None make a greater show of sorrow than those who are most delighted

None make a greater show of sorrow than those who are most delighted
The quote "None make a greater show of sorrow than those who are most delighted" holds a profound truth that is often seen in the works of the Roman historian Tacitus. Tacitus was known for his keen observations of human nature and his ability to uncover the true motivations behind people's actions. In many of his writings, Tacitus explores the theme of hypocrisy and the facade that people often put up to conceal their true feelings.One of the most famous examples of this theme can be found in Tacitus' account of the reign of the Roman emperor Tiberius. Tiberius was known for his cruelty and paranoia, and Tacitus paints a vivid picture of a ruler who delighted in the suffering of others. However, despite his ruthless nature, Tiberius also had a talent for appearing sorrowful and compassionate when it suited his purposes. He would often put on a show of grief and remorse in public, while secretly reveling in the misfortunes of his enemies.
This idea of feigned sorrow in the midst of delight can also be seen in Tacitus' portrayal of the Roman Senate and the political elite. These individuals were often driven by ambition and self-interest, yet they would go to great lengths to appear virtuous and honorable in the eyes of the public. They would publicly mourn the loss of a colleague or express outrage at an injustice, all the while scheming and plotting behind the scenes to further their own agendas.