Nobody Quotes

Text Quotes
There’s just something beautiful about walking on snow that nobody else has walked on. It makes you believe you’re special (Nobody Quotes)
What kind of world does the humanitarian contemplate as affording him full scope? It could only be a world filled with breadlines and hospitals, in which nobody retained the natural power of a human being to help himself or to resist having things done to him. And that is precisely the world that the humanitarian arranges when he gets his way (Nobody Quotes)
Sometimes as a man, you fear what you can’t see. Nobody can predict the future. You don’t know what’s going to happen. Tomorrow’s not promised. The only thing you can do is live your life, hope for the best, continue to have faith, believe in yourself (Nobody Quotes)
He was feeling totally lost, leaving his family and country for a place where he knew nobody and didn’t even speak the language (Nobody Quotes)
Nobody is born with a steering wheel or a gear shift in his hand. It’s something you choose to do or you don’t (Nobody Quotes)
Crassus was in the habit of maintaining that nobody should be called rich who was not able to maintain an army on his income (Nobody Quotes)
I have found that I really am different. There’s nobody like me. And not that it’s good or bad (Nobody Quotes)
It must be a sign of talent that I do not give up, though I can get nobody to take an interest in my efforts (Nobody Quotes)
I want it to be 70 per cent beautiful, 15 per cent surrealistically beautiful, and the rest so beautiful that nobody can bear it (Nobody Quotes)
Only free time, imagination, creativity, and an ability to disappear will help you deliver value that nobody ever delivered before in the history of mankind (Nobody Quotes)
A white girl disappears from a white prep school in a white suburb. Nobody knows what happened to her. The overall whiteness of the world is threatened. This must be resolved by whatever means possible (Nobody Quotes)
I didn’t want to find out the reality that if I wanted my dream, I had to lose weight. That’s a crushing dream for anybody... to change yourself to get your dream. Nobody should have to do that (Nobody Quotes)
People idealize or reminisce about their 20s, but nobody tells you beforehand that it’s hard and unglamorous and often very unpleasant (Nobody Quotes)
Nobody has ever had to go off following one of my tackles and nobody has broken their leg (Nobody Quotes)
You have to utilize who you are in your work. Nobody else can do that: nobody else can pull from your background, from your parents, your upbringing, your whole life experience (Nobody Quotes)
Let’s pretend there’s a pandemic. Let’s everybody run around and play your role. Main result is that there is tremendous confusion... Nobody knows who’s in charge. Nobody knows the chain of command (Nobody Quotes)
Integrity is what you do behind closed doors or when you think nobody is watching. Integrity is the true essence of who you are, your beliefs and your values. Reputation is the public perception of who you are. It is how others view your integrity or strong moral principles (Nobody Quotes)
I give in to nothing or nobody. Cut me, break my bones, it was all the same (Nobody Quotes)
It’s a question of methods. Everybody wants results, but nobody wants to do what they have to do to get them done (Nobody Quotes)
I had an enormous complex about my looks. I thought I was ugly and I was afraid nobody would marry me (Nobody Quotes)
I almost flunked first grade and also the second, third, forth, and fifth; but my younger brother was in the grade behind me and he was a brain and nobody wanted to have me be in the same grade as him, so they kept passing me. I never learned how to spell, graduated from eighth grade counting on my fingers to do simple addition, and in general was not a resounding academic success (Nobody Quotes)
I was this kid who never sat down. Nobody liked me? Well, I’d make sure they’d like me. I was the class clown, always doing crazy stuff and causing riots (Nobody Quotes)
Nobody is perfect, though. We all want everyone to think we are, but perfection is some crazy mythical state that we can never achieve. It is a goal beyond our grasp, always shifting and changing and taunting us, because it knows... it knows we can never reach it (Nobody Quotes)
I wasn’t safe. I wasn’t permanent. My life was a fiction I had created, like an alien who comes to earth and tries to pass as human. The affections of my friends meant nothing to me, directed, as they were, toward a person who wasn’t there. There was nobody home (Nobody Quotes)
Avoiding risk is not much of a goal... whether you crawl into a hole or walk a high wire, nobody gets out of here alive. We cannot grow without challenge (Nobody Quotes)
The guilt I felt for having a mental illness was horrible. I prayed for a broken bone that would heal in six weeks. But that never happened. I was cursed with an illness that nobody could see and nobody knew much about (Nobody Quotes)
I like big, open, spare landscapes. There’s lots of room. Nobody bothers you... I feel as if I can think there (Nobody Quotes)
If nobody talks about books, if they are not discussed or somehow contended with, literature ceases to be a conversation, ceases to be dynamic. Most of all, it ceases to be intimate. It degenerates into a monologue or a mutter. An unreviewed book is a struck bell that gives no resonance. Without reviews, literature would be oddly mute in spite of all those words on all those pages of all those books. Reviewing makes of reading a participant sport, not a spectator sport (Nobody Quotes)
When you are in hard labor, remember that the length of labor is usually proportional to the number of people around. Avoid the presence of anybody who might release adrenaline. The best situation I know for an easy birth is when there is nobody else around than an experienced, motherly and silent midwife who does not behave like a guide or an observer (Nobody Quotes)
I don’t care what the critics say. My fabulous mom will give me a good review if nobody else does (Nobody Quotes)