I don’t, I’m sure my readers will let me know  (No One Quotes) No one is beat till he quits, no one is through till he stops. No matter how hard failure hits, no matter how often he drops, a fellow’s not down till he lies in the dust and refuses to rise  (No One Quotes) No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you are the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside  (No One Quotes) No one runs fast without an extreme amount of training. Like today, you see kids walking around dribbling a basketball. I had a bag with track shoes in it, and I used to go to the track every day  (No One Quotes) I realized that I don’t like touring. I’ll never complain about it because no one wants to hear about a relatively successful musician complain about the hardships of staying in a hotel  (No One Quotes) Even if you’re the best singer in the world, there’s a good chance no one will ever hear you  (No One Quotes) No one questions the fact that verbal language has to be learned, but the commonplaceness of visual experience betrays art; people tend to assume that, because they can see, they can see art  (No One Quotes) No one can tell me what to do on my skateboard. My skateboard is my safe spot. I can learn tricks, I can have fun, I can do whatever I want on my skateboard  (No One Quotes) I believe that every human being is sufficiently depraved that when we get to heaven, no one will be able to say, I merited this  (No One Quotes) Man owes his success to his creativity. No one doubts the need for it. It is most useful in good times and essential in bad  (No One Quotes) The only thing worse than being on the wrong side of an argument is to be on the right side with no one listening  (No One Quotes) Why have women passion, intellect, moral activity these, three and a place in society where no one of the three can be exercised?  (No One Quotes) I have a big family and no one ever treated me like a child. They always treated me like an adult, like an equal  (No One Quotes) Space is the ultimate frontier. I think when people historically thought of the frontier, there was where you were living and then there was some edge beyond which no one had explored  (No One Quotes) We’re all going to face extreme stress in our lives, there’s no one who is going to escape that. That’s the one thing, rich or poor, I don’t care who you are, you’re going to lose  (No One Quotes) There’s a lovely freedom of will when you approach a character that no one has really come across before, because it is your own interpretation  (No One Quotes) If I was on an airplane, the people in coach would know who I am. But no one in first class would know  (No One Quotes)
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