Non Fiction Quotes
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Text Quotes
I’m not writing non-fiction. I don’t feel anything about me as a kid was unique. Except that I had more interest in being alone and using my imagination. (Non Fiction Quotes)
The subject for a lot of non-fiction is very emotional, but if you read it, it’s the most boring, dry stuff. I wanted ‘Torn Apart’ to be extremely accessible and readable (Non Fiction Quotes)
I have two pairs of reading glasses. One pair is for reading fiction, the other for non-fiction. I’ve read the Bible twice wearing each pair, and it’s the same (Non Fiction Quotes)
There’s a fine line between fiction and non-fiction and I think I snorted it somewhere in 1979 (Non Fiction Quotes)
I have no interest in non-fiction. I don’t read it and don’t watch it and don’t write it, other than a little journalistic column (Non Fiction Quotes)
In high school, I was very active in extracurricular activities such as art, theatre, and choir. I also wrote for the school newspaper, but not regularly, because I never liked writing non-fiction very much (Non Fiction Quotes)
Don’t make a big distinction between fiction and non-fiction. These are arbitrary distinctions (Non Fiction Quotes)
Without books we’re a very uneducated society. Think of the places books have taken us, the people we’ve been introduced to (fiction or non-fiction) and how books have allowed us to broaden our vocabulary (Non Fiction Quotes)
Fiction has been maligned for centuries as being false, untrue, yet good fiction provides more truth about the world, about life, and even about the reader, than can be found in non-fiction. (Non Fiction Quotes)
All that non-fiction can do is answer questions. It’s fiction’s business to ask them (Non Fiction Quotes)
I’ve done a lot of movies based on real people, real situations, non-fiction books, magazine articles, life rights. (Non Fiction Quotes)
In writing non-fiction about people who are living, you are always walking a fine line, carrying a burden to be fair that, in my opinion, should always be there. (Non Fiction Quotes)
Any documentary; any capturing of a non-fiction event, is a hyper-realistic condensation of reality that hopefully reveals an emotional truth. It’s never the actual literal truth of an event. (Non Fiction Quotes)
There is, in my mind, no higher compliment to pay a non-fiction book than to say it reads like a novel. (Non Fiction Quotes)
For every reader and writer of steampunk fiction, there are probably hundreds or thousands of other activists who gleefully embrace some non-written manifestation of the steampunk ethos. (Non Fiction Quotes)
I have to say that writing about my writing process is more daunting than writing non-fiction (Non Fiction Quotes)
I always say that writing non-fiction versus writing fiction is a bit like architecture versus abstract painting. (Non Fiction Quotes)
Many people have observed that truth is stranger than fiction. This has led some intellectuals to conclude that it’s stranger than non-fiction as well (Non Fiction Quotes)
I cannot say how strongly I object to people using other people’s writing as research. Research is non-fiction, especially for horror, fantasy, science fiction. Do not take your research from other people’s fiction. Just don’t (Non Fiction Quotes)
His theory was that non-fiction could be as artful as fiction (Non Fiction Quotes)
Before Truman Capote, journalism and non-fiction weren’t taken very seriously (Non Fiction Quotes)
The idea of a flip book still really appeals to me. That idea of fiction and non-fiction (Non Fiction Quotes)
The problem with fiction, it has to be plausible. That's not true with non-fiction (Non Fiction Quotes)
Writing is writing, and stories are stories. Perhaps the only true genres are fiction and non-fiction. And even there, who can be sure? (Non Fiction Quotes)
I think poetry is the best thing I do. It’s certainly the purest. I seem to switch gears without too much trouble. Non-fiction is in many ways the easiest to write (Non Fiction Quotes)
When I read any book, if it’s really good I get lost in the writing whether it’s fiction or non-fiction. I’m in the story not thinking about who wrote it (Non Fiction Quotes)
I spend most of my time reading non-fiction of all sorts. Then poetry. Then fiction to blurb. Then fiction I want to read (Non Fiction Quotes)
I read very widely, both non-fiction and fiction, so I don’t think there’s a single writer who influences me (Non Fiction Quotes)
I am conscious of trying to stretch the boundaries of non-fiction writing. It’s always surprised me how little attention many non-fiction writers pay to the formal aspects of their work (Non Fiction Quotes)
As a child, I read science fiction, but from the very beginnings of my reading for pleasure, I read a lot of non-fictional history, particularly historical biography (Non Fiction Quotes)
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