Noel Coward Quotes

Text Quotes
Hollywood is a place where some people lie on the beach and look up at the stars, whereas other people lie on the stars and look down at the beach (Noel Coward Quotes)
The natives grieve when the white men leave their huts. Because they’re obviously, definitely nuts (Noel Coward Quotes)
It seems such a shame when the English claim the Earth, that they give rise to such hilarity and mirth (Noel Coward Quotes)
Mad about the boy I know it’s stupid to be mad about the boy i’m so ashamed of it but must admit the sleepless nights i’ve had about the boy (Noel Coward Quotes)
On the silverscreen he melts my foolish heart in every single scene although i’m quite aware that here and there are traces of the cad about the boy (Noel Coward Quotes)
Lord knows i’m not a fool girl I really shouldn’t care lord knows i’m not a school girl in the flurry of her first affair (Noel Coward Quotes)
Will it ever cloy this odd diversity of misery and joy I’m feeling quite insane and young again and all because I’m mad about the boy (Noel Coward Quotes)
So if I could employ a little magic that will finally destroy this dream that pains me and enchains me but I can’t because i’m mad... i’m mad about the boy (Noel Coward Quotes)
I have never been able to take anything seriously after eleven o’clock in the morning (Noel Coward Quotes)
But I believe that since my life began the most i’ve had is just a talent to amuse (Noel Coward Quotes)
In Bengal, to move at all Is seldom, if ever, done, but mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun (Noel Coward Quotes)
Don’t put your daughter on the stage, mrs. Worthington, don’t put your daughter on the stage (Noel Coward Quotes)
I do not intend to let myself down more than I can possibly help, and I find that the fewer illusions I have about myself or the world around me, the better company I am for myself (Noel Coward Quotes)
As one gets older, one discovers everything is going to be exactly the same with different hats on (Noel Coward Quotes)
To take a gloomy view of life is not part of my philosophy; to laugh at the idiocies of my fellow creatures is. However, at this particular moment I cannot find so much to laugh at as I would like (Noel Coward Quotes)
How foolish to think that one can ever slam the door in the face of age. Much wiser to be polite and gracious and ask him to lunch in advance (Noel Coward Quotes)
Work hard, do the best you can, don’t ever lose faith in yourself and take no notice of what other people say about you (Noel Coward Quotes)
My body has certainly wandered a good deal, but I have an uneasy suspicion that my mind has not wandered enough (Noel Coward Quotes)
People are wrong when they say opera is not what it used to be. It is what it used to be. That is what’s wrong with it (Noel Coward Quotes)
That strange feeling we had in the war. Have you found anything in your lives since to equal it in strength? A sort of splendid carelessness it was, holding us together (Noel Coward Quotes)
I’m not a heavy drinker, I can sometimes go for hours without touching a drop (Noel Coward Quotes)
We have no reliable guarantee that the afterlife will be any less exasperating than this one, have we? (Noel Coward Quotes)
There are dark times just around the corner. There are dark clouds travelling through the sky. And it’s no good whining about a silver lining. For we know from experience they won’t roll by (Noel Coward Quotes)
Thousands of people have talent. I might as well congratulate you for having eyes in your head. The one and only thing that counts is: Do you have staying power? (Noel Coward Quotes)
What I adore is supreme professionalism. I’m bored by writers who can write only when it’s raining (Noel Coward Quotes)
Having to read footnotes resembles having to go downstairs to answer the door while in the midst of making love (Noel Coward Quotes)
You kissed me because you were awfully nice and I was awfully nice and we both liked kissing very much. It was inevitable (Noel Coward Quotes)
I’ll go and see anything so long as it amuses me, or moves me. If it doesn’t do either I want to go home (Noel Coward Quotes)
Wouldn’t it be dreadful to live in a country where they didn’t have tea? (Noel Coward Quotes)
To know you are among people whom you love, and who love you – that has made all the successes wonderful, much more wonderful than they’d have been anyway (Noel Coward Quotes)