No One Quotes

Text Quotes
I wasn’t allowed to speak while my husband was alive, and since he’s gone no one has been able to shut me up (No One Quotes)
It’s impossible to conquer all fear and loss by preparation. There are always sources of desolation that aren’t taken into account because no one knows what they will be (No One Quotes)
That’s one good thing about the way life is, that no one can know you if you don’t let them (No One Quotes)
I wish I could be a grandmother. It is wanton extravagance to have had a youth with no one to tell of it to when one grows old (No One Quotes)
The older I get, the clearer it becomes to me that no one is cheated in this world, unless it’s by himself (No One Quotes)
The death of any loved parent is an incalculable lasting blow. Because no one ever loves you again like that (No One Quotes)
Probably no one alive hasn’t at one time or another brooded over the possibility of going back to an earlier, ideal age in his existence and living a different kind of life (No One Quotes)
No one knows what stocks will do tomorrow, but the evidence is clear as to how they’ll perform over 10 or 20 years. They will almost certainly go up (No One Quotes)
I am in control of all decisions that have to do with my image, which means that no one will decide what’s right for me except me. I’m not special. We should all feel this way about ourselves (No One Quotes)
Character is not only doing the right thing when no one is looking, it’s doing the right thing when everyone is looking. It’s being willing to do the right thing even when it costs more than you want to pay (No One Quotes)
Probably writers should forget what it was like to write the last novel, and the one before that, and the one before that, or we should all be plumbers. It must be good to be a plumber. Everyone is happy to see you, and no one reviews your work (No One Quotes)
As for poverty, no one need be ashamed to admit it, the real shame is in not taking practical measures to escape from it (No One Quotes)
In prayer one must hold fast and never let go, because the one who gives up loses all. If it seems that no one is listening to you, then cry out even louder. If you are driven out of one door, go back in by the other (No One Quotes)
It’s not the best between my family and me. There are so many crimes left unpunished, debts unpaid, white elephants in the middle of the room that no one will even offer a peanut to. We are in the red, emotionally speaking (No One Quotes)
No one is perfect. Even the most confident people have insecurities. At some point in of our lives, we may feel we lack something. That is reality. We must try to live as per our capability (No One Quotes)
Every action has equal and opposite reaction. This is law of the universe and spares none. Wrong done and injustice inflicted is paid back in the same coin. No one has escaped justice of the universe. It is only a matter of time (No One Quotes)
One of the most fascinating things about the world of fashion is that practically no one knows who inhabits it or why it exists. There are a few people who know how it works, but they won’t tell (No One Quotes)
The key to moving a maybe to a yes is to make the buyer feel as though other buyers have already said yes.... It helps if it’s true, but it never is. No one wants to be the first yes. Why is this? I don’t know, but I think it’s anthropological (No One Quotes)
Deep inside you know / when trouble comes / and there’s no one else to turn to / you can call on each other / and count on each other... / because each other / is all you have (No One Quotes)
When humans become gods, when our wings grow so great as to beat about the very edges of the earth, no one can answer but us (No One Quotes)
So you were born, and that was a good day. Some day you’ll die, and that is a shame. But somewhere in the between, you’ll live a life of which we’ll all dream, and nothing and no one will ever take that away (No One Quotes)
To my friends and people I care about, I’m a really nice guy. No one wants to read a story where I saw a cute puppy on the street and I petted it. I mean, that’s not funny. I only write about the funny stuff (No One Quotes)
You are a writer when you tell yourself you are. No one else’s opinion matters. Screw them. You are when you say you are (No One Quotes)
Some days I have a knot in my stomach because I’ve got to sit down and come up with something in womenswear that no one else came up with (No One Quotes)
There’s no one who can teach you except yourself. Each of us needs to look at what our belief system really consists of. Look at the concepts that come across your mind and just notice what you believe (No One Quotes)
Sundays are terrible because it is clear that there is no one in charge of the world. And this knowledge leave you drifting around, grappling with unfulfilled expectations and vague yearnings (No One Quotes)
We have this idea of perfection that is so unrealistic. We are our own worst enemy. No one is noticing that little scar (No One Quotes)
I think of myself more as a workhorse actor. It will be hot and cold and up and down, but no one will kick me out of the business (No One Quotes)
The desire to play has always been in me. I remember my first experience at about four or five of really dying to sing and dying to play that came from no one telling me to do so (No One Quotes)
I don’t think even when you find a person, you can be completely honest, ever. There’s still pieces of you that you don’t give away. I do believe you always need that place where it’s just you, your thoughts, no one else’s judgment or anything (No One Quotes)