Nobody was ever so cunning as to conceal their being so; and everybody is shy and distrustful of crafty men

Nobody was ever so cunning as to conceal their being so; and everybody is shy and distrustful of crafty men
John Locke, a prominent figure in the Enlightenment era, was a firm believer in the idea that individuals are born with a blank slate, or tabula rasa, and that their experiences shape their beliefs and behaviors. In his work, Locke often discussed the importance of honesty and transparency in human interactions, as well as the dangers of deceit and manipulation.Locke's philosophy on human nature aligns with the statement that "Nobody was ever so cunning as to conceal their being so; and everybody is shy and distrustful of crafty men." According to Locke, individuals are naturally inclined to be wary of those who exhibit cunning and deceitful behavior. This is because crafty individuals often have ulterior motives and are not transparent in their intentions, which can lead to distrust and suspicion among others.
Locke believed that honesty and openness were essential for fostering trust and cooperation in society. He argued that individuals should strive to be truthful and straightforward in their interactions with others, as this would lead to more harmonious relationships and a stronger sense of community. In contrast, those who engage in deceitful and manipulative behavior are likely to sow discord and division, as their actions undermine the trust and goodwill of those around them.